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    DS394 got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    So I sent the latest version to a very small music promotion just to see what the spectrum would look like on a DubstepGutter-type setup, and I'm pretty happy with it (aka I can't stop watching it XD)
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    DS394 got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    Heh, yeah putting the amount of source necessary for OCR would basically violate the laws of dubstep, as most songs are 25% melody, 25% build, and 50% drop (and that's being very liberal with the melody and build). Unless of course you wanted to go for melodic dubstep (which I did have some ideas for a melodic drop at one point), but that would necessitate a whole 'nother remix. Maybe if I have a lot of time again a while after this...
    Thanks anyway for constructive critiques and comments  
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    DS394 got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    So here's a thing brostep-y I started workin' on one day when I just had a lot of free time: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1RmRwKRXmElWHhyM0NKVjBqYnc/view?usp=sharing
    This is currently the running rough draft, but there's gonna be a bit more added to it soon, along with some mixing fixes (as far as I can tell, there seems to be a bit too of the highs like hi-hat and saw chords while the subbass is not loud enough under some synths). Also, I might add an atmospheric sort of orchestral part between the drops with violins and horns. Any other advice?
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    DS394 reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Well then, I guess I'm doing a voice-over. I'll post something to this thread in the next couple of days.
    Thanks to @TheChargingRhino for taking the first plunge! I'll also finish posting the Andross tracks this weekend so everyone can hear all the sources.
    Everyone can contribute something, whether you want to help by designing part of the root track or just clapping your hands into a mic. Don't worry, we'll find something for you, Star.
    This track is now yours, MB. Thank you!
    Personally, I was hoping to get the waltz from SF SNES on this album somehow, but the choice is yours which track you use (just let me know which one you decide on). No genre restrictions, interpretation is wide open; my only guideline is to try to 'tell a story with the sound.' Oh yeah, and the OCR submission guidelines.
    22 claims ... and since this Andross collaboration seems to be taking some sort of shape, that means...
    Thank you to everyone who has participated in this so far. I really appreciate all the collaborators who have also stepped up this week and offered their services too - I am really happy with how this is all turning out and EXCITED to hear what comes of this!
    Now, just because disc 2 has reached its first goal does not mean claims are cut off. There are four more tracks for the second disc I have listed in the project overview that are open to claim and lots of character themes still open. Even boss themes! Also, only ONE TRACK LEFT for disc 1 to reach its first goal - which will also have some other tracks open to claims. 
    This project is still recruiting! Let us know if you want in!
  5. Like
    DS394 reacted to SirCorn in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Hey guys, this is a really cool project idea. I'd like to offer my services as a performer to anyone needing some live instrumental recordings. I have a high quality audio rig and have mic techniques and basic eq/mastering knowledge to get a good .wav of anything that needs to be sent to remixers. I've got too many projects going on to offer a dedicated remix of any of the tracks myself or oversee the arrangement, but I'd be happy to track/record anything that I can offer! 
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    DS394 reacted to DJ H0us3C0rP3 in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    I have to say this is actually pretty damn cool I am not going to lie! I wish there was more of the original melody but I can dig it! This is actually giving me some inspiration for my Brinstar remix but anyway good job!
  7. Like
    DS394 reacted to timaeus222 in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    Dubstep doesn't have to be that rigid. I write dubstep every now and then (mixed with other genres, but still), and I don't make myself have that kind of structure. So maybe you oughta broaden your interpretation of dubstep; don't you get tired of following set formulas for it?
  8. Like
    DS394 reacted to Gario in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    (As a side note this sounds way more amazing on my nice headphones, I don't regret checking it on them)
    To be honest, I thought there might've been some production heat on it, but it was actually my piss-poor headphones at work. This sounds pretty darn good, actually, on my decent set-up.
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    DS394 reacted to Gario in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    Mmm hmm, I certainly do see your point, on the one hand - the builds and drops throughout are inherent to the genre. On the other hand (because I have two hands, see? Haha... ha... bad joke), your builds and drop aren't devoid of music - they're devoid of melody. There's no rule stating that source melodies and themes can't be textures and background elements instead of melodies and themes in an arrangement. You've got arpeggios and such in the background that could as easily be source themes transformed into background elements instead.
    It sounds great either way, so you don't have to do more to the track, but I do want to point out that putting source into something isn't impossible to get close or past the threshold I'm thinking about. Trickier, due to genre limitations, but not inherently impossible.
  10. Like
    DS394 got a reaction from Gario in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    Heh, yeah putting the amount of source necessary for OCR would basically violate the laws of dubstep, as most songs are 25% melody, 25% build, and 50% drop (and that's being very liberal with the melody and build). Unless of course you wanted to go for melodic dubstep (which I did have some ideas for a melodic drop at one point), but that would necessitate a whole 'nother remix. Maybe if I have a lot of time again a while after this...
