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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. This is darn awesome, especially that writing at the end. Goodness. I'm glad it got posted with the sound limitations as well. It does sound great and it's cool to see such, for lack of a better phrase, lo-fi sounds making it on OCR. There's hope for a chiptune mix yet. Any of my perceived "roughness" to this mix is part of its charm and does not detract from it for me.
  2. As the album director have you seen entries that are satisfying to your vision?
  3. I don't think that in particular is the reason, it's one of them though.
  4. I didn't know what WoW damage meters were, I assumed they were for personal use :3
  5. Haven't played WoW but this does sound good and useful. I think an "Auto Salvage" button for all items in your inventory that aren't equipped would be great. Clicking each one makes it feel like they didn't anticipate people would be trashing most junk items.
  6. I haven't actually started playing this yet but I watched a remake scene on youtube, and I've gotta say, if you think their faces are emotionless then there's a lot of small details you are missing. It's not overly exaggerated soap opera acting on these characters, it's some of what I feel is the most "real to life" performance. And with time you can learn to pick up these small details, the little movements of the eyebrows, the eyes, small movement of the lips -- though I will admit the cheek and jaw seems to be made of clay, ain't nothing moving there. It's not PERFECT by any means but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.
  7. Very nice and upbeat, it's great to hear such laid back and relaxing pieces like this once in a while. Or maybe I'm just tired, in which case this is quite nice to listen to after an exhausting day. Not too abrasive, but not stagnant, and a cool bit of soloing at 3:21 which is definitely very Willrock-ish. The dramatic chord at 3:37 is suave.
  8. I was actually thinking based on the description it sounds like it's opposite OCR, where melodies tend to be the focus and other stuff kinda gets pushed back. It's not usually always done that way and sometimes it's pretty wild to be reminded that music is mixed differently outside of OCR. Just saying, it's a pretty cool thing when you notice it, not that there's anything wrong with either style. Most important is getting the song how you want it to sound. If they accomplished that, good on 'em. Nothing I've heard from the hd OST so far has seemed irredeemably bad though I'm still not quite sold on that battle theme.
  9. The answer is obviously a scrolling marquee. Remember those? But yeah I mean Sir_NutS's mix has origins from like 2007 and it feels like it didn't get much love.. sure it got a facebook and twitter post, and a write-up and all that stuff. I honestly don't know what the answer is to improve visibility or anything.
  10. I think it'd be awesome to give a better focus to the remixes submitted to the site in general. That spotlight that Bubble Dragon got, all of the mixes deserve that, they're all important. Sometimes it feels like they don't get the respect they deserve. (Also it's uncool that Bubble Dragon is still the front page item considering how many more mixes have been posted since then). I understand that it is a good mix but I don't understand how it is a better mix than any other one submitted to the site.
  11. All the bosses seem like crap because of how slow they are. If they cut the HP in half but raised their speed by like double (I'm looking at you Urzael) it would have been a lot better. It's like they set the speed and HP levels while they were high. I love that song that plays in the end credits, what is that one? That's like, the best one.. the others are ok but that one, wow. Almost don't believe they made this, and it's a classical public domain piece or something
  12. This is so GREAT, it's 'NutS'! Now my man, you neglect the bass a bit while hyping those highs! It's alright, it doesn't take away from the mix which is awesome. It definitely sounds like it would have been a challenge, with no main leading melody, but you really pulled it off.
  13. Seems like it's back to being impossible like Inferno used to be It's a game that hinges fully on the quality of the loot you get, playing on a lower difficulty doesn't provide the best loot. So it's a tricky area of playing for hundreds of hours to try to get lucky on some good-butt loot at a lower difficulty which I'm sure they planned to get people to put the time in and come back to D3 for the allure of that sweet, sweet loot. It worked on me and heck it seems to have worked on a lot of other people. They'll probably end up patching it again. ALSO I'm going to spoiler this part: I hope the Nephalem is coming back in the future, either DLC or Diablo 4, and potentially being the evil enemy of the game. That'd be amazing. If it could use your existing character data from Diablo3, that would be even more amazinger. HAH. Agree 100%. Wet noodle fighting
  14. I think improving things all around is a better move at the moment.. those new symbols and the fixed way that comments show on mixpost pages is a huge step towards making the site look just that little bit moar professional Very good stuff.
  15. The difficulty is so unbalanced.. I could go through on t1, then something like The Ram I had to drop all the way to normal to get past it. With over 180k dps and at level 70, that's friggin' ridiculous. And this expansion in particular feels a lot like Call of Duty design... you kill an enemy and one instantly respawns. It's like this in a lot of encounters, like the one in Clyfton Hall I think it is. The Templar quest is also like that. And of course, The Ram, as previously mentioned.
  16. meteo don't say bad words, mmmkay?

  17. The King is dead speak American or move to Canada :-P

  18. You could send me an audition for one of the songs that are unclaimed and if it's really really good I will accept you on to the album :-D But make sure it's super good, like your best work! I hate turning people away!

  19. Man, I don't even need to farm now, just playing act 5 in torment 1 gave me insane drops so far. Got my first green 1-handed bow which was a huge upgrade, and an Imperial Diamond which I can't even craft yet cause it's stronger than a Marquise diamond. All the gem drops are Marquise except the Imperial I got o_O I've got 130k dps now and still getting my butt handed to me regularly in act 5
  20. I keep a list of what I finish, when I submit it, and when it passes. I need to start listing the date it gets added to the panel, but here it is: http://www.bstrader.net/?p=198 So I have only 1 song on the panel right now, 12 songs waiting in the inbox. The song on the panel now was subbed on July 13th, 2013 and added to the panel on March 13, 2014 which is a difference of 8 months. The song is still being judged. You can cross-reference some of those dates for songs that are posted, for example; November 21st, 2012 – Death Lives (submitted) March 17th, 2014 - Death Lives (posted to OCR) From and including: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 To, but not including Monday, March 17, 2014 Result: 481 days It is 481 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date Or 1 year, 3 months, 24 days excluding the end date http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html A huge difference being if you make something they like as much as Bubble Dragon, they'll go out of their way to have it posted within a couple days.
  21. Newegg messed up everyone's order and ran out of limited edition stock, so they just mailed out standard editions to everyone despite the pre-order. They sent an email the same day it was delivered saying "Haw we did a funny, we'll refund it if you send it back, no questions asked" So I'm trying to do that but their support system is horrible. Using the standard return page even says my game isn't eligible for return. That already goes beyond the nature of "no questions asked". Tired of dealing with awful retailers. And all this because amazon decided to start charging tax on specific states.
  22. Darn, it was a crafting material with an icon that looked like a book. Probably that one you said. I need to make a lot of money before I can buy stuff that expensive... What are your most effective ways to farm? I played with a friend on torment 2 earlier and didn't get a single legendary drop, or anything usable at all, it felt like I was playing loot 1.0 again. Oh man, 100% exp ended too... played a while without it and it was awful, simply awful
  23. I don't think ratings of WIPs would work or should be implemented purely based on how often WIPs are updated, the rating data wouldn't apply to a new WIP and would have to be regenerated... talking from a purely pessimistic viewpoint like you expressed about human nature, that wouldn't work out too well... and I think if a finished mix is put up for rating, it should be "set in stone" and no further changes could be made to it. Otherwise it'd be a WIP! It'd be a lot like the vgmix system.
  24. I got a legendary colored plan but my black smith won't learn it. I have all this legendary salvage because legendaries are often crap and also dumbly account bound so I can't even offer them up to ocr clan members. ^ all that but in question form?
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