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Everything posted by Dafydd

  1. So... I'm planning to add lyrics to this, so in case you think it feels empty, now you know why. The intro sounds really fake but the guitar I used for it sounds much better later on and at 1:30 and on it doesn't sound fake at all. I could use someone to play that part on a real guitar though, especially for the intro. So, although very unpolished, here it is: http://www.ngst.nu/mm2bkp.mp3 And the original... http://www.ngst.nu/MegaMan2.gbs (track 12) If you have any comments at all, please post them!
  2. Whoops. Will try to adjust tomorrow night. Sorry about that. EDIT: No progress yet. I've been remixing. Deadline's still set though. I'll be honest, I'm trying to get an ADD examination. Hopefully within a month I'll be chewing ritbits and doing fine. Should I turn out to be "healthy", I'm going to feel so worthless. ...Well, I got Bonus Kun moved to Bonus kun. Bonus Kun still exists but redirects to Bonus kun, and so does the redirect page. I'll get the last 11 bios updated as soon as I can.
  3. Ah, of course... a new category. Yeah, I'll let you get back to us about this. Though, we've written a "main page" for the Darkstalkers, and I'd really like to see that text included on a page of its own. EDIT: Oh, and once this is finished, I want to write a short blurb about the project itself so that those who never knew about it before it was finished can find out. Just so I can thank everyone and stuff. I guess a wiki page would be used for that as well. EDIT 2: I found this little thing I'd like to nitpick about - in Link's bio, the following sentence ends the third paragraph: "Like many other main characters in this style of game, Link rarely speaks, using facial expression to convey his feelings." I want to add the word "instead", or something, right after the last comma. Is that proper English? I feel as if the sentence suggests that speaking and using facial expressions is the same thing, or... well, I just don't like it. Adding this little word would make the sentence so much less of an eyebrow raiser. Help? I need to add the links to other characters in each of the 51 bios I've uploaded. Once I'm done doing that, we should all try to make sure that we don't have any "illegal" links still left by mistake or other problems caused by the migration. I might be the only one to have errors in my bios though (if any of us does). I also don't have the real names for some of the writers of the bios I've uploaded, some of who might actually want to be credited by their real name as well as by username.
  4. Yeah, for all I care, that would be fine, but I need Larry to confirm this first. The solution to all of this is probably extremely intuitive and simple, but I don't feel like I have the admin powah to make the decision myself.
  5. 1) Yeah, that works, but what should the "what is" info page be named url-wise? That still needs an answer from Larry. 2) That works too. 3) Since we can't have the images lined up in the what is bio (unless Larry allows for an exception), the user who clicked on of the darkstalker mascots and is sent to this "what is" info page won't know the name of the mascot he's just clicked. I understand what you're saying, I just don't think you've understood what it is I'm saying. It's not about which page should link to what or how to organize them, it's about redirection pages, what to name them, and even whether to use them. We will need Larry's input on this, no matter how much we discuss it ourselves. The darkstalker bios and the info page will be included somehow, probably in one of the ways that you just suggested, but that's not what this discussion is about. Just wait until Larry pops his head back in. I'll send him a PM and hopefully the wait won't be so long.
  6. No, I get what you're saying, but the problem isn't where to put the links, but what to link to. What should we name the extended articles? If we consider the standard way of linking to other mascots is to link to their redirection pages (i.e. don't link to Chrono, link to Mascot001), then what should we name the redirection page for the extended darkstalker bios? And what about the overview? The problem here is the mascot images. Supposedly, it should be possible for DJP to recode the site so that when reading a mascot bio, the mascot image on the site header should be the one that goes with the bio you're currently reading, i.e. not just any random one. It would make things easier for DJP - and be good practice - to use redirection pages for all bios. We just don't know how to do this with the special darkstalker related articles. That's what I wanted Larry to give us answers to/about.
  7. Very good questions. I hadn't thought of those issues, and I guess Larry will have to answer those questions.
  8. I knew there had to be an easier way to do that. Thanks, Larry.
  9. Exactly. No, I just set that deadline because it's a date you remember and it's a reasonably short/long time away. It would be cool if people actually died if they failed to keep to deadlines... Yeah, I'd be dead, too.
