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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It didn't take that long to upload, I just forgot to pm you the link.

    TWO D--wait ONE DAY!!!!

  2. YAH she messaged me on Facebook earlier. I'll probably start adding new samples before I go to bed, then record the guitars tomorrow. TWO DAYS!!

  3. They need a Brak icon for halc

  4. God of War is done, if that makes you feel any bettar. Though something else has stepped up to bat that I need to do in 4 days. One Sonic project song, but it's done already, it just needs guitars re-recorded. Not a big job. Then it's all you, baby. Finally!~ Right? I'm both eager and anxious of the experience, it'll be a challenge but quite satisfying I bet. Thanks for being patient with me.

  5. Oh snap, you're Space Ghost

  6. I meant 4 people, not 5, in the pm I sent you. :-)

    You probably know all about it already though.... right...?

  7. Any chance for Teen Agent release by August 15th, the project's one-year anniversary? :-o

  8. Can we change the name of "Fluffy Kingdom" to "Kirb Your Enthusiasm"?

  9. Woah who are you? how'd you get on my friend list? I didn't add anybody who goes by that name ^_^ congrats :-P

  10. Nah mang, I used to have 3 accounts that I had collected since 2002, one would expire and I wouldn't bother to figure out how to revive it and just made a new one. So Liontamer combined my 3 accounts into one called Oinkness. Then later, I asked Liontamer to change my name to Brandon Strader. Just ask Liontamer, he should be able to help you out. :-P

  11. Yeah but your account is LunarHeartHeaven :-P

    You should change your name to...... The Dual Dragons!

  12. We're shooting for December 17th as the final WAV date but I shyed away from the idea of a solid release date after the whole February 2nd Teen Agent deal :-P

  13. You guys should change yer name to The Dual Dragons

  14. I was listening to A Hog in his Prime in headphones, it must have been the first time I ever did that cause it sounds NASTY! What is going on?! There's that loud closed hat sound panned seemingly 100% left, wtf?? It drowns out the guitar and everything. And there's not enough BASS! I am making a new bounce of this, this is less than satisfactory.

  15. What is the rule for posting an album preview thread in Community if the album is not yet OCR official, but features posted OC Remixers?

  16. DID you change your name again? I'm getting tired of printing up new stationary and business cards

  17. Where r u? I PMed you! :(

  18. I've got a couple obligations before DKC3, namely God of War and Dynamite Headdy, but I've got a full 10 days so don't worry! I knew you'd be asking next time you saw me on AIM so I thought I'd hit you preventatively with this. :-P

  19. Happy birthday, man! :-)

  20. Hey, goopy goober! I see my emails first, because gmail is embedded in My Google home page. :-P But yeah, I've got your file, and it's ready to start tinkering with, I just haven't yet. I suppose I'll try to slap together something and mix it up and send you a master for your approval. :o)

  21. Hah.. I was wondering why you facebooked it. :-D Guitar poop eh, that might make it pretty durn heavy. Should I just do whateba I wanted or did you have a specific plan or idea for that? :-o

  22. Let's do a metal / prog mix of Dancing Mad from FF6. Let's make it 20 minutes long and split it into three, 7 minute pieces. :-P

  23. I'm blown away by your nice comment, thank you so much!

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