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Everything posted by OmegaPhoenix128

  1. Ive always thought the final boss of Xenogears was pretty hard to beat. That or the Sigma and his damn dog thing from MMX. Gay dog always tore me up. Before I even got to sigma.
  2. Havent been browsing OCR for a bit of time and was behind on quite a few songs. When I got to listening to this one, I was surprised. Its pretty awesome. Wish there were more upbeat songs like this on OCR
  3. What I really liked about this music was the beginning. It was , to say the least, perfect. I loved the piano entry and then it goes into the music and what not. Awesome
  4. I like the pace of it. nicely done. Very nicely done.
  5. This is some pretty good stuff. I like the nature of it. Though it, for some reason, gives me the hankering to go play Chrono Trigger. *Goes off and plays CT*
  6. This is Done extremely well in my opinion.I like the way it sounds and junk. Then again, Ive always been somewhat partial to orchestrated music using string instruments. The ending part with the guy fits in pretty well too. Overall, Awesome.
  7. There are parts in the remix I love and parts taht are good. Overall, this remix was pretty good stuff
  8. This is pretty impressive. I like the way it is. Just has the something in music that I like. Great stuff
  9. I have always been a big fan of Disco Dan's works. This is yet another awesome remix hes done. Keep the great remixes rolling Disco Dan.
  10. While i was sitting here listening to this song at night, i noticed theres liek a wierd saxaphone thing in the first couple of seconds in the background thats feint. Maybe its just me and Im just hearing things, but what exactly is that?
  11. I must say HOT DAMN. This is just AMAZING. My hats off to E-Bison. He made a timeless ocr piece.
  12. The begining 2:26 minutes of this song was my favorite part. This song is definitly something that I like. Good Job The Wingless.
  13. The remix is a nice remix. It has a good, somewhat calm tone to it that I like. Very good.
  14. The tune is upbeat after maybe 30 seconds to a minute or so which is really a thing I like about it. The beginning with the piano is pretty cool too. In overall. This a really good song.
  15. This is VERY nice. It has a tone to it I love. Nice. As for the longer version, what format is it running under because none of my players can play it.
  16. I like it. The music I think flows really nicely.
  17. Two things How do i get the songs to record or keep playing while in other channals and Where would i find a "GOOD" tutorial for this online?
  18. *&(^* having trouble with angel fire and i must have other means to post a sig...
  19. Very NICE. But then again, i disagree with the one-liner in the song "Zero is the Ultimate Warrior". Other then that VERY GOOD . I smile at it But true to what i believe, MegaMan X is the ultimate Warrior. but thats opinion.
  20. They need more B.O.F remixs. The series is the best. Very Very Cool Song. Nice smooth transition (atleast it seems that way to me)
  21. I like the guitar That was just Cool. I think its very nice. then again im a fan of all the MegaMan X games and well I like anything that does with it. Overall... Good Stuff!
  22. Hope this works cuase if it does this is my new sig! hmm kinda large though i will ahve to fix that.... lol my last post changed its sig too.... well who cares i like my sig
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