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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. if i arrange a piece for more than one instrument and have it performed, does that count as a collaboration?
  2. I'M ALL OUT OF CREATIVITY COME ON PEOPLE lower case for caps emphasis
  3. you live so close to me and i have yet to meet you... anyway DrumUltimA has been my handle since like, 4th or 5th grade. Basically, my dad got AOL and I wanted my OWN screen name. I was putting together things I liked. Drum was because I had just started playing drums in band and I was really identifying with that, and UltimA has NOTHING to do with the game Ultima online or the word Ultimate. It's because at the time one of my favorite games (which I didn't own, but my friend did) was Final Fantasy 6--and I thought the attack UltimA was TOTALLY badass. So after making a list of a bunch of potential names (thank god I didn't pick anything banjo-kazooie related, which was in the running), i picked "DrumUltima" why the capital A? at the time the internet was relatively new and i wanted my screen name to look cool. So I figured i'd make my screen name look cool by capitalizing the A, making my screen name more symmetrical. DrumUltimA has stuck ever since, and I've never been disappointed with it. In fact, I'd say it's a good representation of the things I like in one name I miss the good ol days, right after making this screen name, in AOL. Any one else here ever go on the AOL message board "pokemon obsession" by any chance? "D
  4. I couldn't get my vocals to brad without getting a chunk of the instrumental track, and i couldn't get a rerecording of it to him in time, so he just finished it on his own.
  5. i mean rhythm in the bigger scheme--not like quarter note eighth note, but like, the organization of them. It's not clear to me what time signature you're in most of the time, which is fine in moderation. But there aren't many "checkpoints" for me. It's more of an organizational thing i suppose.
  6. got me exposed to MANY other awesome genres through a common bond
  7. hoboka i'm noticing with your stuff is that you have a tendency to overlook form as you go for your ambient atmosphere. What you're doing here is writing a piece of music much like writing a paragraph without punctuation: and by doing that youre making it hard to understand because suddenly you have to think about every word your reading no matter what it is and because you have to think about stuff like that instead of whats behind the words it can be hard to understand because your not concentrating on the big picture which without punctuation is nonsensical see? when you brought the drums in that served as a form of punctuation. But because you don't change instruments, rhythmic scape, etc it can be difficult to understand. timbral changes are important, and rhythm is important--even in an ambient setting. think about rhythm and form!! you've got great melodic and harmonic ideas, but you are lacking in the rhythmic and formal departments! also as a side note try to get more voices and colors for this.
  8. i suppose a lot of my sentiments on the alpha mix would be echoed in here, but I also want to add that I like your percussion writing. Once again, very lacking in the clear melodic content department but that's not a bad thing. You say you want to break into the video game industry, and this is a great style to be writing in nowadays. Excellent, can't wait to hear more.
  9. wow, beautiful sounds, textures, and a lot of energy to boot. You've set up a really great atmosphere, and have combined a lot of natural and artificial sounds in a very organic manner. Also there are lots of cheese chords that I love to shamelessly indulge myself in I only with there was more melodic content, but I don't know the source. But regardless, great work. Time to listen to beta!
  10. this is like putting sonic in a mario game, except i'm excited for that
  11. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway DRUMULTIMA IS HERE TO DELIVER: The mansion, it looms ahead of us Not a hint of light inside She's standing right in front of me, Her braid swinging side to side The thing I fear the most is that the devil will set my faithful soul ablaze These corridors stretch forever into never ending darkness I listen very carefully but the silence is deafening* A whisper could be heard for miles and a spark would light the room like fireworks I feel the apprehension of my comrades by my side Better hold on real tight cuz it'll be a wild ride, Chorus: Oh you know I've Been gone for a while Lookin for that Cold rock made of fire And I don't think that I will come home soon But when I do, will you still be waiting Oh baby please Don't leave the lights on for me Get yourself a Good rest, I'll be fine, you'll see I won't be back till my journey's through But I can't wait to come home to see you From the atrium to the ballroom To the lady in the clock tower, We get more lost as we find our way With each unfolding hour There's not limit to the mystery contained within this history unfolding We freeze upon the sounds of footsteps sneaking menacingly A skeleton appears now his skull grinning devilishly I reach to grab my knife as I prepare for this battle's fatality With the demon slain, she looks at me with those deep blue eyes But I gotta resist temptation And keep my eyes on the prize <CHORUS> Oh the Frozen Flame Lies just in sight But these flames burn In me day and night <CHORUS A BUNCH MORE> *This line was SUPPOSED to be "But the silence is relentless"
  12. I just worked on it for like 4 hours http://drumultima.googlepages.com/lavossketch.mp3 I suppose I'll have to start thinking of a name soon...
  13. I tried what you said tensei, does it sound any better? also- finished the backgrounds for the solo section. will have a solo soon, either by me or someone else...? oh yeah: http://drumultima.googlepages.com/lavossketch.mp3
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