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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Oh alright, I never really considered that aspect of it. I guess that makes sense.
  2. Speaking of that I don't mean to cause a fuss, but that Final Fantasy X Dreams of Death mix is a project track, for BadAss boss themes 1... just saiyan.. cause it's listed as a regular mix. EDIT: Also what the duck? Someone did a World of Illusion mix? I can't believe it! Part of me wants it to fail so I can be the first to make a World of Illusion mix that passes but the other part of me wants it to pass so we can have the first World of Illusion mix... damn... This same thing happened with that Sole Signal Halo 3 mix, I wanted to do that song but I waited too long. Damn all these projects slowing me down!!1
  3. They should put MAGFest in the summer, cause it snows in January tbh
  4. It took a lot of thought and weeks of confusion before I settled on the name.
  5. The finger creeps me out, cause it is like a left hand pointer finger when it should be a right hand pointer finger. Amirite?
  6. Umm.. so like, the trailer for this album that they played at MAGFest was very nice! Can't say I would expect any less from Jose! The posters littered around had 02.2011 as the release date, and I've got to say, I can't wait for this album to come out. I'm surprised there aren't more people talking about it, and there weren't at MAG at least as far as my experience saw. Anyway, this album is going to blow many socks off and people will have cold feet that will get frostbitten from the sheer awesomeness of this album. That is all.
  7. I'd like to hear people make a ballroom style remix without an album, just because nobody does it. Only one mix comes to mind and I'm not even sure if it could be considered ballroom remix. No moar projects but people, make moar genre-unique remixes.
  8. Your first time too? Sweet. It was awesome meeting you, and everyone else! Congrats on the marriage. I'm still diving at any opportunity to talk about MAGFest 'cause I miss it now that it is gone. I'd even stand in that 3 hour registration line at this point, even if that's all I could do, haha. Sad. No MAGFlu, but I've been coughing a lot.
  9. Now I has to ask... Can I send the session back to your for mixin/masterin? Or is that not something you'd be able to do?

  10. Who ever said anything about Dissidia?
  11. Uh hello, Irvine? Actually a lot of the clothes in FF8 are fairly regular if you ignore some of the ridiculous hairdos and large coats.
  12. Ugh!! Yeah dude! That and Heroes Vs. Villains, I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. Hi A-rek! gya-ha-haa!
  13. So THAT's what happened to the now deceased Squaresoft...
  14. I liked the guy with the British accent. That's like the most original thing they've done with a character, even with the ebonic accent in FFXIII.
  15. I laughed when I read that but I've got to agree there!
  16. Yeah, it's definitely moochin' -- not cool dude! I'm going to try to get back into OHC this week. I'm actually really looking forward to it as it's been so long since I've made one! I need the practice with working fast again at this point. Edit: Also! I missed the first half of ThaSauce panel but what I saw was awesome. So I want to come back as a show of support!
  17. Poopie idea. I loved FFX but FFX2 was the start of a downhill spiral. FF13 was pretty universally recognized as lame so it'd be really strange if FF13-2 was the beginning of an upward spiral.
  18. I had no idea about this project. I'd be willing to help out too.
  19. I didn't know it was the new one, I thought Super Mario Kart was. You guys work fast. Also that cover looks retro, so that's why I was a little confused, but in the industry of reworking retro music, i shouldn't be making those kind of subconscious assumptions. At any rate, I listened to it in the car yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. ^-^
  20. That's about the best I'd be able to pull off, but it'd be funny. So heh.
  21. 1) I understand the gravity/momentum transference, but didn't the chemist specifically state that the kick still worked because inner ear function was not impaired by the sedative? By that logic, when the van flipped over and hit a pole, shouldn't everyone have been bumped back up to that level? They didn't feel like they were falling because they were strapped in to their seatbelts tight as heck and always had that comfortable seat as a base. At any rate it wasn't a strong enough kick, they were sedated on the first dream AND the second dream, which they also would have had to be woken from first. 2) If gravity was required for the kick in the second level (since the van falling in the first level caused a loss of gravity), why didn't everyone wake up as soon as their bodies hit the floor when the elevator was blasted by the explosives? Why didn't they wake up until the elevator crashed? It was zero gravity, it wouldn't have started out moving that quickly until the elevator gained momentum from the blast. o_o The hit at the top, that also probably would have "killed" them, was a strong enough hit to wake them up or kill them or whatever. 3) The totems are presumably based on physics since Arthur explains that his loaded die has a specific weight that only he knows, so as to confirm his anchor to reality. So how exactly does Mol/Cobb's totem actually involve any physics if the only indication that he is in a dream is that it spins endlessly? And by telling Ariadne that it does this, hasn't he invalidated the security of that totem? Couldn't she purposely create a totem in her dream that would fall instead of spinning endlessly? Not sure what you mean here. Nobody touched Cobb's totem, so the weight, shape, and texture of it is only known to him. The fact that it spins is not necessarily the most important aspect of the totem. You don't see Cobb there telling Ariadne the exact weight of his totem in grams, or letting her touch it. Nobody touched it except him, the same with all of their totems. In hindsight, what doesn't make sense to me is why they all didn't just shoot the people in the heads when they were done instead of using a kick, since that basically works the same way, didn't it?
  22. Yeah, thanks for the free Cherry Coke. I forgot how much coke went down like battery acid or else I woulda won that thang! Fantastic panel. And yes, i AM stalking you, Cyril.
  23. Yeah, and just adding this here cause the Final Fantasy Type-0 thread got closed, Type-0 is actually the new name for Agito XIII. So it was a buncha fuss over nothin' anyway. x_x Also Versus XIII is actually looking to be like, the next "Kingdom Hearts", if it ever COMES OUT. The "reality" based RPG is what I've been waiting for them to make since like... FF8... haha.. where they previously touched on it briefly.
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