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Benjamin Briggs

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Everything posted by Benjamin Briggs

  1. how about this I'll post about whatever the fuck I want and you can shove it
  2. don't have a youtube of it, but I was watching my local FOX news station one night, and they used as the background music for one of the short previews of a story about ice on the groundand then my head exploded
  3. can this thread also be used to discuss how much it irritates me to see every kid that attended my high school update their facebook about this new and happening genre that has existed for more than a fucking decade surely I am not the only one who is sick and tired of I LOVE DUBSTEP HAVE YOU HEARD OF DUBSTEP YOU ARE NOT COOL IF YOU DON'T LISTEN TO DUBSTEP HUH WHAT IS ELECTRONICA THAT SOUNDS GAY MORE DUBSTEP
  4. meh it was kind of uninformed it turns out I do not know everything there is to know about everything without doing any research
  5. in all seriousness prototyperaptor is the only dubstep-ish type stuff I listen to and I listen to it hard
  6. hay girl u listen 2 dirty dubz? u do?? I FUCKING LOVE DUBSTEP
  7. awesome remix, great job! but... oh shit does this mean I have to do a non-chiptune mix now how do I shot real instruments
  8. http://allisonweiss.bandcamp.com/ this bitch is amazing.
  9. 1. cover art is fucking amazing 2. I have no money D: 3. this sounds fantastic 4. ZOMG I HEARD SOME CHIPTUNES IN THERE <3 5. TURNTABLE SCRATCHING WTF MY BRAINS HAVE SPILLED OUT ONTO MY DESK
  10. oh hell yes add Benjamin Briggs to that list... might as well make it "blanket permission" or whatever, although there isn't really any original music for you to choose from (yet)
  11. I do not care about this *goes off to play diddy kong racing
  12. my brain is too stupid to understand this trailer how do I make it go forwards
  13. thread made asking a question without the proper research? yeah, sounds like me.
  14. whatever, halc's beating us by like a million

  15. the difference is I don't own the other two systems
  16. the drumset that came with guitar hero world tour was fantastic and learning to play spiderwebs by no doubt on expert on drums was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences of my life and I swear to god if I don't get guitar hero 1 & 2 in their original form on wii I'm going to chop someone's head off
  17. I'm definitely with you on this one there are practically no trolls on ocr boards, and when they do appear they are swiftly banned because trolling isn't really tolerated what we do have here on ocr boards are a bunch of disillusioned assholes who take pleasure in publicly shaming people for insignificant mistakes
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