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Seth Skoda

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Everything posted by Seth Skoda

  1. Gar... I can't wait to see the results. I'm already searching my extensive VGM playlists for a source tune just in case. I did just win MnP, so maybe I'm on a hot streak, I dunno... I have a question. Who listened to every one of the submitted tracks? I did. I even listened to source material with which I was previously unfamiliar.
  2. I'm one productive mofo, as @HoboKa once said. Also, with some of these compos, I'm just curious to know... What about sound downgrades? Like, what if someone wanted to somehow water a composition down to the NES sound chip when the source is SEGA Genesis? Would that be allowed? Just wanna know for future reference
  3. I'm in with a bonus track - a port to SEGA Genesis/Megadrive. It's on Thasauce now.
  4. One of the above is the source tune for 108...
  5. @HoboKa now has a MIDI and YouTube link in his inbox. I had several other choices, and I guess, why not, I'll poast them in this thread. There's a lot of Christmas themed VGM out there...
  6. Thank you very much. I'm on it right now. Gotta go on the PC for this...
  7. In that case, I'm going to go with the one I first thought of. How do I do the whole thing with setting up the compo? New to this...
  8. I figured as much, wanted to be sure. I have other tunes in mind, as that one is kinda high res, which might make it difficult for this particular compo.
  9. lol I was just asking if it was acceptable, considering that in reality it is a remixed medley of well known holiday tunes. If not, I'll pick another.
  10. O.O holy shit how did that happen? Gimme a few minutes. Imma sift through my massive MIDI collection and see what I really want to pick. I have a few in mind, but no decision until after a thorough search.
  11. I have a question: how will you decide the order of the tracks? Will it be in the order submitted? Or perhaps you would arrange them in a way that makes sense? Wait, I know: you're just gonna roll a D20!
  12. @Bundeslang PRC398? Anyway, I had to download the tracks to listen to them. I will be voting shortly. EDIT: I have voted Also, the tracks play after I done went and downloaded them. Of course.
  13. I totally agree. A few of my all time favorite Sonic tunes are from the 8 bit titles. Bridge Zone (Sonic 1) <- this was my choice for the compo. Sunset Park Act 3 (Triple Trouble) Red Volcano (Sonic Blast)
  14. Oh, shit... Someone else remixing tunes from the Game Gear/Master System Sonic games.
  15. No, not yet, but I want to be proactive and prevent them from doing so. I do not wish to have my ass roasted by unfair laws.
  16. Thank you. The original song is pretty offensive tbh I have no idea why he's fighting that Rhino or why it's wearing yellow spandex. That's just one of the weird things of 90s video games, I guess. It's too bad I'll be deleting this stuff from YouTube. I'm only leaving two videos up there, though I may return to do some "Let's Fucking Play" videos; you know, Let's Play videos with tons of swearing/profanity.
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