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Everything posted by DeathlesSNESs

  1. Okay, just tried searching by author and title, and found this playlist in an old Geocites site, which includes this line: 3338. spacepony - Let's Go Mario (Super Mario World).mp3 He says "To download any of these files, please send an IM to me, jeffrey_d_99 on Yahoo! Messenger,", and I know nothing about Yahoo's messaging state nowadays, but when you search his nickname on the net you see he has an active Twitter account. Maybe you can try contacting him to ask for the mp3 file? Hopefully he didn't lost it :)
  2. When you mentioned spacepony the "Mariocean" remix came instantly to my mind. I remember my uncle, who passed away past year, really loved it when I burned a whole CD for him full of VGM remixes downloaded from sites like OCRemix and VGMix back in my teenager days. It is still up in OCR here, totally recomended to anyone who didn't listen yet: https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01147 Unfortunately I know nothing about that other remix you mention, "Let's go Mario", so I'm interested as well. SMW Swimming theme has some strong similarities with the Overworld theme, so is there a chance it's that one you are searching for?
  3. Yeah, Uetmasu was always very talented at making simple but iconic melodies for specific character's themes, and (in my opinion) FF6 was especially good on that, with so many characters having their own personal theme. Regarding remixes, I can't remember if it was submitted to OCR (surely yes, and probably the place I found it first), but I have my best memories with Ailsean's "Terra in black". It was sometime around early 2000s, I was totally unfamiliar with the VGM remix scene and that one blowed my mind. This tune could be remixed in thousands of genres and styles and still sounding great. There are also some more complex compositions like Dancing Mad, Fierce Battle, the Ending medley, etc that I also love and sounds like a fun challenge for musicians to arrange/remix. FF6 is truly full of masterpieces. FF5 is generally more underrated but there are many great tracks on this one, and it's probably one of the most diverse and exotic soundtracks among the classics.
  4. Wow, free stuff, and it's related to FF music! I'll definitively try! :D It's really hard to choose only one track because I love a lot of the FF classic ones, especially in the SNES era. But if I can say only one, then: Terra's theme, from FF6. The melody, the feeling, the samples... everything is simply amazing on this one! It's like mix of heroic, emotional and courageous, very fitting for a character like Terra, who I was in love with when I was younger.
  5. Probably old news at this time, but just wanted to post here to send the congrats and thanks to all those involved on this amazing tribute album. Terranigma is not that kind of game you hear covers/remixes of everyday, yet you folks did the whole soundrack! Even the tracks that were of minor importance in the game are very well arranged and very appreciated the effort. Many of the melodies from the game holds a special place in my heart as I remember playing this game when I was a kid, oftentimes getting stuck and resuming the game few months or years later, then getting stuck and trying again... and it was not until I was a teenager that I finally beat it. You don't know how awesome it was to hear such melodies and themes in such a different way. Especially the most rock/metal-oriented tracks, since I'm a metalhead (that Dark Gaia Battle in metal sound so EPIC! And it seems the "band" formed by Jorito and Tuberz strikes again with an amazing remix full of metal but other things too), but all genres and styles are very well done (that massive collab with the overworld theme, for instance. And the cementery / ghost city, the several orchestrals with female chorus, the several jazzy arrangements... all is done very well!). Thanks a lot for all the time and effort poured on this project
  6. I'm not a musician or remixer but I strongly support the idea of someone doing a remix of these last battle tracks together. I think it would fit all very well in a consistent way, similar to how Dancing Mad from FF6 fits with its 4 parts. Same for the 2-parts ending. H*ck, a full tribute to this incredible game's soundtrack would be more than worth! It's a pity I can't help with this.
  7. This album cover looks great! Especially Yomi; we need more fanart of Yomi! Waiting for the "box" to be released on the real world
  8. Wow, that's great! I'm one of the lurkers following this album project with enthusiasm since Terranigma is one of my very favorite RPGs. 2019 (maybe 2020?) looks promising for fans of JRPGs with albums like this one and the others for Lufia II and Golden Sun. Thank you very much for all the great music as usual, I wish you all the best!
  9. Hello! I'm searching for the music of I-Chu since years too with not much success. The only track I still keep in my hard drive and backups is the one from Tales of Phantasia (Fighting of the Spirit). Once while searching for more on the net I was able to download two more tracks: the boss themes from FF6 and FF7. Unfortunately I can't find anything more. Here are the 3 mentioned files, if someone is still interested: https://www.mediafire.com/?m4lwh244lo1qwhs The old website is still visible via Web Archive but the downloadable mp3s was not archived there (I guess because the weird way they was linked, a url inside another url instead of pure direct link). Only 2 of the mentioned tracks was archived, and I think this is because both download are linked in some blog post. Unfortunately despite all the effort in this research I can't find anything more. A huge thank you to Dhsu for the album download, this is very valuable and it was amazing to hear more of this amazing but somehow "missing in action" artist. By the way, sorry I did something wrong resurrecting this topic or whatever. If someone can help finding the lost mp3s of this artist would be really amazing.
