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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I made my first ReMix (I use the term loosely) after Christmas, 2002. Most of those others were created during 2003. Faunaphonic, my first REAL remix that could have actually passed on OCR, wasn't completed until early 2004 if I remember correctly. I didn't actually get accepted on to OCR until July, 2004.
  2. I'll probably redo at least 5 of those - maybe not in the same style, but the same source tunes... eg. most of the Phantasy Star material. Mystic Clash, Aerial Fortress, Motavian Battlefield, Oblivion, and Fall of the Legends were all on VGMix 2. They are well over one year old though.
  3. Been rejected lately? Feeling bad after remix #5 is still getting lukewarm criticism from the judges? Does it just seem like you're not improving? Check this out... One of my good friends from home just revealed that he still has all my old anime remixes, vg remixes, and originals. So, if any of you are interested, I've made these available to the public. Here are ALL my old video game remixes, prior to "Faunaphonic" (DKC project). Enjoy! Or... perhaps not Final Fantasy 6 - "Hyper Lab" (Devil's Lab remix) Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - "Inverted Terror" (Boss remix) Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - "Mystic Clash" (boss/final boss) Phantasy Star 4 - "Oblivion" (various themes) Phantasy Star 2 - "The Fiery Salute" (battle theme, various) Phantasy Star 2 - "Righteous Palace" (dungeon theme) Castlevania - "Night Stalker" (Vampire Killer) Chrono Trigger - "Fall of Man" (Magus) Lufia - "Fall of the Legends" (forget which theme) Phantasy Star 4 - "Aerial Fortress" (dungeon 2) Phantasy Star 4 - "Motavian Battlefield" (this was the 3rd resub - battle theme remix)
  4. Tickets start at.. $110 I think, plus you have to factor in travel costs and room/board.
  5. WTF did you put in Google to pull that up???
  6. That's not it. For one thing, that's old... the video I'm looking for has gotta be recent, eg. a 2007 release (not 2004). Another thing, the lyrics are "Four and three and two and one" not "four three two one" which is a pretty big difference. I did check out the track on Amazon and it's way off. Thank you for the attempt at least... You'd think a search like "music video" "comic book style" would return useful results, but no, it doesn't. :/
  7. Majin, I can't seem to find much info on that artist OR that song, much less the video :/ Checked Yahoo, Youtube, Google Video, Google etc. Why is it so damn hard to find something simple like this?
  8. My school cafeteria plays MTVU basically all day, which in turn has music videos going almost constantly. This one video has been played about 5-6 times lately but I haven't been able to check out the artist or song name. It's stuck in my head and so I gotta download it, even if it's crappy - you all know how that is All I know about it is the following; * It's recent * It's a rap song * There appear to be at least one black and one white MC * The video is mostly presented in the form of a black and white comic book, with certain panels containing the live action rappers * I think one of the lyrics is "Four and three and two and one" Been searching on google, mtvu's website, and youtube for awhile but I can't find it. HALP!!
  9. Actually, it sounds more like that he wants to change the currently selected pattern by using a MIDI signal. So that he doesn't have to actually CLICK on a new channel every time he wants to switch sounds. I think it's possible, but I'll have to look into it later when I get home.
