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Everything posted by zircon

  1. The most frustrating thing in all of TF2 is when you get teleported and immediately die. eg. Someone was about to blow up the exit, or an uber heavy was coming through. Crits might piss me off if I've repeatedly gotten one-hit KOed by them (happened yesterday) but nothing is worse than the teleport kill.
  2. I didn't make a thread because I'm too busy playing with Omnisphere. Words don't really do it justice. The synthesis & fx alone are amazing (some of the distorted sounds are SICK) but the sampling and sample processing is what's really out of this world... I spent like 30 minutes playing with the tesla coil sound alone....
  3. We've had three MIDI Mondays so far and they've all been really fun. #4 is tomorrow... come join us, everyone!
  4. Was awesome. Jimmy and I got up at 6am and got there around 8am. Schmoozing the whole day up until 8pm... I met and talked to Tom Salta and Paul Lipson, president of AudioGANG, and pimped OCR. Tom was down for an interview which I'm sure Dave, Larry and I will be talking about soon. We also met a lot of other great guys, including Joel Douek, a TV composer that eerily reminds me of BT (and has gear to match.) I spent most of my own time spreading the word about Impact Soundworks and our upcoming Sitar Nation sample library. Ended up getting back at about 11:45pm and immediately collapsed.. my voice was shot too.
  5. Considering there is an entrance charge and you're not a composer you probably wouldn't get much out of it... but for anybody in the industry it should have some good info and allow for nice networking opportunities.
  6. Bump... the expo is tomorrow. BGC is coming with me there. Anybody else?
  7. No, it's standard ATX. My case just has a lot of metal in it, lots of stuff that needs to be unscrewed. I remember about 7 years ago I tried to put in a mobo myself and couldn't do it. Too fiddly.
  8. Don't remove crits. The game was balanced to factor in crits; remove that and you remove some of the balance that Valve intended, and yes, the game is EXTREMELY balanced compared to almost anything else out there. Crits are excellent for a server like this because they bridge the skill gap and help prevent stalemates. A single crit rocket or crit sticky can change the tide of a battle, and that is really important to keeping the game from being a turtlefest. The least fun thing about any online game is when many skilled players are involved in the game and you or your team is just not as skilled. eg. "Stacked teams." It's simply not fun when people are much better than you are; you die a lot and really don't have a good time. IMO, the most fun games are when teams are even, but that doesn't always happen. Crits allow a player who might not be the greatest soldier or demoman to manage to kill someone like Vahn or Sensai when, under normal circumstances, that should happen 0% of the time. It just so happens that our server is regularly populated by a handful of amazing players that are quite dominant, but we also have a ton of fairly unskilled players. Take out crits and the playing field becomes even more uneven. Darkesword is right. This isn't chess. Take out crits and you might as well make all guns do a set amount of damage instead of the range they do now. Is THAT unfair, too?
  9. Yeah, we have some plans for future libraries, though at the moment ethnic woodwinds are not on the main list. This is because Bela D Media has already put out a couple ethnic wind libraries- http://beladmedia.com/index-1.html We would do them if they were part of a themed collection, though. For example, "Classical Instruments of Japan" or something.
  10. Thanks for the interest & kind words, everyone! It's a feature on samplers that switches the sample being played when you hit the same velocity multiple times. For example, for most sample libraries, if you hit "G" really hard over and over you hear the EXACT same WAV. It sounds fake. What we did hear was record three round robins per velocity for almost everything, so if you hit the same key repeatedly at the same velocity, it actually sounds like slightly different plucks or strokes.
