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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. Direct cover medley with weak transitions. Well played, but its just not a remix of any kind. You have a lot of skill, so I'd suggest trying this song again and adding to it. Chords, variation, improv, whatever. Do something thats not a direct transcript to guitar with sfx. NO
  2. Whats the deal with the vocals? Same 2 clips repeating again and again. Not tactfully, they're just all over the place. Big minus. Vocals are very distracting later on as the original melody is constantly being meshed with them. Trying to ignore them for now. Melody is very simplistic, repetitive, and non progressive. Percussion, accompany, same store. Background is octave chord, pretty simple. Sound in this song has a fuzzy nature. Nothing is really clear except the lead. Weak ending. Overall, very typical. Gotta do something better than a bunch of sound effects and lo fi generic techno progressions to get by me. NO
  3. bass is... is there bass at all? If so, way too quiet. Sounds like there is, but too quiet. This is pretty much a direct cover, and in that regard, I'd choose the original over it. Basically the reason is that this remix doesn't offer much besides guitar lead instead of flute and piano. However I feel the percussion in the original was much more fitting. Theres some improv later on, but its simply alternating notes in the chord playing again and again. Could have been much more interesting. I hear the 'off note'. I wouldn't call it an off note. Its in the key of the following chord which resolves a step later. The note is fine. I like how the song picks up at 4:00 but again could have been far more well done. Again guitar plays the lead directly, and the only variation offered is 1/8th note hits on the lead. Good stuff, but lets try to do much better next time. Audio glitch at 2:05 I can really hear the mp3 loss in this encode. Use vbr next time. NO Edit: I just want to clarify that these issues I stated are indeed the only issues I have with this song. If even some of them were fixed, this song would likely get a YES from me. I would highly recommend taking our advice and fixing it up. Then message one of us and we'll put it right back up on the panel. Good luck.
  4. Piano is indeed nice. Percussion is off sync slightly. Enough to be annoying. Sounds to me like percussion was recorded live (keyboard) and not quantized. Furthermore: Very odd strings later on. Some strings off key, some out of sync. Build is there but the resolve is awkward. Just could have been done better. I like the idea, but the problems must be addressed. NO
  5. Midi + drumloop, yea. NO OVERRIDE Whole thing is note for note, even the bass and accompany. Please remix, not upgrade. Some harmony later on. Yea..
  6. A rather jumpy song. Goes from theme to theme with no real transition or consideration for the listener. Not a flaw, I would say, just a decision I really dont like. Relevant issues with this song would be Rather generic take on these themes. Boom tish + tuned saws. Play out the lead, follow with octave bassline, go to next theme, repeat, repeat, repeat. Lack of progression or any significant change up. The whole song sounds like any given portion. Poor ending. NO
  7. Hah! Interesting take on this song. I'd never expect a remix of this tune, especially in such a style. Percussion goes nowhere, lead is crapy. Overall the song is very amateur. Keep at it. NO
  8. Yea.. quality issues. My main problems include: Weak percussion. Its just not doing much. Weak sound quality on the guitar. Weak mastering. volume levels on the guitar are messy. Sometimes too loud, sometimes too quiet. There are clipping issues. There are sync issues. At times the guitar/piano/percussion does not seem to be in sync. Some parts like 3:25 have no defined key. Just a lead. I like the idea. Well thought out, poorly executed. Basically you need some more experience at sound quality to get a song like this right. A project like this is no little thing. NO
  9. Firstly, there is no clipping. I've checked it to a rather minute detail. I can pretty much guarentee the problem is with some factor in your system. For example, you can read up on the ogg vorbis issues with this project on the main page. Thats usually the most common reason people may hear clipping.
