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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yeah, being into video games, what tasteless idiocy. So what is it that "makes" a proper FF spinoff or sequel to you, not to derail too far from the topic... Is it because it has unique characters and environments that you don't accept it? Hell I accept it more than I do FF13 because it was pre-loss-of-president Squaresoft.
  2. Yeah, he did a great version of that Nightwish song! I'm kidding, don't hurt me just yet.. haha.. Anyway I forgot to say it before, but RIP Gary
  3. I, too, am excited, and smelling something. Might be breakfast. My one regret is that I has an ear infection when this album came out.
  4. You don't count Spirits Within as an actual spin-off? I do! Just because it's not controller-able doesn't make it less of a FF story to me. There's a lot of mentioning of pacing, I dig that kind of stuff in movies and games. I've never seen it as a problem when i've watched the movies. Maybe it's why I enjoy the acting so much.
  5. You're just saying he's doing stuff "wrong". Are you two cinema experts, and is there some list of approved movie formulas I should be aware of? Care to go into more detail?
  6. Video game movies. Video games. When someone mentions video game movies, what do you think of? this? or maybe this? or maybe even THIS?~! But ask me what I think of when i hear video game movies. After thinking of Mortal Kombat, I will tell you this: Yes ladies and gentlemen, possibly the best video game adaptation into film of all time, Postal, crafted by the film maker Uwe Boll. And that's just one of the many video game films he has made that are awesome. Highly recommended. I briefly played Postal, the game, once. I ran through a town, urinated on some cops, and subsequently got killed. Such a crafty method of death by cop. But I digress. Why is Postal possibly the best video game movie adaptation? Because it is hilarious, seemingly following in the games' style of humor, and it has freaking Scut Farkus in it as the lead character. Yeah, that one. Not only that, but it pushes boundaries. You'll see stuff in this movie that you've possibly only seen in a game. Like the cat silencer. Stuff you'd NEVER see in a game, like the killing of a ton of childrens, or 9/11 from the perspective of a window washer. Bush and Osama skipping off into the sunset. Stuff like that. The first time I saw the movie, I knew I was in for a treat with the job interview scene at the beginning. What is the difference between a duck? And the broken office chair, hahaha... just icing on the cake for a really uncomfortable scene. The first Boll movie I saw was probably Alone in the Dark. It had Christian Slater, Tara Reid, and the dude who played Frost in Blade. That guy is a badass. It was a great movie with lots of action and mystery. I was younger at the time, so I didn't necessarily notice the "campiness" of it, or Boll's tendency to make overly long, uncomfortable to watch love scenes. That's probably something people take issue with. But as gamers, what right do we have to complain about camp, or awkward love scenes? How many of us have played Dragon Age or Mass Effect? Or even Heavy Rain? That shower scene was a little gratuitous, and for some reason I kept dropping the towel and never really finished the action to make the game progress. OH SNAP. I'd say that stuff is pretty true to the games. The campiness and our tendency to get overly focused on "sex scenes". The Nightwish music video + usage in the credits was cool. Next up we have Dungeon Siege: In the Name of the King This movie is pretty much the definition of epic. Let's name some names here: Jason Statham, Ron Perlman, Burt Reynolds, John Rhys-Davies, Ray Liotta, and friggin Shaggy himself. Before I continue I'd just like to add, every single Uwe Boll movie I've seen to date has been character-driven. A lot of great actors with interesting performances that just drag you into the story. That is, if you actually bother to watch and pay attention instead of just joining in on the -- admittedly fun -- irrational online bashing. How many of you here have even watched In the Name of the King? I watched it TWICE within 2 days when we rented it. It has everything you want in a movie, and I actually didn't enjoy the Dungeon Siege game as much as the movie. The Blind Guardian music in the credits was sweet, too. Come on, you got to admit the guy has good taste in muzak. An aspect of video gamer culture is that they're a bunch of whiny bitches. I recognize this as I am a part of that culture. We're always whining about waaahh graphics, waahh it's not in 1080p, wahhh... they should remake this game but IT WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR US, WAHHHH. As a gamer myself, I have to say that I really enjoyed all of these movies. Even Bloodrayne. Not just because they are fairly well made movies, but because they bring this aspect of the games to life so you can actually witness them, with real people, etc. Why is the Resident Evil series of movies a huge hit, bringing out sequel after sequel? Compare any of the Resident