  10. Cool stuff. Honestly, I have heard very few submissions that were written and sequenced for small instrumental ensembles that actually sound GOOD, but this does. Sequenced brass is really tough to pull off without sounding goofy and I think VHDan nailed as best as one can. Of course, it almost goes without saying that the arrangement is great, as I've come to expect from VHDan. It's refreshing to hear an orchestral ReMix in a style like this. Great job! YES
  11. I'm going to echo the critiques of Larry and TO. The main problem here is the execution. You have some decent arrangement ideas, that, with a stronger and more well-rounded execution, would have been better. Overall, the combination of sounds just doesn't really work and there are too many sparse and minimal sections. I would take another shot at it and really go back to the drawing board on the beats, the lead, the robovox, and harmony parts. But, as Larry said, the base here is pretty good. You have the right idea and you're heading in the right direction... just flesh it out and polish. NO
  12. Stuck to the original tightly...? That's one criticism I don't think I can quite accept. Here's the breakdown of what I did. 0:00 to 0:19 - Same chord progression as the original, with new harmonic and rhythmic material 0:19 to 0:37 - Same melody + progression, but again with new harmonic and rhythmic material. 0:38 to 0:46 - New bridge section using the chords of the original as a base. 0:47 to 0:55 - Significant variation on the melody from the original. 0:57 to 1:23 - Same basic chords and melody as the original, but new and varied harmony, lots of new parts and rhythms. 1:24 to 1:44 - Significant harmonic expansion of the original melody 1:44 to 1:53 - Short bridge using the original melody w/ my own harmonies. 1:54 to 2:01 - Forest theme quote re-written to match part of the chords from the Castle theme. 2:01 to 2:31 - Completely original. Vague similarities in the chord progression. 2:31 to 2:49 - More fun with the forest theme (which in and of itself, again, was varied) on top of the expanded chord progression + harmonies from Castle. 2:50 to 3:28 - Beefed up version of 1:24 to 1:44, basically. 3:28 to end - Original ending. Also, considering the source tune is not even half the length of this remix, repeats more often than mine does, and is structured differently... I don't see how I could have really stuck closely to it. I do appreciate the feedback but I don't think the level of arrangement is a matter of opinion in this case... I do agree about the organ. It's hard to mix organ in when you have so much stuff coming on. If I knew how to use multiband compression better I probably could have allowed more room for its lows and low-mids to breathe.
  13. This Friday is the first day of the UMF - Ultra Music Festival 2007. It's happening in downtown Miami, Florida and is pretty expensive... but it has the most ridiculous lineup EVER. Here are just a *few* of the acts that are playing: The Cure DJ Tiesto Junkie XL Paul van Dyk Ferry Corsten Pendulum Hybrid BT Deep Dish Uberzone Meat Katie Photek Subfocus Andy C Goldie Fatboy Slim Benny Benassi And these are really just a fraction. So, pretty much the most kick-ass trance, breakbeat, DNB, and house artists in the world... all in one place. I wish I could be there, but it's too much $ for me. Anyone here going?
  14. Lots of people here are replying regarding criticisms of the tuning. Was anyone really criticizing the mix primarily because of that? I haven't observed that in the thread, and, being of the dissenting voters, I can say that was not one of my main problems. I thought that the minimalism *combined with* the vocal imperfections (and not just the tuning), along with an arrangement that stuck close to the original and weaker backing elements, contributed to my vote. Ultimately though, I am glad this was posted. It's always risky to mix in a less popular style, and to expose your own voice like Neil did takes guts.
  15. That assumes you exported your FL in multitrack form... who does that? SOC is talking about exporting the WHOLE track and then just doing a manual fadeout on the stereo master. Which really is no different than using an automation clip on the master fader in FL... But since this guy can't do auto clips, the point is moot I suppose.
  16. Why? Doing a fadeout on the master track has the exact same effect.
  17. Automate the master volume fader using an automation clip.
  18. Oops. You know my project better than I do. We're now up to 31 finals (3 of which I don't have the WAVs for, but I should any day now). And a WIP is under way for One Winged Angel which we were waiting on...
  19. It's gotta be FL given that he's using Slayer for the rhythm guitar + lead.
  20. Y'all give me a heads up if yo find Ber or Ist. PS. MORE PEOPLE ON IRC!
  21. Nah that hasn't been suggested yet. Nor do I think we will be doing that. The majority of the project mixes are complete now anyway, but you will hear at least a few with AC influences (haven't played DoC so I don't know the soundtrack there).
  22. Thank you very much for all the comments everyone! I am glad you all enjoyed it... so far, anyway
  23. I normally don't like to just echo the sentiments of other judges w/o adding much, but Larry/BGC/Vig are on the mark. This is pretty cool, but it's gotta have more meat in the arrangement... which probably means making it longer. I do have to say, you drum programming doesn't suck here. In fact the production is quite creative overall! So don't worry about that. NO, RESUBMIT
  24. Yep, generally speaking, NO internet references count unless the article is about another website... even then, it's iffy. It's absolutely retarded though. The notability guidelines need to be revised.
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