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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. ...and I'd call it.... atmospheric evisceration... haha

  2. Go relax! Get it? I haven't talked to you since last year. You ought to update me, or something!

  3. Hey Aba, could you pm zircon sometime and tell him you're involved with FF9 and that you support it? Thanks x.x

  4. Hey, Hy Bound. Could you pm zircon and tell him you're on FF9 and that you support the project?

  5. You put your right foot in, you take your right foot out... You put your right foot in, and sh-- SQUIRREL!

  6. I just saw that message I left on december 2nd. I didn't know you were a "sis". Sorry! :)

  7. FF9 album project! Please claim a track, we would really appreciate it.

  8. FF9 album project! We'd like you! :)

  9. Final Fantasy IX Album Project would benefit greatly from your talent!

  10. Hi! Just thought I'd let you know there's a Final Fantasy IX album project going on! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27108

  11. I might go to MAG next year but I know next to nothing about preparing for such a journey.

  12. audio fidelity said to tell you that he finished his Teen Agent track and turned in a final wav. It's pretty awesome! Looking forward to hearing yours! :)

  13. What's the veal this time OCRE? Delicious.

  14. I saw your flickerfall sig, is that your band? Would you be interested in doing vocals for my solo album maybe?

  15. ewwweee raawwwkkk

    Have a great Christmas, my friend, and I am looking forward to your musical contributions in the year twenty-ten. :)

  16. Hey Wes, could you help me out? Can you please move the Teen Agent thread to the Projects forum? It should have been done long ago but I didn't know who to ask... djpretzel set the release date as Feb 2nd. Here's the thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24927

  17. Oh, you nose it for sure. Teen Agent got a Feb 2 release date so the final deadline is pushed forward a little! I may have time to work on WildArms sooner

  18. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, hehe... I'm in a mad rush to get both Teen Agent and my solo album done, one deadlined on the 15th and the other generally needed before Christmas to give to family *at* Christmas. After that, it's all WildArms, baby! ^_^

  19. Hi there OCRE. Just telling everyone (even though you already know) I'd prefer to have final WAVs before the 15th but if you need until the 15th to get it done, I guess that's ok. ;)

  20. Hi! Please turn in your final WAVs for your Teen Agent remixes BY the 15th, preferably not on the 15th, but if you need that extra time it's ok. Thanks again for your help, and for claiming 2 tracks... that was huge help as you see now the deadline is coming up... :)

  21. Thanks for the support! =)

  22. You shall fear me and despair, for I hath invaded thine Wallonia.

    DragonAvenger, I emailed you about female vocals for my solo album... what do you think eh? And do you need help with Dyne's Christmas thing?

  23. Yes, Rainwound is just me by myself.. wrote and recorded all music, and mixed and mastered it.. it's the mixing and mastering that took so long.. :x

  24. Well I am hoping for the best... you've still got 2 days. :]

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