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Everything posted by zircon

  1. http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=222978&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 It's not even theoretical - this is an actual, working VST plugin that runs off your video card's processor! It's a convolution reverb too. Downsides include very high latency and limited compatibility (works only on Geforce 8+ series cards with the latest Forceware drivers) plus simple design and unoptimized code. However, it's still incredibly awesome, and the programmer admits that he doesn't know much about convolution reverbs and hasn't bothered optimizing to begin with. Imagine, being able to run 20-30+ VST plugins on your graphics card alone - a gamer's $200-300 "high end" card, which is pennies compared to high-end DSP cards, could provide far more flexibility and power.
  2. We have Video Games Live, Distant Worlds and PLAY here... I'm pretty sure Jill and I saw the Chicago orchestra performing Distant Worlds earlier this year.
  3. I've been working on a new licensing project, commissioned by an employer who has graciously allowed me to sell the CD myself. Currently, it's untitled, but essentially it's a collection of drum and bass tracks covering a wide range of styles. Influences include LTJ Bukem, Photek, Pendulum, Subfocus, and a number of 90s DNB groups as well. The album will be somewhere between EP and LP in length, probably clocking in at around 30-35 minutes with ten tracks. I'll post more as it nears completion and release. Chances are, I will have some sort of low-cost digital version, and perhaps a limited-run physical one as well, maybe even released through Protagonist Records, if sgx is cool with that. Anyway, check out the preview medley. http://www.zirconstudios.com/music/wips/zircon%20-%20DNB%20Preview%20Medley.mp3 Feel free to post any thoughts, suggestions, and comments here. Also, if you are interested in getting the best deal on this for when it is released, I recommend signing up for my monthly/bi-monthly mailing list by sending an email with the subject "subscribe" to list (at) zirconstudios |DOT| com.
  4. Fixed version sounds good. Maybe a little dry now, but definitely not a big enough problem to hold it back now. YES
  5. Wow, this does sound pretty amazing... how many of these patches you're using are already layered, and how many are single instruments/ensembles?
  6. Perhaps it's a "heal to X%" like in some RPGs... for example, if you are under 50% health, it will heal you up to 50%, but it takes a little bit and you can't do anything while you're healing.
  7. Phelps deserve every moment of media coverage he has gotten. He won more gold medals in a single Olympics than anyone in history, winning every single event he was in and setting seven new world records. That's frickin' unbelievable.
  8. Ok, paid $43 in cab fare to get to and from Micro Center. Here's what happened. 1. My computer wasn't booting and I was getting BSODs out the wazoo. They reset the CMOS (I think?) which fixed that problem. 2. They ran extensive tests on the computer, from processor and RAM tests, to power supply (via multimeter, to check voltages), FPU/stress via Prime95, and motherboard tests (controllers and so forth.) They found NO problems of any kind. The machine was operating for over 3 hours... not a single error of any kind, not even in Prime95. When I did that at home, I got a number of errors. 3. Since I already know the problem isn't software (as hangs were occuring on XP64) we decided that it really could only possibly be two things... graphics card (we didn't run any GPU stress tests specifically) or the power from the apartment. To rule out the latter, I've purchased a battery backup with enough juice to regulate any dips in the power. To test the former, I'm going to get 3dmark or something similar and run some intense tests. If these don't solve the problem... I'm completely out of ideas.
  9. No, there's no way I can get a temp replacement unless I buy one. This sucks. Also;
  10. OK, not taking it to Micro Center since they said it could take 3-5 days... I can't afford to lose that much work time. However, I did find something interesting. I ran tons of Prime95 tests earlier designed to heavily stress FPU, heat and power consumption. I ran three sets of tests. The first two had errors on all cores. The third time, everything seemed to be going well, then my computer simply shut off. I wish I had been running a temperature monitor since (I'm assuming) that could have been due to the PSU OR the proc temp being too high... I really don't know which. However, when I rebooted, the light on my firebox seemed to be blinking. I've never seen it do that so I don't know why it would. The Firebox is firewire-powered. Could this be a power problem?
