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Benjamin Briggs

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Everything posted by Benjamin Briggs

  1. thank you! that's my favorite track too :D

  2. the response has been overwhelmingly awesome so far, everyone! thank you thank you thank you all so very very very much <3 you all
  3. as soon as I can actually see the money in my paypal I'm getting the blue one and I'll buyy it at a highh prrice :3
  4. I have astigmatism AND a lazy eye and really strong glasses no problems with the 3d at all hurts my head more than I think it should, though... not sharply painful, but definitely a bit more prolonged dull pain lol the 3ds is killing me slowly go figure
  5. thanks for all the support everyone! my sagging breasts thank you for the lift
  6. http://bbriggs.halc9bit.com/ As you may or may not know, when I'm not being a total douchebag or generally making an ass of myself around the forums, I like to make music. However, up until now, it's only been super-gay video game remixes. BUT NO MORE! I would like to proudly introduce my debut original album, 'Attention Deficit EP'! I'd also like to apologize to Josh Whelchel and the Songs for the Cure crew for stepping on their release date, but today is a special occasion for me (just successfully completed 18 long months of probation), and I feel that this is the perfect time to release this pile of crap. Inspired and influenced by PrototypeRaptor, halc, WillRock, ProtoDome, and deadmau5 (just to name a few); I sincerely hope you love it, because I loved making it! A word of caution to the listener: This is not your mother's boom-tiss album. Expect no mercy, no shame, and (almost) no breakdowns... 'Attention Deficit' is exactly what you'd never expect and more. I mean, damn, just LOOK at that insane album art! You have been warned. This album is available for free on Bandcamp (name-your-price; enter 0.00 for free download!), but all donations are greatly appreciated and will go towards making new music. Please like/retweet, and most importantly, enjoy! HUGE thanks to sexy and talented ProtoDome for the EXCELLENT artwork. You may bask in all of it's high-res glory HERE! (and also thanks to the incredible halc for kind of making this thread while he was somewhat drunk) linkdump lol http://facebook.com/bbriggsmusic http://twitter.com/bbriggsmusic http://soundcloud.com/bbriggsmusic http://youtube.com/bbriggsmusic http://last.fm/music/Benjamin+Briggs edit: if you download this, or listen to any of this, I'm calling you out. pop in to tell me that you hated it, or that you loved it, or that you could "like, browse the internet to it I guess" and we can still be friends. I have really kickass birthday parties that it would be in your best interest to be invited to edit: josh whelchel you have one too many H's in your name and I forgot one.... fixed
  7. this reminds me of the time I visited my friend's house and his puppy pissed all over the place in excitement cute but mostly just irritating
  8. honestly I think the eyestrain and headache are extremely common; I wouldn't let that turn you off to the 3D altogether more impressions: taking 3D photos is ridiculously addicting, and the ability to fine-tune the focus makes it even more powerful I've had lots and lots of fun with the AR cards, putting a little kirby in my hand and moving him around is so mesmerizing :3
  9. first impressions include OMFG and LOOK AT THIS ARE YOU SEEING THIS and OW MY HEAD KIND OF HURTS IN AN ODDLY SPECIFIC SPOT can't wait for an actual game that I want to buy! for now I'm having a blast playing pokemon black with the analog nubber :3 oh and taking 3D pictures of my cat is the real reason I bought this thing obviously
  10. I just got mine out of the box it looks so beautiful I don't even want to turn it on
  11. if there's anything I need more of it's headaches I've got this huge bottle of tylenol and it's just gathering dust what a perk!
  12. again, clearly you haven't played it either that or you are living in BACKWARDS LAND
  13. player's guides used to be fucking badass too I remember the guide for zelda a link to the past had 100% watercolor maps of the dungeons and everything was written like a story "link discovered the large chest after navigating a dark and treacherous maze, but had to return later with the big key"
  14. oh man good topic remember the pokemon red/blue instruction manual? that shit was like 50 pages! I didn't read a single word of it before booting up the game, however, and that probably explains why my first playthrough ended up with me getting stuck having not caught any pokemon and raised my charizard to level 56 as far as instruction manuals dying out... I'm looking through my wii library here and a lot of the most recent games have pretty badass and informative instruction booklets, as well as pokemon black and platinum guess nintendo's got their shit together
  15. oh I didn't realize I was talking to the captain of the pretentious debate team my apologies! feel free to continue stepping on my nuts for as long as you like it is an honor
  16. smash bros melee is for you and your "hardcore" friends to play final destination with no items until you want to kill each other because of the shit talking and weird social hierarchy that arises from establishing manly video game dominance over one another smash bros brawl is for having fun
  17. so what you're saying is you haven't actually played sonic 4
  18. I was at first surprised that this hadn't been mentioned yet but then remembered that I had completely blocked that game from my memory as if it had molested me when I was six
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