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Everything posted by Airwalker

  1. They'd be lucky if it ended there.
  2. The IP owners of Ghostbusters better get their butts in gear and make this happen. Or I will probably cry. A bit.
  3. Each time I read something new about Spore, it keeps reminding me that I have stay alive long enough to play this game--no matter all the fun things like Sky-diving and reckless driving I would like to do.
  4. I bet his head would have exploded if you asked the same guy as a follow-up why he thought the PS2 was outselling the PS3.
  5. That was rather disturbing listening to them talk like that.
  6. Wow. I've only taken a high school course in journalism, and reflexive defending of video games aside, I can tell you that entire 2-minute segment was perhaps a perfect example of bad journalism. There was no defense from Sony or Nintendo (such as how the Wii's parental controls IN FACT completely block internet access.) As well, scroll down a little bit on Kotaku's website (link)--comments on one of their news articles were used as sources--not only were they both side-by-side, but they were completely misquoted. -1 for Dallas-Fort Worth area unfortunately subjected to that station.
  7. Huh? You mean her condition? It's called Water Intoxication. It's much more common in athletes who drink too much water and sweat too much. She diluted the sodium in her body too much and so her internal organs started to swell. It's a really nasty way to die, and very serious.
  8. http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/01/15/too-high-a-price-for-a-wii/ It's a rather sad story no? A woman died of water intoxication while trying to score a Wii for her kids in a radio contest. I think that on top of any lawsuit, the Radio Station should give her family a Wii as a symbolic gesture. It's a silly thing to give your life for, but that's what she ended up doing--it would be sad to see one of her last wishes not held up.
  9. How about Commie?
  10. Well, I am excited for this game. But only because my roommate has an Xbox 360 and plans to buy it. Just hope the 360 version still has TROOOOGDOR!
  11. Man! Everywhere I go I find PS3's sitting in the shelves. The dude at Gamestop said their few in stock have been sitting there a few days. And I just stopped in Wal-Mart; they had two. (Yet I can't find a singly Wii...) Are they making a ton now? Or is it just not as popular?
  12. Happy Xmas, y'all.
  13. I love Facebook! I moved around a few times, so I have friends all over the country. It's really exciting when you find an old friend by searching through names and schools you know. Then finally saying something to them. It's what this technology thing is all about.
  14. Rather than talk about locking threads, I'll post my own favorite dish. This is mostly just an appetizer, but it can be its own meal (and lunch the next morning) if you want. It's called a Ham and Cheese bread pot fondue. (The Ham is totally optional--in fact, it's almost better without it. I just got it from a meat company. Hah.) But it's basically a nice loaf of bread with the innards cut out and some nice cheese mix placed inside. Then it is toasted, and you can dip the innards and the top of the bread into it, until eventually you are tearing up the pot itself. Ham and Cheese Bread Pot Fondue 1 round, firm loaf of bread (about 8 to 10 inches in diameter, about 1 1/2 pounds) 2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese 2 (3-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1 1/2 cups sour cream 2 cups diced ham 1/2 cup chopped green onion 1 (3-ounce) can chopped green chiles, drained and chopped 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon butter, melted 1.Heat oven to 350 degrees F. 2.Slice off top of bread; reserve top. Hollow out inside with small paring knife, leaving 1/2-inch shell Cut removed bread into 1-inch cubes (there will be 3 to 4 cups); reserve for toasting. 3.Combine cheddar, cream cheese and sour cream in large bowl; stir in ham, green onion, chiles and Worcestershire. Spoon cheese filling into bread shell; replace top of bread. Tightly wrap loaf with several layers of heavy-duty aluminum foil; set on cookie sheet. Bake for 1 hour, 10 minutes until cheese filling is melted and heated through. 4.Meanwhile, in large bowl toss together bread cubes, oil and melted butter. Arrange on cookie sheet; bake at 350 degrees F., turning occasionally, for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven and reserve to serve with fondue. 5.Remove bread pot from oven; unwrap; transfer to platter. Remove top of bread. Stir filling before serving. 6.Serve with toasted bread cubes and assorted vegetables as dippers for fondue.
  15. Now I'm wishing I had something fancier than cheddar cheese melted on toast for lunch. (Simple, but delicious--mommy made it for me as a child.) Oh well, tomorrow's another lunch.
  16. ...Maybe I'll just wait until January.
  17. Still waiting for a Wii. Went to Target at 4 am, because a friend who works there told me they got a shipment in. There are already 26 people in line, for 18 Wii's. Stupid video game scalpers.
  18. "OK, according to every sports movie ever made, we should be able to win this one"
  19. Nintendo Wii!!!
  20. Not that they'll necessarily be able to meet it, but you know they're aiming for 2 million by the end of the year and 6 million by March 07. Gamespot article If they keep on that track, they'd be at like 10-15 million worldwide by the end of 07. But even the 2 million units by end-year was said to be a purely optmistic number.
  21. Yeah, I know they meant to do it. It wasn't a jab at the Bush adminstration, it was making fun of the conspiracy theorists. But, I didn't really like it--didn't seem Bush-esque enough.
  22. My Chemistry book, a brand new one, had an entire page dedicated to blue laser diodes for whatever reason. That's probably the only page I enjoyed reading out of that book since it reminded me vaguely of video games.
  23. They could have found a better Bush voice, in my opinion. At least something stereotypical.
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