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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. i still think a guitar hero remix project would've been funny
  2. When i was a senior in high school we redecorated one wing to look like mario world. I'm not a senior, nor am I in high school, but I played a fun prank on my roommate. I took a bunch of tissues and some mayonnaise. I put small globs of mayo in the tissues, bunched them all up, put them in the microwave for like 5 secs, and spread them around his computer. I also put a tissue box there and an old empty bottle of KY personal lubricant. I then called him and awkwardly asked if I could use his computer. Then I left
  3. oh jeez... where to begin? I guess chronologically: -not practicing enough before college: I thought i was such hot shit that I didn't need to practice. Well, if I had been practicing well all through school, I would've not only avoided getting tendonitis (which I have AGAIN now), but I may have been able to sidestep joining my first teacher's studio and going straight to my current teacher's studio. That being said: -joining my first teacher's studio. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but turns out my first teacher would leave me miserable with music and without any significant improvements. He's fired now. -Not taking better care of my body. I wish I had exercised more all my life, and I wish that I got my hands slowly used to practicing a lot (this coincides with my first regret). I have two forms of tendonitis right now in both arms (extensor and flexor), and it's put me out of playing commission basically all year. My improvements this year have been limited because of it, and it's VERY frustrating. I'm sure there are more, but I try not to live with too many regrets
  4. WOW. that was amazing--you really made that lego set up seem life like. You're the real deal
  5. it looks good, but the last couple sonic games to come out also "looked" good. so we'll see.
  6. be careful about differentiating between subjective criteria and objective criteria-- it's important for those with wips to know the difference between what's musically right or wrong (like wrong notes, structural/rhythmic/intonation problems, production flaws) and what is preferred (slight eq preferences, compositional decisions, etc).
  7. So I woke up this morning and decided that I would finally record an improvisation on the theme from Super Mario Galaxy's Storybook mode. I'm an extremely nostalgic person, and that whole storybook/theme is extremely nostalgic, so it means a lot to me :> I'm thinking i'll call it "Improvisation on a Nostalgic Theme" if I do anything with it. Recorded in midi. enjoy! http://drumultima.googlepages.com/nostalgia.mp3
  8. I don't think it's quite appropriate for the judges to be posting in the wip forums. I normally try to get at least one to listen to a remix before submitting--so I just hound them down on my own.
  9. don't get me wrong, I fully support pointing out good things--it's important for a musician to know why some musical choices are more effective than others. And it is good to have moral support as a developing musician. Still, I hardly consider that form to be "too" negative, and any less negative, to me, is walking on eggshells
  10. I think the form is a great idea and would also encourage people to use it in it's current state. I'm pretty sure the reason there would be a form in the wip (OC-REMIX WIP) forum is to give EVERYBODY a list of criteria that directly correlates with the criteria the judges look for. One major problem I see on this forum is that the "advice" that people receive is hit or miss--sometimes I'll post something here and, lets be hypothetical here, be told that I, oh I don't know, need more compression. So I may take the same example to a judge with the same question, and find out that, no, quite the opposite--I need LESS compression! I suppose that what we're trying to avoid in this forum is BAD advice. And of course, not everybody is going to agree with ocr's submission standards. But don't forget, you are looking at wips of POTENTIAL OVERCLOCKED REMIXES in this forum, so putting your own conflicting two cents into your reviews is actually counter-productive. And about the form being "negative"... come on people. We're lucky to have a very high bar here that people for the most part don't fight against, and that bar hasn't moved at all. Sugar-coating feedback too much is just going to turn you into this guy: his definition of constructive criticism is "say something nice first, and then say something that they could improve but don't be too mean". This is actually extremely nonconstructive. This form isn't negative, it's direct. But if we're all going to be nice and prance around the wips here, things aren't going to get posted!
  11. Well, maybe not a video game, but a mod. I was contacted to write for a Neverwinter Nights mod, and this is what I made: http://drumultima.googlepages.com/winterymix.mp3 it's for a snow level. have fun!
  12. So this is basically an all-around awesome piece of work--from the hyper aggressive string bass in the beginning, to the facemelting guitar solo. The source is also incredibly juicy. The only thing I didn't like on first listen. So I listened again. And again. Like many things I find off-putting at first, I consider this ending to be one of the best endings on the site. wowowowowowow
  13. this is really cool. Texturally speaking it reminds me a lot of the work of my computer music teacher, McGregor Boyle. I'm really digging the combination of ambient space with driving METUL rhythm. Nice!!!
  14. holy moses oldthread is old
  15. can we have automated id card graphics? It'd be great if my card kept up to date with my post count
  16. ya'll are taking this too seriously. Or i'm not taking this seriously at all
  17. Overall, everyday I'm at Peabody is a huge accomplishment. However, there have been a few more notable ones, such as being the recipient for the Terry Gibbs Jazz Vibraphone scholarship this past year (http://www.pas.org/research/complete/Sept07/0809.pdf)
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