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    TheChargingRhino reacted to Gario in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    While I still have the numbers up (and before I listen on my other headphones), I thought I'd point out those numbers, as far as source usage goes.
    I calculate 68 seconds of source in this bad boy. That puts it at about 36% source in the arrangement. I have no idea whether or not you planned on submitting the track (you very well could just be showing off in here, which is great, in my book), but IF you were, you'd definitely be called out for the track being too liberal.
    That doesn't take anything away from the track in its own right, as it still sounds pretty damn good, but I thought I'd point that out, in case you ever, maybe, possibly wanted to submit the track.
    I kind of hope you do, since real, raw dubstep is sorely misrepresented on the site, at the moment.
  2. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Gario in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    That's not necessarily a mistake - there are EDM styles that do this sort of cutting intentionally, which adds to the meat of the track. There are a few elements that I may or may not have comments on regardless, but I want to give this a listen on my better headphones at home before I give any comment on it.
    I do like this, though - it's definitely an improvement on the other version.
  3. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    The bass is better, but every time that kick or tom hits, I'm still hearing it push the rest of the soundscape out of the way for a moment. It also interferes with some of the glitch effecting you have later on. You may want take another look at the EQ on the drums.
    I do like the new softer orchestral bit at 1:38. Nice touch.
  4. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Gario in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    Ooo, this is really neat. I'm loving the direction you're taking this so far - that orchestra caught me off guard. It's dirty, it's interesting and it does have some Star Wolf in it, lol.
    The thing that catches me the most off the top is how the lead gets lost behind all of the sound. I know the sidechaining is to give yourself some room, but that lead does need to come out ahead some of your other elements. I hear a lot of dubby sounds that just overwhelm the lead, when the lead should be the thing grounding the listener to the source (such as at 2:07). Having the sidechaining affect it a bit less and mixing the other elements a little behind the lead when it's present would help considerably.
    Very neat approach, I'll be listening to where you take this.
  5. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DS394 in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    So here's a thing brostep-y I started workin' on one day when I just had a lot of free time: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1RmRwKRXmElWHhyM0NKVjBqYnc/view?usp=sharing
    This is currently the running rough draft, but there's gonna be a bit more added to it soon, along with some mixing fixes (as far as I can tell, there seems to be a bit too of the highs like hi-hat and saw chords while the subbass is not loud enough under some synths). Also, I might add an atmospheric sort of orchestral part between the drops with violins and horns. Any other advice?
  6. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Lemonectric in Zelda: Wand of Gamelon - 'Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk'   
    Hmm...Zelda's quest to rescue Link for the sole purpose of keeping the duck walk alive, eh? That works.
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Zelda: Wand of Gamelon - 'Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk'   
    This track entertains me in so many ways. I like the chiptune melodies with (as @Gario calls it and I LOVE this response) the 'absolute cheese factor' of the synths - it's a bright, bouncy, and humorous approach. I really enjoyed this - two thumbs up!
    I would also like to say that 'Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk' is the perfect name for this track.
  8. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Gario in Zelda: Wand of Gamelon - 'Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk'   
    "Only Link can do the Duck Walk"
    That is your new title, lol.
    I think this is a pretty slick arrangement. I'm loving the combination of FM synths and NES style chiptunes. The source is clear, and it blends spectacularly well with the Zelda title source. I know you asked for extra ears, and it doesn't help much when someone says they can't hear anything that they think would improve it, but there's not much I can say. It's beautiful ear candy, and it's a neat idea to blend the Wand of Gamelon with the original Zelda source like that. The absolute cheese factor of many of those synths just adds to the appeal, as well.
    Solid stuff, I hope to hear it on the panel.
  9. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Lemonectric in Zelda: Wand of Gamelon - 'Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk'   
    I could use some more ears on this. Gimme your thoughts!

    Source: Zelda: Wand of Gamelon map theme (plus bits of the original Zelda theme)
    ReMix: Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk
    I was going to call it "Zelda Does the Duck Walk," but it turns out she doesn't use that term in her tutorial! It is written, only Link can do the duck walk.
  10. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to colshnitzel in Starfox Corneria- Techno Mix   
    Thanks everyone! I agree with you. I wish I could still edit this track, but unfortunately, I no longer have the files. Perhaps I will make another one in the future. Keep the honest opinions going. It can only make my compositions stronger. 
  11. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to colshnitzel in Starfox Corneria- Techno Mix   
    Hope you all enjoy it. I started it so long ago and never got back around to refinishing it. I finally gave in an posted it or everyone to criticize. GO!
