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The Vodoú Queen

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    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Bundeslang in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    It's results time.
    TheVideoGamer did a bonus mix.
    Marcusg got 6 points and the last place wooden spoon.
    Souperion and TheVodouQueen tie with 9 points and second place.
    And the winner of PRC428 is Wassup Thunder with 11 points.
    Wassup Thunder you are the winner. You may pick a source for PRC430. I didn't have time to vote this time and didn't listen to the songs yet, I'll do that later.
    Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your source as fast as you can, but before next Wednesday (30 June 2021), 11:00 AM ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT).
    You may select any source from any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links (I recently updated this site):
    http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above).
    http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC428 for the votes and comments.
    PRC429 already started:
  2. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Ok i am very late to the party, like very late. At the time of the final day of voting i was on vacation. So when i got back i kinda forgot about this, but also i was very busy.
    Gonna reply here with some thoughts for each one.
    Also congrats to Wassup Thunder! Great work to everyone of you!
    Here's my thoughts.
    Wassup Thunder - Ooh nice work you did with the chord progression man. Works super well! Also dig your signature electronic style, makes a lovely appearance here, fits super well. Really liking how the instruments blend too, it just works perfectly. The only criticism i have, and honestly for me i'd argue it makes a big difference, is the drums are way too quiet. Maybe it's me, but i would definitely feel big drums would work this track. Especially since you are going for thick textured synths. The rest is lovely though, i really dig the occasional acoustic instrument creeping in, brings a kind of earthiness to the track. The arrangement was also very neat, lots of cool ideas, well done!
    TheVodouQueen - This one is a full on ride. I love the Cowboy Bebop references, they were awesome lol. Since this source is a full blown homage/remix of a UR track, it kind of makes sense to take elements from the original. The pad sounds are beautiful, very ethereal. I like the slower direction, it really amplifies the atmospheric part of the track, instead of the rave aspect. The vocals kind of remind me of a trailer for a T.V show maybe even anime lol. The light airy feel of this really works well for the source. Also a good idea, to turn the bassline into a Saxophone Melody, that's a cool touch. The only critique i have, and this is based on what i'm listening too, but i feel this has a similar problem to Wassup's track, in that the drums are rather quiet, and need to be brought up. Maybe it's the powerful beats of the original, that's influenced me i don't know, but i kind of feel a hip-hop groove or a big kick could really make this shine. The ambient parts are beautiful though, and definitely a highlight. I do love the chord progression of the original though, so there's that lol. To be honest, the more i listen, the more i see an argument for the soft beats. It feels less obtrusive, and more like a relaxing groove. All in all, lovely work here, as i said, the pad word is amazing. Well done!
    Souperion - More beautiful pad goodness. I think the chords of the original source, just really give me Goosebumps. Then again, this source is all sorts of complex goodness. Really like the 3 over 4 piano line, very fitting. The chords are also beautiful too, i love the variety here. I also like the ambient direction, like the last one, it's very relaxing and chilling. Space Ambient is the right choice, since the chords lend itself to very deep complex ambience. I also love how it isn't focused on just the chords. More notes are added to really enhance the chords, it's very well structured and arranged. I honestly kept listening to give honest critique but i can't seem to find any, i think it's just done in a beautiful way. Maybe it's a bit static, no real dynamic changes, but i also feel it doesn't need it, it's too well balanced, and it would ruin the flow. Honestly i think you've really done this source justice. Well done!
    Marcusg - Ooh very swing like. I dig the chords used here, like a homage to the original. Sadly i detect timing issues in the chords. I assume it's intentional, and i try to take that to account, but it's also very off-putting. I also like how you made it more simplistic, by focusing on 4 bars. Your stretching a simple idea into something expansive, rather than focus on the whole source it's very cool. Sure it does make it a little on the loopy side, but it's a unique approach nontheless. The arrangement unfortunately needs work, i feel like it's a bit on the simplistic side, and maybe too short for these kinds of developments. I don't want to discourage you though, i have read you are re-learning FL Studio, which isn't an easy task, and i must commend you on the choice to make it more minimalistic, that to me is a nice approach. Also the sound selection was great too, the whole thing has a lot of great moments and the ideas are cool for sure! If anything i feel this sounds like a lovely demo for a remix. Keep at it! Would love to hear a complete version. Well done!
