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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I don't think we've ever rejected something for that reason ("couldn't actually be played.") Unrealistic seqeuencing means it simply doesn't sound human. This is applied exclusively in cases where the instrument is SUPPOSED to sound human.
  2. Jbridge is superior to any other solution, since it literally just runs the VST outside of your host's memory space while maintaining the actual link. ie. no virtual audio cables or MIDI yoke needed, it automatically does all that for you - saves with your project, opens with your project, renders offline.
  3. Even if they're selling new versions soon, everything here is awesome. $400 for Kontakt alone would probably be worth it, but throw in all that other stuff and it's just gold.
  4. The problem with REAPER is that it has basically no built-in synths or samples. Garageband has tons. It's way easier to start with a program that has a pallette of material to choose from. I believe people can learn music production best if they start with building blocks (premade loops or even melodic parts) and then move on to editing those and finally, creating their own.
  5. Wait, you mean Engies on opposing teams are teaming up to do that? That's called griefing... definitely bannable.
  6. Wooo!!! I downloaded all your original music from your old site and have been listening to 'em for years. Excellent new site
  7. For anyone on the fence about how good he was, can you think of a single pop musician on his level today? A combination of singer, songwriter and dancer with the stylistic range and consistency of MJ? I can't. THIS is considered to be good pop music today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIK-U6ZfyYE Compare to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG5NhkxQJQc More proof of MJ's musicianship- http://www.jpfolks.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/733474/page/1#Post733474 Read IN FULL. He was NOT just 'made by his producers', like modern pop artists. etc.
  8. I need someone to whip up a few simple Flash banners for Impact Soundworks. We're advertising on the VI Control forums, which you can see here: http://vi-control.net/forum/ Towards the top of the screen, above the forum index, you should see a Flash ad. If you don't, refresh the page. We're basically looking for something like that, except one that shows our product catalog. It can be really simple, as long as it looks halfway decent. We can provide the art assets.
  9. It never ceases to amaze me how some people will post in a thread like this just to say that they don't care. If you don't care about MJ and/or it doesn't affect you, or you just want to speak ill of the dead, why post? Would you go to someone's funeral just to say you didn't like whoever just died and that they didn't have an effect on you? No, but I guess the rules of common humman decency don't apply on the Internet. I have MJ songs in my collection all the way back to his Motown days and I think there is no pop songwriter and performer that I would put on his level. I'll really miss the guy. Just a month or two ago Jill and I had even just went through a bunch of his videos...
  10. CNN is reporting that he's in a coma, not dead.
  11. Amazon MP3 is really nice. It's cheaper than iTunes across the board and sometimes it has VERY cheap album deals. The new Prodigy and Crystal Method albums were something like $2-4 each!
  12. Lots of layered saws with very fast LFO modulating pitch.
  13. Thanks so much guys! This has been a kick-ass day. Played HDR, won some matches, played TF2, rocked as Pyro, got Groove Bias logic patches up and running from a friend, saw Up and hung out with said friend (and Jill and friend's wife), and Joshua Morse just sent me a WIP remix of one of my original tracks.
  14. Really cool stuff overall. I preferred the DNB sections more than the pure orchestral ones, but the whole thing flowed pretty well.
  15. -> http://xbox360.ign.com/objects/000/000898.html <- Fittest is a single and multiplayer space shooter in the vein of Geometry Wars. You're a ship and you fly around dodging increasingly difficult waves of enemies. But unlike GW, you have a whole bunch of different tools at your disposal besides the normal gun - flamethrowers, missiles, lightning, ghost ships, warps, and mines. Not only that, but there are also a wide variety of enemy types, power-ups and unique bosses. It's actually a pretty difficult game! I've been playing single player for a bit and I can't get past the second boss yet. It's only 400 Microsoft points, so if you want to shoot some stuff up, check it out. The graphics are the weakest link here (basic 2D stuff w/ almost no animation) but it's a ton of fun overall and way more content than you'd expect from your average Community Game. Oh yeah, and you can check out the soundtrack here - http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23572
  16. Why do you need to set up an FFT for each note? You can use the same decay for C2 that you do for C6, pretty much regardless of the instrument.
  17. Unfortunately it is pretty variable for every instrument. It's hard to determine specific times. Percussive instruments tend to be easiest since they all basically have an instantaneous attack (the full tone resonates as soon as the instrument is struck.) But release times are very variable. Hearing an instrument in person is different than hearing it recorded, and even the same instrument type can have many construction types within it. My best suggestion is to base your data off recorded instrument samples you already have. Render them to WAV if they're normally in a plugin format and then analyze the wav. How long does it take for the wave to hit its highest volume? That's attack. How long does it take for it to decay to nothing? That's release.
  18. Super Mario Brothers - Underwater http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntlQpNRfst4 Eddie Lang - April Kisses (0:15) http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/song/April_Kisses/1551328
  19. I pretty much agree with D-Lux on everything. We could use fewer admins and maybe eliminate people who have a lot of complaints against them. Maybe we should just clear the list entirely. Remember guys... this is a game, there really doesn't need to be all this drama here. EDIT: Here is my proposed list of new admins. Bahamut zircon Fireslash Powerlord Hemophiliac Rambo Garian Darkesword I've played a lot with everyone on this list and I know them all well (both IRL and on IRC/ingame, in many cases.) Let's keep this simple. I've read about some pretty bad admin behavior in this thread so I prefer to not take risks with potentially poor admins.
  20. Oops, right, forgot to edit that image. If you buy the Kontakt version we can give you the Reason version free - that's no problem.
  21. Thank you so much for the comments, everyone! I'm glad this mix has been well-received. I'll take this to mean that I should experiment in this style more often.
  22. For anybody who wants to try out Groove Bias, you can now pick up the GB Tape Kit Mini in Kontakt format for FREE! http://www.impactsoundworks.com/products/groove-bias-mini/ The Tape Kit Mini contains all the components found in the full Tape Kit patch - kicks, snares, hats, toms, overheads/room mics, and cymbals - but with only one velocity and round robin per part. The full version has anywhere from 40 to 150 samples per kit part, but the Mini is still fun to play with. You'll get a good idea of the tone of this particular kit, and you're free to use it in any of your productions. We've also included the FULL version of the Tape Kit ride patch, including its room mic. While these particular patches are Kontakt 2 format, since there are only a small amount of actual WAVs, you can easily program them for use in any sampler. *** Remember, this is just a SMALL fraction of the sounds contained within the full version of Groove Bias! *** Enjoy!
  23. Harmony pretty much summed it up. The file structure is like this: Groove Bias -> Samples (directory with 100+ folders, each representing a kit part) --> Crash 2 ---> Crash 2 v2 rr3.wav So, you pick the kit part that you want, then you can grab any velocity or round robin. They're ALL named very consistently because I hate when developers just go Snare_1 Snare_2 Snare_3 etc. Room or overhead patches are marked with "RM" or "OH" to differentiate from the close hits. Another format coming soon is Battery 3. Battery is very cheap these days, usually $99 or less in and of itself, and is a great drum sample player.
  24. ROFL, I never thought to do that, but they really do fit well except for a couple chords. Awesome.
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