Evil movies to Boll's Dungeon Siege. I'll tell you right now that the Dungeon Siege movie has way more substance. Maybe less of that redhead naked in a tube, but is that really what we look for in movies? Don't answer that... shaddap. In conclusion... I've seen a few other movies of Boll's lately that were fantastic, but I'm not sure if they were actually game movies. They may have been original stories. There is Rampage, which follows a young man who gets pissed off enough to just start gunning people down. Robs a bank just to dump the money in a nearby refuse bin and light it on fire, telling the cowering people inside that their money is bullpucky. It's another great movie with a fairly dark tone, and a genuinely interesting ending. Then there's The Final Storm. This movie has a husband and wife, with a son, living at a farm house when some kind of apocalypse scenario happens. They're unaware, living in a farmhouse (i can relate) until a road weary Luke Perry shows up. I thought Perry put in a really gripping and convincing performance in this movie that is definitely worth seeing, and somewhat of a twist near the end... I won't give it away. It's on Netflix instant stream if you want to check it out! So there you have it! If you want to argue about why the movies are so terrible, please include reasons WHY you believe they're so terrible. I will respect any opinion that is provided with maturity and reason, without more irrational bashing. And one more thing.. you gotta admit the guy makes some funny movies. Blubberella! Gya-haa-haa! That should be pretty funny. The holocaust movie on the other hand, maybe not so much.
  7. You mean "died"! I came here thinking there was some kind of countdown..
  8. This album is going to be bishin' Prepare your auditions for me to listen' Claims will be accepted based on audition quality Hopefully more posted remixers will claim though, less hassle there... wait that didn't rhyme
  9. Yah this thread was a fantastic tool, but I don't think Bahamut should worry himself with it, maybe pass it off to someone else... Just sayin', he has enough to focus on with MMX and Boot Camp! ... It would be cool to have a thread of this nature though with the current stuff so people know what's there to hop on.
  10. I'd love for all mixes ever to be mixed in 5.1 but the technology isn't affordable enuff yet and every other house in the world doesn't have a 5.1 setup. It'd be interesting to listen to in stereo though.
  11. The regular tracks make fun of the special stage tracks because they're "special" also halc where the F have you been i aint seen you on aim
  12. wat I can't send you a new wip for flamelet it's still on the panel dont make it black that's racist also hopefully within a couple weeks i can do eternal harvest
  13. You liked the gif, I take it.. :-)

  14. chiptune aint no instrument im bout to come over there and bop you in the nose you goon (former field mouse)
  15. Uhhh... yeah..! Do those dishes!! That's what women do. The point I was trying to make was that I am waiting and hoping that Bahamut comes in and announces that the project is on track and all that for April, etc, tracks are in... and you guys are kinda derailing the thread very hard currently. I'm not trying to sound like a minimod, I'm just saying, shaddap unless it's something important! Or at the very LEAST on topic!
  16. I can't wait for Monday. Seriously. I know the old stereotype is that mondays suck. This will be the one monday in history that doesn't suck. It's only a couple more days now, but it's going to seem like for-ev-ar. I can't wait to hear all the tracks but I particularly wanna hear Mazedude's, cause those sounds in the trailer are pretty outrageous I think. Those bendy chords. Sounds like friggin' Colosseum music.
  17. There's that many people on it? I thought it was just Willrock, halc, and chthonic
  18. Oh hell yeah. He can do Funky's Joint, since what you wanted is closer to what's in that mp3 you linked. He even put the echo on it to double the source usage! Remember when we talked about that? XD!
  19. I can't comment either way cause I haven't heard DJ Frog's work.... is he better than me?
  20. I keep thinking some big announcement is coming through here and it's just Mirby with idle jibber jabber, of which Mr. T would agree there is no time for.
  21. Emunator wants to release all these half-finished tracks before they're passable, and I have to thwap him in the head and say I'm changing it, wait until the joojs yes it, then I'll send you a wav. And I always have to copy paste his line from the project thread. "Let it be assumed that everything submitted to me has the potential to be released at some point, regardless of its state of completion, unless you tell me otherwise." I think it's the artwork-ists and the big name remixers (not me, i'm not THAT arrogant) who are really going to contribute to the polishedness of this album, though I've heard a lot of samples and there's way too much "ambient" on it... just my 2 cents.
  22. I may be wrong but I'm purty sure that is Jose's special stage mix!
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