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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I have been waiting for this for over a year. SO GOOD, everyone must download!!! The TCM remix is gross too, that better win.
  2. Go on to another server to micspam. Not all players know how to use the mute function. New players on the server have to waste time, either complaining about the spamming player OR finding them and muting them. For those that are enjoying the micspam and leaving it on, their ability to communicate and play effectively is severely diminished. So, fuck micspamming, do it somewhere else. I'll ban anyone who does it here.
  3. Here comes the countdown; five days left. I've been checking out the entries along with Jill, and while there is some great stuff so far, it's definitely anyone's game and I know there are a lot of excellent mixers on here who would have a good shot at winning.
  4. There is actually a thread for questions and suggestions regarding OCR design, even though this one was already addressed. For future reference: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4478
  5. I have not heard of that book, but in terms of production, I think getting magazines like Electronic Musician, Remix and Computer Music can be quite helpful. I suggest going to a local Borders or Barnes & Noble, or perhaps looking online at a table of contents, to see what's in the issue, and then pick it up if it looks good. For example, in August, Remix had an article on building a MIDI controller - very cool stuff. They also talked about adding spice to your tracks with exotic gear and instruments, giving specific recommendations. Electronic Musician has similar articles.
  6. Well, having a degree is extremely important for the majority of jobs. Even in the arts, it still looks better to have some sort of degree as opposed to no college education. Plus, considering how volatile creative fields are, especially music, you don't know if your skillset will be outsourced or made obsolete - if that happens, you'll regret not having a degree. Not to mention going to college gives you access to an immense amount of knowledge that would be otherwise very hard to come by, not just in your field of choice, and that you perhaps would not have thought to learn by yourself.
  7. Whoops!!! No one told me Siamey had made it also. He's been added with his song "Sidewinder" in Club/Dance. Wow; six ReMixers and seven songs in the quarterfinals. This is probably our best month ever, but we need y'all to do anything you can to support the fan-based judging system of OurStage. No fan input = standings don't move Also, a quick correction, my track "System" did not make it this month in Techno/Ambient, it was actually "The Art of Zen" that did in that category.
  8. Voting is a little weak so far this month, standings have barely moved. C'mon, guys! sgx and Jill haven't made it into the quarterfinals for a few months, and Skryp has yet to rank high as well.
  9. Art and programming are way more desirable to game companies than audio guys. Audio is the most easily filled position at any game company. Just look at help wanted ads if you don't believe me. Audio PROGRAMMING however, is a very lucrative position.
  10. I'm away from home, so I don't have my normal template, so here's the abbreviated post! 8/25 - Quarterfinals have begun. We've got SIX artists with seven songs this month, which is really amazing. Our best month yet! Only the top twenty of each category made it this far. 8/29 - We made it with six songs into the semifinals... awesome job, everyone (remixers and voters alike.) Let's keep up the momentum and shoot for three songs by ReMixers in the final round. 8/31] - We're in the finals now, though with only one track this month: sgx - Coactive (Hollidayrain Trance Remix). Grats! Give him some love, all (the below list consists of members that made it to the semis) Jewbei - Aqualight - Club/Dance pixietricks - Shadows (zircon Remix) - Club/Dance Siamey - Sidewinder - Club/Dance Skrypnyk - Untitled - Techno/Ambient sgx - Coactive [Hollidayrain Trance remix] - Club/Dance zircon - Rainforest Majesty - New Age/World If I missed anyone, let me know! LINKS TO JUDGE To listen to and judge music in the categories we are competing in, click the links below. http://www.ourstage.com/judge --- Read this before judging! * When you judge, you are presented with two randomly selected songs. You must listen to at least 15 seconds of each, and then select which you like more, or if they are the same to you. Once you vote, you are presented with another pair. You cannot select any given song to vote for, you have to wait until you are randomly given that song as part of a pair. * Once you listen to 15 seconds of a given song in a round (eg. quarterfinals, semifinals, finals) you do NOT have to listen to it again! This makes your votes go very quickly after you have heard all the entries in a category. * Vote honestly and your vote will count for more. Don't just pick "same" for everything and vote up OCR artists "by far". Other songs deserve to be judged too. The best way to support OCR artists (and OurStage itself) is to not try to game the system.
