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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. i know, i edited my post. i didn't realize that this was turning into a sleepover for the sunday bbq--this means I would need to host everybody? I'm not sure if I could swing that. Who here is interested in the sunday bbq as well?
  2. guess what! the recital I was supposed to play on sunday got postponed until next semester, so I'll be (more) free! Yaay!
  3. my thing is at 7:30 pm. Unfortunately, I'm going to be in and out through some of the meetup--this week and weekend turned very busy on me!!! sorry But I'll be able to host a couple people. Actually, everybody who needs a place to sleep should post so jill and I can divy it up! i mean nvm jill can't host ppl
  4. The monument marks the intersection between Mt Vernon Place and Charles St. If you can get on charles street from the harbor and go north, you'll be there. If you're coming from the north and need to go south, jump on saint paul st and take a right onto mt vernon st.
  5. I'll have to make sure it's cool with my roommate, but I may be able to offer my place!
  6. Hey man, it's sounding a TON better! way to go!!!! the opening is beautiful, great use of that motif on the glock. The drums still need some of work--if you want to send me a midi i could mess around with them a little bit. I'm also thinking you could use some counterpoint when playing that opening line--right now it's melody and harmony. It would be great to have some new material to play with. The blusey stuff at the end sounds real good too. Huge huge improvement! Good luck with the rest of it~
  7. I'm currently a junior percussion major at the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University! I'm in the studio of Robert Van Sice, who is amazing. My dream is to go to Yale for grad school, where I can continue my studies with Mr. Van Sice, but me going to Yale right after Peabody is not entirely likely. If I can't get in immediately, I'll stay at Peabody for another year or two (doing either a gpd or a masters) and then audition for Yale. The audition process for the percussion studio is EXTREMELY competitive. Brad, did you audition for Peabody when you were looking for grad schools? The sax program here is awesome. You should come
  8. that's fine and all, but I'm going to need my own thread come my birthday. you understand.
  9. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahah
  10. never seen a uwe boll movie-- signed it for the lulz.
  11. Every piece of video game music I know I learned by ear--except one winged angel. As a jazz musician and a classical musician, i find it important to balance learning by ear and reading sheet music. Sight reading is just as important of a skill.
  12. wingless, those are great and all, but i bought a hoodie. how do i represent that?
  13. what the fuck larry!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay lets plan this around your schedule, what day are you free this YEAR
  14. Jill is proposing may 3rd, which would be cool because ya'll could come to my computer music concert which will be the PREMIERE OF MY MEGA REMIX!!! uhhhh lol so is that better?
  15. alright, if this date SUCKS then those of you who can't make it lemme know what is a better date, those of you who can let me know so we can compare. If there's gonna be a turnout of me, zircon and pixietricks, then we can explore other options!
  16. Hey everybody! I was just talking to pixietricks and it looks like we're gonna try to do another Baltimore meetup! Here's the scoop: When: 12:00 noon, Saturday, May 3rd? Where: meet at Washington Monument in Baltimore (not the one in DC...) Plan: uh, i dunno! Give your ideas! I have to play two concerts that day, and I know there will be some rehearsal involved earlier in the day for me, so I won't be around the whole time. Of course, ya'll can come to my concerts if you want But I've got a place and so does Jill, we can hang out at either place. Of course, video games are a must. But the last few times we've gone down to the inner harbor and watched movies, gone to the big arcade, stuff like that. We can do that again if ya'll want. Once again, any ideas are greatly appreciated. Oh yeah, and here's some mappage: Confirmed: DrumUltimA pixietricks zircoin bluefox dom Jiggle McPuff The Green Tentacle Kroze Jose the Bronx Rican Katsurugi arrowned q-pa Xerol (late: 2-4) kulaman Larry and maybe djp! Maybe: Benzo tgfoo sgx
  17. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/01/AR2008040101090_pf.html/ Pretty nuts. But he was playing a video game. Chalk one up for violent video games!
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