  10. The first version was cleaner. Sound quality might be a bit better, but perhaps it could have been recorded in a smaller room. Probably way too much to ask. First version got my yes. This version isnt much better, but perhaps a bit more human. YES
  11. Simple percussion, messy notation, especially in areas like 1:20. Slow, uninteresting, repetitive. Its basically amateur. You got a ways to go yet. Work on more involved percussion, learn about mastering, don't overuse delay and shit. NO
  12. So yea, that intro percussion is pretty bad. Its rather antipercussion. Gets very messy at 1:00. This remix cannot pass like this. the percussion is terrible, and the rest of it isn't rivercityrammenstien either. NO
  13. So many problems with this song. Poor transitions. Not just that obviously poor transition at the beginning. Theres plenty of areas where structure kinda fades into a jumble of notes and then resumes with guitar or whatever. Key issues. Theres a great deal of off key in this song. For example 2:44-2:45 is the real obvious one. Dist Guitar is rather poorly played, very uninteresting. Percussion is simply bad. For half of this song, the same loop repeats the whole time. The last minute of the song has percussion that does not fit very well. Poorly orchestrated segments. Parts like 2:10 to 2:20 just make me go... ????. Aside from the off key accompany during that segment, the whole transition seems poorly planed, and quickly written, as if the author wanted to get to the next section. Lame remixing. Parts like 3:10,3:35 don't follow the original progression. Now this isn't a bad thing cause I dont like it, or don't agree with the choice. Rather, its just lazy. Instead of following through with the concluding melody of the chorus, it simply just loops again. Overall, I like the style of this song. I know I didn't say anything positive yet. The intro piano was very well done. Problem is this song was not well planned out. Whole thing seems rushed, incomplete, amateur. Seems like a wip with many flaws not fixed, many segments not reworked. Way too many problems. NO Important to note that if these problems were fixed, (The big ones I can live with the minor ones), that this mix would certainly get a YES from me. Don't be downhearted cause I type like such a fucking asshole. Take our criticism and patch this song up (and make sure its under 6mb this time). Message one of us and we'll put it directly back up here for resubmission. Good luck.
  14. I only NO OVERRIDE for guarenteed rips. This is not a guarenteed rip. There are some parts of the song that are not in the original. Not just percussive and sfx either. Thus, its 90% likely to be a rip, but since its not 99.89% likely, I wont N.O.
  15. Issue with this song is at all times it lacks structure. Lots of areas where you hear one instrument play, or two alone with no accompany and simply nothing else going on. Theres also a great deal of repeating. No bass whatsoever. The notation is significantly sub par. Audio deformation at 2:25. Percussion is very simple and overuses crash. Only thing this song has going for it is the collection of cool sounding presets/sfs. Perhaps one could call the lack of bass/accompany, and overall excessively minimalistic notation artistic or stylistic but I simply call it very amateur. NO
  16. Quite the suggestive song title.
  17. Note for note with original + clippy drums, and minimalist synths. Most likely a rip. NO Its totally not orchestra.
  18. Appreciate or no appreciate. This song isn't very well made. Its not nearly at the level of other Cotmm mixes. Its really not much of anything.
  19. Not going to happen. Selling music that does not belong to us for profit is against our ideals for the most part. You may download the actual cd and burn it in all its full-quality 44khz 16bit wonder. The torrent file is available on the website. You can paste cd art onto it if that really floats your boat (theres a nero and EZCD art cover print available), but for the most part, that cd you burn will sound as good as anything you could possibly buy. Thats a promise.
  20. So, many many issues here. The lead is just bad. No mastering, no verb. High frequency clip static on guitar. Sequencing is completely amateur. Original song is majestic and bright. This is ridiculously dumbed down, monophonic and looping. Then theres all the vocal samples, overused drumloop, issues with off notes. bunch of other problems I wont get into cause it really doesn't even matter. NO
  21. Yea, basically the drums are all clipped, terribly eq'd and very very annoying. Perhapse intentional clipping? Doesn't change the annoying factor. The melody is just too damned remedial. NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE quantized at 1/8. Just not at the ocr level. Lots of nifty sound effects. Overall mastering is just really bad. My winamp is smiling at me. Highs and Low mids over amp'd. As for the rest of the song, its nothing an auto arp can't accomplish with a few penciled in notes. Overall very subpar. NO
  22. damn you binnie. Oh well, rules are rules. Welcome to ocremix, Heroes in a Quartet.
  23. This song gets a NO because I'm a fag. Also, SHUT THE FUCK UP DYNE
  24. Very impressive. I blast this in my car as I drive through the king david middle school as the kiddies get dropped off for summer camp.
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