  11. On a whim I called ASUS today to ask about possible compatibility issues between the P5N-E SLI (my mobo) and the Q9450. You want to know what's awesome? According to them, the Q9450 isn't even on the supported processors list for that mobo. Evidently, even with a BIOS update, the board only supports 45nm duals, not 45nm quads. 65nm quads are OK. Now, if this were actually the case, wouldn't the computer you know.. not post? Shouldn't the problem be way worse if the processor isn't compatible? I've never had this issue before so I honestly don't know. I may have to invest into a Q6600 instead... but damn, I've already wasted so much money on this. It would be good to know how much truth there is to what ASUS says.
  12. That's stupid, Scott. It's an issue of rights. I don't have the right to walk into your house and take your shit - we live in a civilized world. Taking YOUR MUSIC and selling it, even if I do things to it, is another form of stealing as far as I'm concerned. The fees for mechanical licenses are dirt cheap anyway, so there's no excuse aside from logistics. Morally, there's no defending it, sorry. Armcannon and Select Start DON'T deserve every cent, they didn't do all the work.
  13. Yeah, part of the issue is that anybody really qualified to be in that position is probably qualified to be a judge, which means that they either are already a judge, or they don't have time to be one. If they're not really qualified to be in that position, then we wouldn't want them misleading people, right?
  14. Well the thing is, they tested the PSU with a multimeter and everything and came up with no problems... the voltage was perfect.
  15. Yes, but if you read, the first 40 shots (which all went directly into the bots) still had 50% crit rate. Whereas in Phase 3, those same first 40 shots had nearly 100% crit rate. What's the difference between the first set of shots in each experiment?
  16. I still don't really understand how this works. The Phase 3 test seems to be identical to the Phase 4 test. Am I misreading? In Phase 3, he said he shot 40 rounds into the glob of bots, then another 40 into the wall, but there was no difference in crit chance. In Phase 4, he says he fires 80 rounds into the glob of bots and crit nearly every time. What's the difference?
  17. Crits are fine, IMO. They help even the playing field, for one thing, and they can break stalemates. A single good Demo or Soldier crit can turn the tide of battle and that's a GOOD thing. An uber or two is always a more surefire bet, but the fact that a SINGLE player can really turn things around is a very nice feature of the game.
  18. Yeah, it does. It's a pretty pricey APC unit.
  19. Sweet! System hung today. So, I'm exactly back to square 1, minus over $280 (cost of cab fare, diagnostics at Micro Center, new battery backup etc.)
  20. This is a really impressive first album from Audix, with some very slick production and a healthy absence of generic trance. Definitely sounds better than my first couple of albums Plus, the physical CD looks hott as well.
  21. Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I've died as a Medic (or as a Soldier) to a pyro/spy behind us because no one is looking. I don't understand why people keep running into the tiny houses in Ravine. It's a stupid move because you set yourself up for an ambush. Stay outside... wait for the CP to open.
  22. I don't think it does, but it would be more fun with healthpacks. At the moment, I see Ravine dominated by Pyros. Heavy/Medic pairs are also nearly unstoppable. Snipers are next to useless. In Badlands, Scouts (as always) seem to have an advantage, but again Pyros are very powerful there too. I hate Pyros.
  23. I'm not a spambot, I swear! I upgraded to a quad core recently, so I'm selling my old processor. This retails for around $150-200 - it's a dual core, 65nm, 2.4ghz Intel processor compatible with Socket775 motherboards. This means that if you have a P4 currently, you can almost definitely use this (just double check with your motherboard manufacturer). I had no problems with it for the year and a half or so it was in use. Never overclocked, always cooled extremely well. Going from a 3ghz Pentium 4, this processor was about 6x as powerful, so while it's not the latest 45nm technology, it's still extremely fast. I'll sell it for $80 + ship.
  24. No, plugins developed for DSP cards will only run on those cards. Plugin quality for GPU would be entirely dependant on who is doing the programming. However, it's still exciting because DSP cards are generally woefully underpowered and overpriced.
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