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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. Being virtually identical to the original aside, the biggest problems of this song is that it doesn't change significantly. For 2 minutes, you can't really justify that. Secondly, it appears as if to make up for the general lack of originality and effort, appropriate sound effects were placed on top of everything. NO
  2. I'd say there is a definate lack of original material. The vast majority of this song is definately note for note with the original. As for the rest, as minimal additions as you can imagine. The drums are pretty bad. NO
  3. If there is any relation to ff7 in this song, A. I sure as hell can't hear it. B. Its obviously not enough to be considered a remix anyway. NODE!
  4. I require more than a bunch of drumloops and sound effects strapped together upon an excessively repetitive minimal mix with a rather horrible lead to get past. Needs far less repetition, and more focus on the lead solos. They are all wild and amateur. I'll give the benifit of the doubt and assume that the annoying factor of this song was intentional, but that doesn't change anything. NO
  5. Alas, all lost in routeen triming of WIP.
  6. Excellent. This is exactly what I look for in a remix. Length, Originality, Skill, Creativity. Its not just a cover, and it captures the original perfectly. Everything is right with this mix. Great job.
  7. sorry, rhodes. I was tired.
  8. Make your own percussion, don't just use drumloops. Guitar is good but there ain't anything else going for this song. NO
  9. We don't accept originals, just remixes. NO OVERRIDE
  10. So yea, this is pretty much just a cover. Two large issues come out right away: under 2 minutes. poor production. Basically this is the kinda song that could be made in about 5-10 minutes of effort. You'll have to do way better than that to get on this site. NO
  11. If you're gonna pass this song now, then at least try to ask the author for a version that doesn't clip. While you're at it, have him fix the crappy eq. Someone has to contact the author for permission anyway.
  12. Greetings again Ari, Oi, thank you so much for telling me instead of rejecting it. I redid it and I'm sure there is no clipping in it now (look for "Revised 5.24.04" in the comment field of the ID3v2 tag). I was able to look for the clipping by both using head phones (Thanks for that tip ^.~) and looking at the graphical sound waves. The song is just a tad quieter than before. I'm sorry if I've slowed down the judging process but now that I know more about what I'm doing, my next recording shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, I really appreciate your patience and the patience of all the other judges. Thank you to all the OC ReMix judges! -BogusRed
  13. Only actual clipping occurs at 1:12 and is not very noticeable, unless you listen for it. Perhaps we can get a version that fixes that blemish.
  14. You're probably thinking of last of the mochecans, however thats spelled. Nevertheless, we have 2 remixes of this song on ocremix already. Grow some culture fgt. NO for being exactly the same as the original with worse chords.
  15. I did yes override on my first vote, then someone edited my post. Then 2 other people voted. Point is to save time. Knowing how infrequently certain people judge, I'd rather them spend time on more relevant, controvercial, meaning full decisions, than these sure-yes songs. Unfortunately due to a misunderstanding, the purpose of yes-override was lost this time. I hope it doesn't happen again.
  16. Yea, its slow alright. Lots of string layers. Mediocre bass, lame lead. Very short. Doesn't go into the second part of the original at all. No variation. Nice try, but go for something thats twice as long as far more interesting. NO
  17. Beginning is very bland, then it gets better. And then cool at 1:55. Now lets see if it can maintain that coolness. Yes, its got the variation where it counts. Hey, interesting effect on the guitar. Everything rocks. Good job YES
  18. Strings out of tune. Really annoying. Lots of sfx and simple loops, but little real arrangement. Low fidelity. NO
  19. So like, this is exactly like the original with drums. We're really trying to bring ocr away from the image of 'original + drums', so please go for more than this. Song develops a bit later on. I like the strings, though they release too much. NO Could be better. Change up the lead. Change up the progression.
  20. good SQ straight off the bat. Audio deformation at 1:05. Really messy instrumentation at some points, like in 1:49. Not enough bad to overdo the good. YES Wonder if we can get a version that fixes that audio glitch... Edit: I tried to figure out a way to contact the author, but to no avail. If this song gets rejected, someone tell the author to contact me and we'll see about fixing the audio glitches. It appears to be the key NO point. Edit2: Could not contact author to fix ending and audio glitch, so it'll stay as NO unless someone else wants to try.
  21. Cool sfx. Cool synthage. Cool movement. Lets see where it goes. Oh wait! Its cyborg jeff! YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! YAY! no way I can prevent being biased about this, oh well. Very fun. Nothing wrong with this. Fun. gj. YAY CYBORG JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES OVERRIDE OMG YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Hey, this is way quiet. Wait a tick. This is 9 megs. Cmon dude. NO OVERRIDE Aside from that. Everything about this mix is minimal. Floody sections like 2:16 are the only motivated parts in this mix. The rest is a lot of singular progressions where theres either no bass or no lead or no percussion. As for the percussion, it just loops. No variation. The vocal stuff is pretty funny. Kinda an interesting novelty to add to the song. The song isnt bad, but it lacks in many areas. If those areas were touched upon, the song wouldn't be so .. rejected.
  23. Repetition, clipping, and lack of dynamics kinda kill this song. Aside from that, its a pretty typical rave cover of the original. Biggest issue here is the sound quality. Work on eliminating that clipping, using better synths. Focus on the higher frequencies where this song tends to lack. NO
  24. Problem with playing live on a non-touch responce keyboard is that you end up with this kinda static velocity on each note creating a rather amateur feel. Same goes for the lack of sustain pedals. This song needs to be played on live piano, or touch responce keyboard, and a better font wouldn't hurt. NO Well, the font is indeed better, however there is still a lack in dynamics due to constant level of velocities. Nevertheless it is very well hidden now. Much Much better. Next time use touch responce. YES
  25. What a weird... This takes me back to the goa rave modding days. This song is mondo repetitive, with no real key definitions or real arrangement. Pretty cool rave song. Needs to be developed. NO
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