  12. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to M_Blacki in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I vote on the voiceover as well. And to get things started, I guess you can put my name down for Sector Y. Are there any arrangement preferences or genres I should follow?
  13. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Alright! We have all kinds of motivated collaborators and performers here, just ITCHING to perform!
    So, since everyone is so eager, let me put this suggestion in front of everyone: ANDROSS is the 'boss' of this album, and deserves to given the treatment like a boss. I think it would be awesome if we found a way to get most or all of our collaborators and performers to do something on one big Andross remix, spanning at least one theme from every game we see Andross in.
    I'm still very much a newbie on actual composition - I'm having a hard enough time getting the right sound with my own track currently - so I don't think I'm the right person to build the base arrangement; however, if someone is willing to step up to the plate and take a few swings at building a framework, I think we could all put in something and turn this into something truly epic.
    If someone wants to be really creative, I'm sure I can do a decent Andross impression for an introductory voice-over ... and I can laugh evilly, as I've made mention of before. (Yes, I know the laugh is cheesy ... but that's why I like it.) 
    Let me know what you think!
  14. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to M_Blacki in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I mainly work on electric guitar and bass with Studio One 2, record, mix, and master myself. I also have some experience with drum/sample/synth programming.
  15. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to classic_gamer_76 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    If any help is needed, boss, you know where to find me
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    @Etzaen has claimed Eladard (inside variation) from Star Fox 2. I guess I had better post the rest of the OST to the overview ...
    Welcome aboard, Etzaen!
    As I assigned this track to disc 1 (conveniently), this also means we have...
    24 CLAIMS - 12 TRACKS ON EACH DISC - FIRST MISSION CLEAR!(in 24 point, just for emphasis)
    Thanks again to all our awesome Remixers for helping me bring this together!
    Don't forget, we are still recruiting! Let us know if you want in!
  17. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Wiesty in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    Oh man, here we go radical dreamers v2.0!!!
  18. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Well then, I guess I'm doing a voice-over. I'll post something to this thread in the next couple of days.
    Thanks to @TheChargingRhino for taking the first plunge! I'll also finish posting the Andross tracks this weekend so everyone can hear all the sources.
    Everyone can contribute something, whether you want to help by designing part of the root track or just clapping your hands into a mic. Don't worry, we'll find something for you, Star.
    This track is now yours, MB. Thank you!
    Personally, I was hoping to get the waltz from SF SNES on this album somehow, but the choice is yours which track you use (just let me know which one you decide on). No genre restrictions, interpretation is wide open; my only guideline is to try to 'tell a story with the sound.' Oh yeah, and the OCR submission guidelines.
    22 claims ... and since this Andross collaboration seems to be taking some sort of shape, that means...
    Thank you to everyone who has participated in this so far. I really appreciate all the collaborators who have also stepped up this week and offered their services too - I am really happy with how this is all turning out and EXCITED to hear what comes of this!
    Now, just because disc 2 has reached its first goal does not mean claims are cut off. There are four more tracks for the second disc I have listed in the project overview that are open to claim and lots of character themes still open. Even boss themes! Also, only ONE TRACK LEFT for disc 1 to reach its first goal - which will also have some other tracks open to claims. 
    This project is still recruiting! Let us know if you want in!
  19. Like
    TheChargingRhino got a reaction from The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Dibs on the theme from SF.
    Let's beat that one track from Double The Trouble! for number of ReMixers. 
    And, YES!
  20. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to HankTheSpankTankJankerson in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    +1 for voiceover.
  21. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to HankTheSpankTankJankerson in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Gonna claim Meteo if that is okay...?
  22. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Jorito in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Hey, spell my nick correctly, plz
    In all seriousness, Aaron is great to work with and delivers, it's so well done that basically you just have to drag it into your project. Highly recommended!
  23. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to M_Blacki in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I haven't helped with any collaboration projects on here yet, but I'd like to at least give it a shot. You can assign me as an arranger, remixer, or performer. Just let me know where I'm needed and where I can help.
  24. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to M_Blacki in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Absolutely! I'll do whatever I can. I will check out the list and let you know if anything comes to mind. Requested help would be nice too though; I'm trying to motivate myself back into music after a month break.
  25. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Starphoenix in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Thanks! There's probably some more tweaks that I'll make to my track, but I kind of just hit a good stride and things just fell in place that way. Actually been solicited to work on a second track, so I'm going to kick around some ideas and see what I can come up with.
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