  11. Just like old times! I haven't been playing lately because I've been away from home.
  12. Thanks for the interest! OA, unfortunately Sixto did not perform these We did, however, hire expert performers who had been playing the instruments for a LONG time and in fact had their own custom-made stuff. It wasn't cheap but we wanted people that really knew their technique backwards and forwards. Yes, we will ship anywhere in the world. As a Ra owner I agree that it is better for a wide selection of many instruments - however, I was disappointed when I found that you could not really go deep into any one instrument. There are lots of libraries with 16 velocity layers and multiple round robins of a violin or piano. Why not ethnic instruments too? If this does well, we will likely be doing more in this vein. We didn't sample the harmonium, as when we looked at the scope of what we wanted to do, we figured the four instruments included would be the most recognizable and versatile for the most people. However, there's certainly a lot that we'd love to sample, so budget permitting, perhaps we will do this for a volume 2!
  13. If you've been hanging out in #ocrwip for the past year, you've probably heard either Will (bustatunez) or myself mention this project we've been working on - a Kontakt format sample library based around various Indian instruments, namely the sitar. After hundreds of hours of painstaking editing and testing we're all done, and it's now available! Here's what I posted on KVRAudio:
  14. Well, you have to unscrew ALL the shit in the case, remove EVERY connection, reseat it delicately, put it all back in. There's very little space when all the fans, drives and enclosures are fastened. I had a hard enough time just putting in new RAM.
  15. A happy middle ground might be doing what sgx did with his earlier albums (he might still do it, actually.) Release free MP3s of 192kbps or less of a number of the songs, perhaps putting up a new one for download as soon as you finish it, but then once you have a good number, put them all on a CD and add a few exclusives. People that want a good taste can download a good chunk of the album is slightly lower quality, and if they want to support you, get full WAVs and bonus tracks, then they can buy it.
  16. I was under the impression that the Wii version doesn't even have the primary mechanics - like DMM & Euphoria - that were widely touted...
  17. Thanks for the comments. The recording of the show (which I think was just the mix basically?) is here: http://waterworld.pdj.ru/radioshows/364036/Water_World_International_vol_35_Part_2_mixed_by_Zircon.html
  18. If you have a keyboard, you don't need the mouse to input notes. You can just record whatever it is you're playing. Then, you can use the mouse afterwards, with quantization, to clean up your playing.
  19. I LOOOOVE SMRPG. Back in 5th grade or so that was a favorite rental of mine... I remember getting stuck at the underwater ship, where you have to put in "PEARLS" as a password. GameFAQs wasn't around at this point, or at least, I didn't have access to it. One day, I randomly asked some kid in my class - who I heard had an SNES - if he knew how to get past that level, and he said, "Yeah! Want to come over to my house?" This guy then went on to become one of my best friends The game is just so well done in almost every respect. The perfect blend of traditional gameplay, action puzzles, minigames, and secrets. The Lazy armor does make things a little easy if you give it to Peach, and doing over 20-25 super jumps is next to impossible (I could never do it) but it's still awesome.
  20. You all knew I'd post it here eventually, I guess... http://zirconstudios.com/dropbox/zircon%20puresound%20mix%20(8-29-08)%20v2.mp3 http://zirconstudios.com/dropbox/zircon%20puresound%20mix%208-29-08%20tracklist.txt TRACKLIST 0:00 - bLiNd, Leifo - Fading Entity (Final Fantasy 7) 5:25 - Dj Andreas - Everything To Me (Treitl Hammond Club Mix) 8:43 - Dj Shinobi - Shadow Dancer 13:13 - Siamey - Ghosts of Shadow Moses (Metal Gear Solid) 18:15 - zircon feat. Jillian Goldin - Breathing You In (Indecent Noise & Andre Glensk Remix) 24:18 - Luke Terry - Chemical (Sonic the Hedgehog 2) 28:52 - Jaron Inc - Nothing to Lose (Airbase Mix) 34:42 - DJ Cristo - Far Horizons (Zeebo Epic Remix) 39:44 - zircon - System 44:53 - Hybrid - Just For Today 49:37 - Fictivision vs. Phynn vs. bLiNd - White Escape (Phynn vs. Global-Trance Bootleg)
  21. They did it for free because they fucked up before. Also, installing a mobo is annoying, time-consuming work that requires a level of manual dexterity I do not possess.
  22. That's really fun. Got to 522m after a few minutes of playing.
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