  10. Long time since release, but I have to say it: this is a really amazing album! I always loved Castlevania IV and its soundtrack, so "weird" and unique, and it's a pity that most of the tracks (with the exception of Simon's theme) are so underrated and almost no decent covers of them. This album, homever, makes justice. A great tribute to a great soundtrack. In contrast to the previous two volumes of this trilogy, this third one feels more varied, balanced and consistent. Many metal tracks, many orchestrals, many synth/electroincs and many everything, but all in its proper way. Making something with such a variety and experimentation while keeping a very own personality on it does not seems to be an easy task, but you all did it very well. Also a very nice job from Chernabogue to direct and manage the project and keeping it always alive and progressing despite the difficulties in the way (yes, I very rarely post something but I'm very often reading "in lurker mode" :P). It was also a nice experience to go to the "online listening party" that Hallowen night, despite the confussions with the schudule. The first and only one I went to, and hope to go to many more later. Some good remixes from musicians I already knew and liked (especially the one by Goat) and some others I just discovered in this release and I liked very much too (Slimy's orchestrals are really nice and interesting, as well as Timaeus222's crazy remix for the Treasure Room, and the "unofficial group" formed by Jorito, Tuberz, Keskitalo, etc has a very unique and interesting style too). It was great to listen to very nice remixes of very-little-remixed tracks like the Sumerged City, the Forest, the Dark Cellar, the "giant lamps' screen", etc too. This is an album where everything is worth, from the shortest interludes and narrations to the most complex and well-made music. No fillers nor questionable-quality stuff included. If you are one of those many who, as me, always loved the original Super Castlevania IV and its weird and unique soundtrack, this album is the perfect tribute to it and you will sure love it as much as I do too. And if someone liked this album and did not played the game yet, you should do it too! Totally recommended, and I'd dare to say this is the best VGM arrangement/tribute album of 2015 year (at least in my opinion). And well, not much more to say that I didn't. Maybe someday I'll write a more complete review of the whole album, as it deserves, but unfortunately my english level is maybe not enough to that xD. Thanks again for the amazing job, and for making it free for all!
  11. I'm not a musician myself, so that's my opinion as just a humble fan/listener who knows this site since many years ago and tends to visit this forums "in lurker mode". To be honest: I had some unfair prejudgements about OCR and repetitive music in a past. Even worse: this absurd prejudgement leads me to blame electronic music as if everything included in so wide and varied genre was like that. Obviously I was totally wrong with this nonsensical idea. Maybe it was similar to that in some point of a far past, I don't know. But now, with a more open mind and after listening to much more of the giant OCR database of music, I can say there are actually LOTS of really great musicians here, in all genres, styles and whatever. I also liked the attention people pays to technical issues and details and all that stuff that me, as a simple listener, don't understand so much at all. So, obviously in terms of musical skills OCR did not influnced in anything (because I'm not a musucian and never was able to do something great, in relation to music xD) but as a simple listener it strongly changed something on me. I listen to more variety of VGM remixes and I learned to like some things and styles I used to prejudge before. And now I should apologize for all that unfair opinions.
  12. OMG, I did the calculation reversed! Damn dyscalculia! XD But better in this time, because I can listen with speakers in higher volume without annoying my neighbours
  13. Hey, cool trailer! All tracks sounds varied and consistent in the same time. Very epic orchestrations but also many guitars and not too much electronic (electro is nice, but I always though OC Remix has too much of it in most of albums, in my opinion). I'll put my ears online for the release party. 4PM MST is 8AM in Spain (UTC+1), right? (time zones are soo confusing... xD). And thanks again for all the work with this project, people!
  14. Oh, great, the expected date will be finally accomplished! (I did read before about possible troubles and delays) I actually played the game lots of times and it is one of my main favorites, but this is a very good time to play it again. CV4 never feels tired or repetitive. And this time I'll wait for halloween especially to get this awesome album! By the way: the previous two volumes are very great too, but I have some special feeling with CV4 and maybe this makes this last part even more special for me
  15. Hey, congrats for all the work! I was following this project since many time ago, as well as visiting regularly this website and forums and some other VGM-related sites "in lurker mode". But just wanted to exit from the shadows and say "hello" in this topic because Castlevania IV is one of my favorite videogames (as well as one of the first I ever played) and I have very good expectations about this project. Especially from some artists I already know and like (I join the party of those "Castlevania metalhead fans who worship the goat ). So, congrats again for all the work you are doing and thanks for it. Sure it will be worth the wait
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