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Posts posted by PokerusVGM

  1. Hey Damned, do I speak to you specifically about the album cover or is it a group input thing? I don't want to flood the thread with WIP's if it's unnecessary. Unless the community doesn't mind that kind of thing.


    EDIT: Ps I did a quick doodle/sketch of the updated concept. see what you think. I'm hoping that Dragon Warrior and Open Championship golf will get claimed because otherwise that side of Iwata will be rather empty...


    Dude, this is marvelous! <3

    EDIT: Also, I'm sending my final .wav to you, "The Damned". please check your Inbox :P

  2. Nope it's not too late! Just hook me up with some samples of your work, and which song you would be interested in grabbing.. send some of your best, most self-representative stuff :-D

    Thank you Brandon! :)

    Here is some of my music from my last VGM Album called "Infection #03". This tracks doesn't suck enough I think (?)

    A Dj01nt wannabe Zelda track:


    Another Zelda track but more "in the soft mood" I think:




    And a LOOOONG Kirby "madness improvisation" cover :P


    Right in this moment, I'm working on a personal little "tribute album" of the Golden Sun series, but I'll love to contribute to "Unleash the Alchemy" in some way too! :-o

    For now (and if you like my work and if I get the "Brandon Strader Seal of Approval" :P) I like to arrange the track "On that Night 3 years ago" (the song from the very first "stage" of the game. The giant rock that crushes the town of Vale and stuff). And, if I have enough time, the Tolbi theme. :o

    Best regards from Chile! And thank you again for give me the oportunity :)

  3. Hey guys!

    I've released a few weeks ago my 3rd VGM arrangements album called Infection #03. This is one of my first interactions in the OCR forums, so I hope I'm not doing some sort of mistake with the rules and stuff :P


    This album contains arrangements from games like Pokémon, Zelda, Phoenix Wright, Kirby, Rival Schools, Final Fantasy, To the Moon and other titles in various styles. I really hope you like it! :-)

    And of course, this is one of my latest works in this fantastic "hobbie" of making music. I'm not a music student or stuff like that :P so I'll really apreciate critics and comments.


    Best regards from Chile! :)

    (Yeah, my English really sucks :-D )

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