  11. Possibly one of the best posts ever. Also, this was an awesome joke. I just got a PM the other day asking about it.
  12. OK, still having the freezing problem... it's completely random. A week went by with no issues, then I got it a couple times in the span of a few days. Also happens on my XP64 partition which I haven't touched in over 4 months (until today) so it definitely seems like a hardware issue. I really don't want to mess with the computer myself past what I've already done... it's so tightly wired that removing anything is a huge pain. Tomorrow I'm going to take it to Micro Center and ask if they could run some diagnostics on the processor and PSU. This should cover it, right?
  13. I like fusion. In fact, I play in a fusion band at school (keyboardist.) If that's a style you like, check out Joshua Morse's mixes.
  14. Yeah, as fun as Goldrush is, the chokepoints heavily weight it towards Red.
  15. There has never been an issue with copyright infringement and ReMixes here. We have removed music, but only if it was an out-and-out violation of our Submission Standards. It's rare that we have to do that, but you can browse through a number of such removed mixes at the following site: http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/OC_Removed/ I've never heard of a mix called "Chemical Overdose", though. Are you sure you got it from OC ReMix and not another site? Perhaps it was mistagged through a file-sharing network like Kazaa?
  16. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00850/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00967/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01704/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01739/
  17. Jill (pixietricks) - vocals Amy (diotrans) - electric guitar, harmony vocals Vinnie (palpable) - acoustic guitar Me - keyboard (bass + EP), sequenced perc Dave - forgetting to alt tab back from winamp to the powerpoint >
  18. Haha, yeah, I wasn't really able to approach the topic in any appreciable depth, given 15 minutes. Plus, my laptop isn't very powerful and it's tough to do anything with a touchpad. However, the overall concept was still there - building an (abbreviated) arrangement, layering parts, making choices that come up in the course of "rea" ReMixing.
  19. Looks like someone got some video of our "Still Alive" performance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Ra5FLD7-0
  20. Your change to the Tal-Tal chord progression is a pretty nice idea. However, the intro definitely could be tightened a bit. Splitting up the melody like you did initially doesn't really sound that good. Your original additions and variations are pretty solid though, I have to say, including the solo material. You're on the right track though. My only suggestion would be to try to use more of the source that isn't the full, fast-paced melody... try doing it half-time for example, or just quoting parts of it. Production stuff: I would reduce the portamento/legato on your first lead, slim down on the bass frequencies, and remove a good amount of reverb. The mix sounds kinda compressed and muddy in the lows right now. When everything picks up and the main melody comes in with the faster drums, the cymbals are too loud. In general the drumkit kinda seems weak, but it might just be overly processed (too much reverb.) The synth-guitar style lead later probably isn't bright enough, and has too much delay as well, though the tone is good. Overall, production is your weakest area here. Focus on that, and you've got a good shot at a posted remix.
  21. Haha, OCRHug... Jill and I had a REALLY great time at Otakon and the BBQ. To be honest, though it can be fun to do huge meetup groups, I think not having them this year was less stressful. Anyone that was at last year's Otakon (CPK nightmare), MAG 6 (TGI Friday's) or the La Tasca dinner in.. '06 (I think) will agree with me that eating in huge groups kind of sucks. Plus, you often have to wait for people to show up and ultimately you end up spending 4 hours from start to finish just eating one meal. Doing things in smaller groups worked out well this time. I'm also very glad that the panel went well. I think it was our best panel ever, personally, and the crowd seemed to be really into the whole way. Jill, José and I worked our butts off on preparing content for the entire week prior to Saturday so it was as relief to see that all paying off. Feel free to leave comments about the panel here, too! We're always looking to improve.
  22. First step would be to try connecting headphones to your soundcard instead of speakers, to see if that works. If it does, then you know the problem isn't the soundcard. Then, you want to try a different pair of speakers if at all possible, and/or a different connecting cable. Basically, eliminate as many variables as possible while testing.
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