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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Depends on how you interpret it. Viking folk metal arose in the mid-80s but the folk music or viking music it's based on probably predates that by hundreds of years.
  2. I dunno what midis you've been playing but they has sounds when I play them.
  3. That sounds like a MIDI and it's not traditional viking folk metal.
  4. but how much traditional viking folk metal is on the album
  5. They don't on 2/2/2011 but they certainly did on 1/31/2011. And it's not just the bad dudes....
  6. I need somethin to differentiate my happy birthday 2 u from everyone else's. As a result, I give you this gift:
  7. wat do u make videos with?? did you put that music video in with some kind of green screen?
  8. Hahaha I am sorry dude! I pissed you off enough by going to MAGFest and not seeing a single concert.. hehe.. I thought you had dropped HvV and I didn't know you came back on for a track, my bad! I can't wait to hear it duder.
  9. Is he the one who made that challenge? That's pretty cool. It would be a cooler scenario if the Sega corp knew about this..
  10. It's not a representation of the entire corporation of SEGA. It's one dude. I bet he's a fat nerd in his mom's basement like the rest of the internet.
  11. Bwahahahahaha!!! Dustin! Get postin', foo!

  12. This album deserves no better than scooped up floor confetti. I hope it has dustballs and kitty litter in it.
  13. I completely agree! I hope this means the album is coming soon! Oh, and 'Brandon Strader' is the work of three pygmies in South Africa.
  14. Are you kidding, she was in her 90s I doubt she could use a computer
  15. Oh what did someone mention Dave Wise again? Damn, and we're almost out of confetti....
  16. A better question is, who wouldn't? Porn single-handedly caused the success of Blu-ray.
  17. Trailer is project members only! Bwahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!
  18. Have you heard Demonstray's story yet Wes? He let his brother borrow his pod, or I guess his brother just took the pod, I'm not sure. But at any rate, his guitar-recording pod was taken and right now it's sitting at his brother's band's vocalist's house for who knows what reason. Apparently vocalists need to use pods too?? He said now it's a matter of waiting for the vocalist to decide, hey, I want to take some time out of my day and schedule to return this pod to the guy who owns it.. the guy who owns it being Demonstray.
  19. It looks like Australia raised its tail just to make it easier for the hurricane to go up its butt. You know, if Australia were a dog..
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