    As always congrats to the winner, and congrats to those who participated! Hopefully i will vote more on time in the next round lol.
  3. Like
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
  4. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Marcusg in PRC429 - Escape From The Apes In The Cave (Ape Escape)   
    Soichi Terada, has some crazy break beat rhythm. He has some interesting tracks.
  5. Thanks
  6. Thanks
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Souperion in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Voted. Groovy stuff this round.
  7. Haha
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Wassup Thunder in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    I managed to finish my entry!
  8. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Bundeslang in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Welcome to the voting stage
    The mixing stage is over. This round has 4 songs and 1 bonus mix by TheVideoGamer. The following people compete against each other:
    Wassup Thunder
    To vote, do the following:
    Visit http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC428 and listen to all the entries
    Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen or click PM.
    Fill in the entries from first to third in the ThaSauce form or fill in your top 3.
    State a reasoning for it.
    Participants are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. They get a 3 point bonus, but they are not allowed to vote for their own track. They only have to fill in their top 2, leave the third box empty.
    Always look in this thread to find out who's the winner of the round after the voting stage instead of only looking at ThaSauce for the results.
    You have until Monday June 21st 2021 6:59 AM ThaSauce time (11:00 UTC, 12:00 GMT) to vote.
    If you vote by PM make sure that your top 3 is clear. I prefer something like this:
    PRC ### Vote
    1: (remixer A )
    2: (remixer B )
    3: (remixer C )
  9. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Bundeslang in PRC429 - Escape From The Apes In The Cave (Ape Escape)   
    The People's Remix Competition 429

    Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition!
    In PRC427 it was TheVideoGamer who got the win. The source has been selected.
    Source: Ape Escape (PS1) - Coral Cave
    The deadline is Wednesday July 7th 2021 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the link https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC429 for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. 
    You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread.
    Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread.
    Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score.
    The winner of this round may select the source for PRC431.
    The winner of PRC427, TheVideoGamer , who picked this source, has a double vote but can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix 
    You can find the full rules list at this page as well.
    PRC Home Page
  10. Haha
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Wassup Thunder in PRC429 - Escape From The Apes In The Cave (Ape Escape)   
    Nice rhythm and beat on this thing. Now to start the monkey business.
  11. Like
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in MnP 125: Xenogears - Bonds of Sea and Fire   
    God I love the music from said composer... Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross and Xenogears has some of the most unique, iconic and beautiful songs in the VG sphere. Reminds me that I should actually play through Xenogears. I own it and some of the Xenosaga series, but never went back to complete either. Last big RPG games I slogged through was Baten Kaitos and Legend of Dragoon (*wink, wink, nudge, nudge* for more MnP obscure source ideas. )
    I want to ask the question tho, before I get ahead of myself in my remix composition.
    I know it's MnP--but is it viable and OK to use a secondary source with the primary source? It's for midground / background affect and purpose. "Bond of Sea and Flame" is still going to be the main melody, with not much bending or change outside of it.
    If not, I'll just take the hit on voting I guess. This opportunity is too good to pass up with the other source I found...
  12. Haha
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Wassup Thunder in MnP 125: Xenogears - Bonds of Sea and Fire   
    Sea and Fire? Can I get away with a fire-focused arrangement....
  13. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in MnP 125: Xenogears - Bonds of Sea and Fire   
    Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes)
    Congratulations to Souperion for winning the last round! As a result, he get's to choose this month's MnP source! Here's what he had to say about his pick:
    "Bonds of Sea and Fire" from Xenogears. I've never played the game, but a friend directed me to the song. It's another beauty by Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger/Cross, among others), delicate and delightful." - Souperion
    GAME: Xenogears (PlayStation 1)
    SOURCE: Bonds of Sea and Fire
    Deadline: 7th July @ 1PM
    Closing Date: 9th July @ 1PM
    Vote Ends: 16th July @ 1PM
    MnP ARCHIVE  - made by Trism 
    submit: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP125
    The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required.
    MnP Instructions/Guidelines - Now Updated
    Rules for Picking a Source:
    All video game sources are limited to the 6th generation of video game consoles and earlier. This was due to community consensus, where people preferred to remix more retro games, than newer games. 6th generation includes: GameCube, Xbox, PS2 and Dreamcast.  I'm now restricting big name franchises (Such as Zelda and Mega-Man) to one source per year. This is to encourage more obscure games, that not many people will know about to be picked.  Make sure you provide me both a video and a MIDI of the source in question. Note: This is subject to change. Also keep an eye out, if any special rounds come into fruition. 
