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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Roberto Bazzoni
  • Location
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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male

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  1. When I first started remixing VGM years ago, I started remixing Ridge Racer tunes. So I always wanted to assemble a proper tribute/remix EP related to the Ridge Racer series. Well finally I've been able to release it for the public and I couldn't be happier. ENJOY! (click on the image and it will take you to the release)
  2. Can't wait to see it out
  3. I reeeeeally like releasing originals lately lol So I decided to put a new NuDisco track, this time with no label. Had a ton of fun composing this one. Hope you'll enjoy it! And I swear I wasn't inspired by the title of a certain song from Macross Frontier lol :3 Anyway, enjoy! (As usual, click on the image and you'll be in the Bandcamp page)
  4. I made this some time ago to celebrate the first anniversary of Club Needlemouse. The Planet Wisp Act 1 from Sonic Colors in the style of Giorgio By Moroder. Pretty weird right? Check it out and tell me what you think about it! https://soundcloud.com/robkta/planet-by-wisp
  5. I released a new original EP yesterday with the kind gentlemen of Future City Records :3 Focused on a Nu Disco direction while I been able to hide some Videogame sounds beneath the tunes as well I'll leave the link here for you guys to check it out: every kind of criticism is well appreciated! Hope you'll like! (Clicking on the artwork takes you directly to the Bandcamp page ^^)
  6. I'm going through the same kind of issue here. To be honest tho, I think that if my fans appreciate my work, they even appreciate its natural evolution. Like, I've been doing mostly, disco, funk and stuff for years and just now I'm going through paths of experimentation. In my opinion, if they love my work they'll love the direction I'm taking. If they don't, I'm still happy I'm trying something new. It may sound a little selfish maybe, but that's how I always worked :3
  7. Wait, what? Even here there's a "what's on your mind" thingie? Huh...

  8. Looks very, VERY clean now muy professional :3
  9. After many years of mainly remixes (VGM and non) I decided to release my first official original EP, right before coming to MAGFest 13. Is the reward for a GoFundMe campaign I started to support my epic USA journey and I decided for an official release afterwards. It contains also a track where I sang in, featuring lyrics written by me and my girlfriend I thought it would be nice to put it here and receive some feedback :3 https://robkta.bandcamp.com/album/the-invincible-ep
  10. Hey, happy B-day!

  11. Believe it or not, the thing that really made me want to get balls deep into VGM remixing wasn't specifically a track, but a soundtrack itself - if it wasn't for Ridge Racer Type 4 probably I wouldn't even started to think "what if I arrange this tune that way?" and I wouldn't even be here now :3
  12. Hello! Just wanna warn that I've set the deadlines for my project. Also, Today's the last day of the first claiming period. Wanna claim something?

  13. Believe it or not, I used to compose a lot of original stuff back in the early "Noughties", but I had to pull back a bit on making music on my own to concentrate more on my remixing tasks, but I've been catching up a bit on letting my mind free and this is the result: my ever first publicly released single. A concentrate of all I find cool about old school disco house. Hope you will like it https://robkta.bandcamp.com/album/get-him-to-the-radio-tower
  14. Found back with pleasure this old remix of mine from my pre-Club Needlemouse phase. I always been a fan of the Ace Combat series also because of its soundtrack. Especially 3 and 4 were my all time favs and ended up remixing the ending from Distant Thunder. Humble remix, very simple as you can hear. :3 TAKE OFF
  15. Sky High remix featuring vocals by yours truly... ...because sometimes I just really like doing stupid things enjoy FRY HIGH
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