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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I'm looking for people to help playtest a game I did the music for, a space shooter called FITTEST. If you're a member of the XNA Creators Club, you should be able to test the game. Check it out please!
  2. I actually wrote an article about international licensing and all the pains involved... http://soundtempest.net/industry-trends/the-headache-of-international-licensing/ It's about music, but applies to this stuff too.
  3. I think most of the mixes I really enjoy are newer, in the 1k+ range. There are some golden oldies too, but I agree with Wes that some haven't aged well. It could also be because as I've learned more as a producer, I've realized that some techniques I thought were basically magical are really quite simple. Arrangements have definitely gotten better across the board though; there's almost no question about that. The early years of OCR had a ton of covers.
  4. Right, but the problem with Fei is that you can't GET those unless you set up with a focus first. There's literally no way to set up the ultra otherwise.
  5. Lossless option via my own site will be up very very soon.
  6. Thanks for the kind words guys The album is now on iTunes if you prefer that method. http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=317701288&s=143441 As well as Amazon MP3: http://www.amazon.com/Fittest-Original-Soundtrack/dp/B002B4TQGM/ref=sr_f3_1?ie=UTF8&s=dmusic&qid=1243446907&sr=103-1
  7. <- This was the piece of Tomita's that I heard. The strings are nice, but a lot of the other sounds are basically just synths... nothing TOO spectacular here. <- This was way more impressive. The high strings, harp and pizzicatos here are really great. I guess I shouldn't have started with Arabesque. Is this all subtractive though?
  8. At the time, sure, but it's interesting now mainly as a historic work... since anyone can do it with a MIDI and free VSTs. Kind of like how we can look back on the printing press and admire the genius that went into inventing it, but you wouldn't use a 15th century printing press for any modern purposes. Likewise I don't find that more interesting to listen to now than advanced synthesis techniques of composers today. Also, I haven't heard that much Tomita but from what has been sent to me, it's a bit dull. A lot of it is obviously 'synthy' and not imitative. Again, just check out that Army of Synth1 thing. I've NEVER heard anyone do that with subtractive synthesis - it's absolutely nuts, pure skill of the highest order. I simply can't believe that was done with sines, triangles, saws, squares, and noise in a simple Nord Lead emulator. There's also this, an excerpt of a Beethoven symphony played through custom MinimoogV patches (no samples, of course.)
  9. Haha yes, this is an EXCELLENT example of excellent "one synth" (Synth1 lololol) music. To be fair, analoq, stuff like "Switched on Bach" was basically just playing back classical music on synthesizers with no attempt at emulating the tone of particular instruments accurately. While I appreciate that music (my Dad has it on vinyl) and while I can appreciate the experimentation of composers like Stockhausen, the latter's works are so mind-numbingly unpleasant to listen to, I find things like "Army of Synth1" much more interesting. The composition isn't outstanding from an academic perspective, perhaps, but the synthesis involved is far superior.
  10. Who wants to do a 6v6 vs. some people from atmuh's server? I'd like to form a team. I'm thinking me, Wes, Bonzai, Rambo, Gibbo... that's five. Need people that can play Soldiers/Scouts well. I'm decent as Soldier but Demo is my strong point.
  11. Yeah, single-sample stuff is very tricky.. I've heard it done and it's just crazy, especially when you work in processing and granular synthesis. Single-synth isn't impressive if it's a ROMpler/sampler BUT if you're talking about just a simple subtractive or additive synth, that can be cool. For example, doing a whole track with just Synth1 or even Zebra 2 would be very impressive, since you have to synthesize all your percussion.
  12. That didn't work - that just disabled ALL scrolling, which I'm not trying to do. I just want to disable scroll "clicking". EDIT: However, the "Coasting" option, when disabled, fixed it.
  13. Bump since the library is out Check the first post for OCR order links (still at $89/99) and a new demo by virt!!
  14. If you have multiple zones + groups mapped to the same key and switch ALT to ON then the samples will intelligently alternate.
  15. 1. We always pick one game to be the 'primary' game being remixed, but we're OK with medleys. We're also OK with using multiple games. However, generally speaking, there is a massive tendency to be 'coverish' and fall well below our arrangement standards when you remix many sources in a single song. 2. We'd have to hear it, but what you're describing sounds generally like a cover to me, and we definitely prefer more arrangement than that. For an example of about where our tolerance is for arrangement, check out Sukotto42's Mega Man 3 mix, "Blue Balls". Anything more conservative than that and it would very likely NOT pass.
  16. Haha, well, sgx has actually drawn influence from BT also. He's a shared influence of both of ours, so it's no surprise that the style would be similar. Thanks for the comments all!
  17. Yes, Vista64. But it doesn't seem like a driver "problem", it seems like a feature that I don't know how to disable. Are you suggesting that I just look for driver updates, or try a different set entirely?
  18. Yep, Vista, unfortunately. The mouse control panel doesn't look like it's Toshiba-specific - the device is SYNAPTICS Pointing Device.
  19. I have a new Toshiba laptop with a virtual mousewheel on the right part of the touchpad. You drag up and down to scroll. The problem is that the scroll keeps getting "stuck" - even after I lift my finger up, it will keep scrolling and I have to click the right side again to get it to stop. It's really friggin' annoying because I NEVER want that feature to be active, but I can't find anything in the settings to disable it!!
  20. What? MANY murders that occur in real life are "crimes of passion". That's actually exactly how they happen. It wasn't "random". Spock already disliked Kirk to begin with, had just been through an immense emotional trauma, and was provoked. WTF did you think would happen? This is something anyone can relate to. It was within his rights to maroon Kirk, but he put him near a Federation outpost. As for the latter, again, no one's going to give Spock shit over it when his entire race was practically just annihilated. In the real world we call that 'extreme emotional disturbance' It realy isn't, and it's hardly as if Spock took out a phaser and started firing. It was a fistfight. You really must not have much experience with real-world crime. "Attempted murder" is when you plan to kill someone, get your weapon, and then execute it - it's well-thought out. An explosive rage is what happens when you find your wife cheating on you with another man, you get in a fight with him, and it gets out of hand. They're VERY very different. The reason would be that, you know, people are close to their mothers and Kirk knew that she had just died.
  21. This would be my response as well. Vulcans are affected more by emotions than anyone, they just control the expression of the emotions. When that control is gone, the extent to which their emotions show would logically (lol) be pretty significant. This would have been uninteresting. Plus, the way most real people react to tragedies or major traumas is usually with shock at first. It doesn't often "sink in" until later. We can relate to Spock's facade of calmness, knowing that his mind is really in complete turmoil processing what just happened, and that his emotions are actually really affected.
  22. It sounds a bit similar, but there's only one song being played throughout the trailer from start to finish, so there's no reason a tiny piece of Doomsday would randomly show up (especially when they have awesome metal musicians of their own.) Game is looking better and better though.
  23. The first occasion, he was just a kid. How is this out of canon? Other prominent Vulcans, such as Tuvok, also showed considerable emotion when they were much younger. It doesn't seem uncommon. The second occasion, his entire planet and the vast majority of his race had been annihilated and his mother was basically murdered before his eyes. It wasn't JUST his mother, it was the culmination of the emotions from all that. I don't believe that a young Vulcan could possibly be stoic through a gigantic genocide of his own race and the death of his mother. Even the older Spock said he was "emotionally compromised".
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