    Modifying the Source is fine, so long as it doesn't sound completely separate from its original intent.  If you're gonna do a genre change, at least make sure the original aspect of the source is not lost. Tempo changes are fine, as long as it's not a big change. I'm talking like, going from 80bpm to 140bpm.  Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max), and submitted as a MP3 file. Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry.  Try to avoid making quality-based comments on submissions until after the Round is concluded.  It is to avoid a Bias in Votes. MISC/TIPS
    - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make people's lives easier.
    - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
  14. Like
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from Wassup Thunder in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Mine's in.
  15. Like
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from Wassup Thunder in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Yeah I get it now.
    Feels like a song they'd definitely use in the show, but hey, at least I understood the homage to episodes 12 and 13. XD
    Nonetheless, hope I made my remix a little bit interesting with connecting the songs and episodes together.
  16. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Souperion in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Got something in. GL all.
  17. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    I was definitely under the impression, the way they set up the show, that they would use the song. Hell in Hi-Tech Jazz, (The G2G Song) there is a saxophone solo present throughout! But alas they didn't, which they could have, since it felt like a good opportunity. Oh well.
    Looking forward to listening to yours when i vote!
  18. Like
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Yeah I get it now.
    Feels like a song they'd definitely use in the show, but hey, at least I understood the homage to episodes 12 and 13. XD
    Nonetheless, hope I made my remix a little bit interesting with connecting the songs and episodes together.
  19. Thanks
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Basically Underground Resistance recorded a track called Jupiter Jazz in 1992. There are 2 versions of the song, one released under the alias Galaxy 2 Galaxy (Named Hi-Tech Jazz), which was intended for live performances and of course Jupiter Jazz. Both made by the same members of Underground Resistance.
    Manabu Naimiki created a homage, in a form of a cover for the second stage of the Battle Garegga game. This is featured in the soundtrack as Underwater Rampart.
    Cowboy Bebop also pays homage to Jupiter Jazz, the very song Manabu Naimiki was inspired by for Underwater Rampart. Baring in mind the second version, is also pretty much similar, but none of the composers/artists here used that version.
    As far as i'm aware Jupiter Jazz is not in the OST of Cowboy Bebop, but did serve as the basis for 2 episodes, aptly titled Jupiter Jazz (Each part 1 and part 2).
    Now i mention Galaxy 2 Galaxy, because the song is very much in line with Jupiter Jazz. Almost close to a remix. However as i reiterate, neither the composer or show creator used this version.
    Jupiter Jazz:
    Hi-Tech Jazz:
    Also here's a clip of performing Hi-Tech Jazz live. Pretty neat if you ask me.
    Hope that clears some confusion for you!
  20. Like
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but was this song (well it's alter-ego, "Jupiter Jazz") used in the show Cowboy Bebop? It feels like it was at some point for one of the chase scenes, and not just happenstance be the title of episodes 12 and 13, also called 'Jupiter Jazz'. ...I swear when I YT'd it and listened to the Underground Resistance / Galaxy 2 Galaxy version, I had heard it in the show before, but I am unsure. It's been literal years since I've seen it, TBF.
    And to clarify--whether it is or not--what I mean in my song blurb is that I incorporated some Bebop fun stuff into it. ^^ Unsure if the song was actually used in the show, but based on its namesake, thought I'd do a couple of nods to the show and episodes themselves, based from the same name of the alternate track.
  21. Thanks
    The Vodoú Queen got a reaction from TheVideoGamer in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Mine's in.
  22. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    Bonus entrant out!
  23. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Marcusg in PRC428 - Battle Till The End (Battle Garegga)   
    I guess I will join the competition. I still havn't mastered FL Studio and I stop almost a decade ago. Been binge watching youtube tutorial for a month now. Hopefully I can make something decent.
  24. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to Wassup Thunder in MnP 124: Magical Starsign - Bena Rikashi   
    A really fun round, congrats everyone!
  25. Like
    The Vodoú Queen reacted to TheVideoGamer in MnP 124: Magical Starsign - Bena Rikashi   
    Congrats Souperion!
    Next round is up!
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