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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I would love to, having claimed it before, but it depends on if I can do it before the end of the project, that is, if nobody else gets it before then Basically what that guy said ^
  2. I can't wait to get the physical CDs in the mail. And the song I made for this is possibly my best original song evar.
  3. NEVAR. Project members shall name the discs!
  4. PESTERING FTW GOOD LUCK WITH THIS you make me proud
  5. i'm having bill cakes withdrawals i don't think i ever heard an ashane song before which seems rather odd
  6. So... Gotta make Vroom and FF9 by March and Kirby by April. awesome. edit: also not to be a bother but if you have kirby hit / fight noises, I'd love 'em and be very appreciate
  7. Yeh nobody's going to play a game that looks like Minecraft unless it is Minecraft, you've got to bring something huge to the table... like... Instead of blocks, use a landscape that actually morphs into itself and looks semi-decent.
  8. There's always stuff you could fix or do better later, I found out that if I put any effects in before I record that my tracks go out of time and I have to physically drag them back for them to be in time. For phantom power mic recordings only. It gets really annoying and difficult to deal with.
  9. I'd be happy to make music for it but it doesn't seem to be in the area of development yet where music would actually be required
  10. You made a Minecraft clone? o_o Pics or it didn't happen
  11. Besides you're both wrong, the next project to come out this month is Teen Agent 2: Even More Evil™
  12. Attention thread Piracy is illegal That is all.
  13. I wanted to claim more for Dragon Warrior but I listened to the songs, and they're super complex I'd have to slow them down like 50bpm to be able to do it, then it'd be doom metals hah.
  14. Jimmy would you make a song for my project?
  15. I wouldn't call this finished. It sounds like poop, especially with that midi bass.
  16. Ah see, now this one I will actually remember to watch, hehe... half an hour? See you there
  17. Gah it sounds liberal cause it's a different game hahah... he tricked me... sry only 1 of the links i sent you is legit haha.

  18. Yeah, I never suggested a solo album should be anything less than OCR quality! They shouldn't just accept any ol' collection of subpar stuff Bah and everyone knows I'm on a lot of public projects, I'm just speakin for myself there, but I'd hope other people did that too... work on their own in their spare time but keep supporting public ones
  19. Yeah Cherna you should quickly change that, you can still recruit for medleys if you want but I wouldn't get too many, only a couple
  20. Getting released on OCR is serious business, whereas someone might get 10 or so views on bandcamp, it'll get maybe tens of thousands, on OCR Edit: I mean certainly if someone wants to make an album they would and should, but to make a large production for next to no audience makes it less worthwhile... to make something great for thousands of video game music listeners is the ideal scenario don't you think? Maybe someday OCR will have some kind of OCRS-0000 for solo albums.
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