    Thanks anyway for constructive critiques and comments  
  11. Like
    DS394 reacted to The Nikanoru in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    As I tend to say, I am by no means an expert and do not profess to be a master mixer, so thank YOU both for teaching ME something. LOL
  12. Like
    DS394 reacted to Jorito in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    I'm not familiar with the source but this sounds promising. I like the orchestral part in the middle, works pretty good. For me, the ending was a bit abrupt, guess I like to be eased into it more. Overall I'd say the track flows well and kept me interested despite me not being a full on dubstep fan. My biggest remark would be that the snare sounds pretty dull and I'd appreciate some more snap in it.
  13. Like
    DS394 reacted to Gario in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    While I still have the numbers up (and before I listen on my other headphones), I thought I'd point out those numbers, as far as source usage goes.
    I calculate 68 seconds of source in this bad boy. That puts it at about 36% source in the arrangement. I have no idea whether or not you planned on submitting the track (you very well could just be showing off in here, which is great, in my book), but IF you were, you'd definitely be called out for the track being too liberal.
    That doesn't take anything away from the track in its own right, as it still sounds pretty damn good, but I thought I'd point that out, in case you ever, maybe, possibly wanted to submit the track.
    I kind of hope you do, since real, raw dubstep is sorely misrepresented on the site, at the moment.
  14. Like
    DS394 reacted to Gario in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    That's not necessarily a mistake - there are EDM styles that do this sort of cutting intentionally, which adds to the meat of the track. There are a few elements that I may or may not have comments on regardless, but I want to give this a listen on my better headphones at home before I give any comment on it.
    I do like this, though - it's definitely an improvement on the other version.
  15. Like
    DS394 reacted to The Nikanoru in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    The bass is better, but every time that kick or tom hits, I'm still hearing it push the rest of the soundscape out of the way for a moment. It also interferes with some of the glitch effecting you have later on. You may want take another look at the EQ on the drums.
    I do like the new softer orchestral bit at 1:38. Nice touch.
  16. Like
    DS394 reacted to Thirdkoopa in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Area 6. I don't know how nobody has taken that yet.
  17. Like
    DS394 got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Yesssss chill chiptunessss sounds like a taste of heaven <3
    I mean, as soon as you possibly can would be preferred, but technically the first WIP deadline January, so you got time.
  18. Like
    DS394 reacted to timaeus222 in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    Agreed; I would also try cutting down some on the basses' midrange to make room for the lead.
  19. Like
    DS394 reacted to Gario in Star Wolf - Dubstep Remix (Update 11/31)   
    Ooo, this is really neat. I'm loving the direction you're taking this so far - that orchestra caught me off guard. It's dirty, it's interesting and it does have some Star Wolf in it, lol.
    The thing that catches me the most off the top is how the lead gets lost behind all of the sound. I know the sidechaining is to give yourself some room, but that lead does need to come out ahead some of your other elements. I hear a lot of dubby sounds that just overwhelm the lead, when the lead should be the thing grounding the listener to the source (such as at 2:07). Having the sidechaining affect it a bit less and mixing the other elements a little behind the lead when it's present would help considerably.
    Very neat approach, I'll be listening to where you take this.
  20. Like
    DS394 got a reaction from Starphoenix in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Yesssss chill chiptunessss sounds like a taste of heaven <3
    I mean, as soon as you possibly can would be preferred, but technically the first WIP deadline January, so you got time.
  21. Like
    DS394 reacted to Starphoenix in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I see Zoness is unclaimed for the second disc, so I'd like to hog it for myself and throw my hat into the ring.
    Think I have a nice direction for the track. Something along the lines of chill-down electronica/chiptune. I'll listen to the track, get a good idea of the structure of the song and start kicking around some ideas this week.
  22. Like
    DS394 got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Hmm, I've always wanted to try producing a rap beat, so maybe if you make some fire lyrics we could put something together 
    (BTW here's an example of a rap beat I've made before even if its purpose is a bit cheesy, but if I could put produce something more legit and put some rap-style piano thing like this behind it and just edit it a bit, this could be pretty dope. Would you be interested?)
  23. Like
    DS394 got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Oh, and make sure you change my track claim to purple since I sent you the WAV
  24. Like
    DS394 reacted to Theory of N in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I may drop a claim a bit later but for now you can mark me down as a performer on alto and tenor sax
  25. Like
    DS394 reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I have PMed you on this.
    I am pleased to announce that @DaMonz has agreed to become co-director for our project!
    Great to have you aboard, DaMonz! I'm looking forward to working with you.
    Everyone please help me welcome him to the team!
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