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Benjamin Briggs

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Everything posted by Benjamin Briggs

  1. so if I killed halc would it be a judgehatecrime
  2. if you're going to be a pretentious dickbag please do not insult me by trying to hide itsee generally when I write a "review" of something I tend to leave out the inflammatory fanboy bullshit on-topic, all I'm going to say is this: every single second of music on The Sound of Speed is BASED ON and INSPIRED BY the Sonic the Hedgehog OST, and an unholy fuckton of people have already downloaded and listened to it. this seems like a pretty damn good method of "preserving the greatness of video game music" if you ask me
  3. oh, I donated $20 the other day. I didn't know we were bragging about it
  4. where's prophetik brad not posting in a thread about computer parts is significant evidence to warrant investigation of his possible death
  5. I could only really get into that one track bought it for 2 bucks
  6. http://dataairlines.bandcamp.com/track/change this song is so fucking good
  7. where's brad burr this is relevant to my interests
  8. has no one made a rebecca blaxploitation joke yet
  9. jellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly
  10. do not come in here with your impossible to detect sarcasm you
  11. I think someone already posted this vid; could be wrong either way THIS IS SO BELOW THE BAR FOR OCREMIX deadmau5 is obviously not a professional
  12. That would explain why all the promo screenshots for the game are HD (or at the very least, higher resolution than the Wii is capable of.)
  13. ok guys new rules all musicians are now expected to build a unique drumitar for every song they write* *possibly every 32 bars if snooty listeners are not pleased with variation
  14. gamebox is my all time favorite remixer this remix should be a reminder to everyone that one of the most talented and original members of the community is still alive and well.
  15. how much a remix "reflects the tone" of the source tune has nothing to do with how much of the remix includes recognizable pieces of the source tune what you are describing is unfortunately not included in OCR's public (and many times re-stated) standards awesome remix, great job!
  16. regarding drama: this is my only statement, in the form of a question this is so obviously spring yard zone remix??? mix review: I am somewhat a fan of this remix but I wish it would have deviated more from the source :/
  17. I rarely ever use a preset exactly as-is, but it's a great starting point for many of the more complicated vsti's normally I hate ALL the effects and turn them off so I can add my own, and I usually tweak it very carefully to suit my articulation needs actually being able to utilize presets fully is all about understanding what the damned knobs do edit: agree with proto that peach, toad, and triforce are now EVERYWHERE and it's awesome
  18. did you guys hear they did a sonic 1 remix project they probably just totally changed the original songs and ruined it all I want to thank everyone involved with this project for allowing me the honor of joining you on this release
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