  10. ... yeah. I think so. I know it's more work for us, but so what. Our next deadline is valentine's day. Thanks for confirming, LT.
  11. Double post for the sake of demonstration: I'm now done with my first 30 bios. I still don't know how to do the linking to other characters, but I guess the best thing is to just go with the redirection pages. It couldn't hurt.
  12. Ok, I've uploaded about 12 bios now. It really is pretty easy and quick once you've made the auto-replacements. I have a pretty unreliable connection right now though. Once I've uploaded all my bios, I'll start editing them so that the bolded names of other mascots are turned into links to their articles instead. Should these link to the actual bio page or the redirection page though? I don't know what Larry had in mind when he said he would tell DJP to make the mascot on top of the page display the one related to the bio you're currently reading... it would certainly make things easier for DJP to do that if all redirects to other bios were to their redirection pages.
  13. That's a shame. I've been looking forward to hearing something new from teh Co0p.
  14. Hey guys I expected to have more time around christmas, but it appears I actually have less... I got a temporary job which will be over in about a week. Just so you guys know. I will probably not be able to upload my share of bios in time for the new year. I'll try to catch up with what's going on in this thread tonight, unless I work late (my boss keeps making me work overtime...). Great to see this thing is still moving, thanks to you!
  15. But ROMS are just the games as they originally were. How's that any different? You can't make a chiptune without ripping it from the original cartridge or from a rom, which are also ripped from original cartridges. I don't really see how it's any different. The same goes for screenshots and avatars ripped from screenshots - very few of the screenshots you see are likely taken directly from a legal cartridge playing on a real console. I'm fine with an explanation like "the people who made the games are not ok with distributing roms, but they don't mind chiptunes". I mean, a rom without the game music probably still counts as a rom, and probably illegal, but the game music without the graphics and gameplay isn't? I just don't see how there's any difference, legally.
  16. Sometimes when I check my user CP I see thread that I have subscribed to. Sometimes they have a grey icon, sometimes they're yellow. The thing is, I can look at this user CP some time after posting something, and... well, there are yellow-iconed thread listed... and I myself am the most recent poster in some of them.
  17. I agree it's a shame we didn't know this sooner - looking up all those url's took a bit of time. I realize why we have to remove them though. What I don't understand is why chiptunes seem to be excluded from this "copyrighted material" rule. They are part of commercial ROM's, after all. So are the forum avatars... and I'd think the mascot images are, too. And I've seen moderators on this site remove links to galbadia hotel, who host game soundtracks as mp3's. Why are chiptunes allowed? Is there a legal reason? And yes, replacing the vB code with wiki code automatically should be easy enough. It was a pain to do manually, haha.
  18. Where do we use it? Links are automatically colored, not underlined, in wiki articles. What else do we want underlines for? I honestly don't remember... Yeah, I think so. If we can't link to the website, no need to mention it. We still keep the manuals as sources, of course (but without links).EDIT: Ok, made one, http://www.ocremix.org/info/OCR_Mascot_071. Can the "contents" section be removed? It feels like a waste of vertical space for so short an article. Oh, and thanks for finally letting us get started on this!
  19. Yeah, I don't think we'll make it in time for Christmas anymore... heheh. But new years, no problem.
  20. If I didn't already know all this, I'd probably find it very helpful. I don't think I ever understood how to use xmsnes and I also hate all manner of trackers (except famitracker, which I, for whatever reason, like). Also, I never understood how to make instruments in TFM maker. FM synthesizing is really cool but I don't understand any of it. Maybe there are excellent tutorials on the matter. Xmsnes could use GUI though. I'd make one myself if only I understood how to use the program. Then again those who are nerdy enough to want to make their own spc's (not that that's any less nerdy than wanting to make your own nsf's) are probably fine with typing weird commands in a command window.
  21. True. I guess I just misunderstood the reasons why some of the other songs were removed. I still don't like this one.
  22. I know it's an arrangement. So are many of the songs that have been no:ed or removed over the years...
  23. The lowest possible. Maybe I should add that I'm getting a shitload of red text (errors) in the console after the game has loaded.
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