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Everything posted by zircon

  1. it's the beat uh-huh I need my Guile to be that pimp
  2. While we're posting videos, This is among the coolest, funniest SF videos I've ever seen. Pure classic. Watch all of them.
  3. It just amazes me since doing any amount of CG is way more time consuming than ADR, and more expensive also. Not to mention good ADR makes your film seem way more professional than bad CG.
  4. Why don't fan films use ADR? I don't get it. It's such a basic technique that doesn't even require any money, but makes the dialogue sound so much better.
  5. Haha, awesome. I wish I could find the original comic that was based on.
  6. Hooray! Play us! I spent a lot of time in the lab today with Guile and I'm getting some of his harder combos down. His corner pressure is nuts... you can now do the following WITHOUT links: * Light Sonic Boom * Jump in hard kick * Cancel into hard punch * Cancel into another light Sonic Boom * Hard punch (spinning backfist) No meter required and it does a solid 30-35%. Can ONLY be done in the corner though.
  7. Wow, the Beginnings End film is so similar to Legacy... filming style, VFX, the location, even the actors are all very close.
  8. HA ha! HA ha! HA ha! HA ha! Whatever. Whatever. HA ha! HA ha! Or, in Japanese: Sora.. SORA! Sora... SORA! Sora... SORA! Sora.. SORA! Sorasorasorasorasora!
  9. Congrats man!! It was great meeting you a few years back at MAGfest. Did you cut your hair?
  10. Are you playing as Hakan? Her dive kicks can be easily punished with anything.. crouching medium punch -> oil slide is good, but even a plain old crouching roundhouse kick will do it. If she spaces herself away from you at full screen throwing fireballs, oil up. If you EX. oil slide you will go through fireballs and knock her down while she's throwing them. The pinwheel kick is sometimes punishable, sometimes not, but usually a headbutt (crouching fierce punch) will do the trick. If you have Ultra 2, she can't do her jump/diving attacks on you, because you can just ultra2 on reaction and catch her. So, she basically is forced to play rushdown against you, which MIGHT work, but the problem is she doesn't have a lot of safe stuff.
  11. She has very poor defense also, so you need to be very aggressive and good with footsies. Once you get an advantage you have to not let it go... her combos are quite powerful, particularly if you can get a karakusa off, which will then allow you to take off 20% no problem.
  12. His ultra seems to have a weird hitbox since it kind of hops over people. It appears to be harder to land than other ultras... I've certainly never been hit by it (without trying to dodge.) Jaguar Tooth doesn't seem bad but it's kinda punishable from what I can tell.
  13. Hmm, good advice. So in other words I need to wait until the block string is over (kind of hard to tell) rather than try to input while I'm still in blockstun. I guess that would be because stuff like blocked jabs are frame advantage to attacker, right? Anyway, his unoiled throw range is indeed very short, his oiled range is amazing. Bleck, the key to Hakan is definitely oiling up. I'm learning now that it is sometimes better to take a hit and get some oil you if that's what it takes. Oiled up, his EX 360p throw is MASSIVE in range, even a little bigger than Zangief or T.Hawk's. As for jump-ins, Hakan has his Ultra2 which stuffs 100% of all jumping attacks... very painfully. Otherwise his AA kind of sucks. If he's grounded, toward -> light punch is OK, but I have better luck with standing (or back) -> fierce punch, which has a hitbox starting directly above you and moving to in front of you.
  14. I already have a stick. I know the motion isn't that hard to input overall, and I can easily do it in practice mode, but the issue is when I'm getting rushed down and I want to throw them out of a block string. It's really frustrating because AS I'm inputting the motion I stop blocking and I get my ass kicked.
  15. Man not having played grapplers much I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to 360 properly if I'm being rushed down. Seems like most characters can, against my Hakan, just rush him down because they have frame advantage even on jabs. I can be spamming my reversal 360 and because the motion causes me to stop blocking I'll end up eating more of the combo or some stupid shit like that. On the other hand, whenever *I* try to rush down a grappler I get my ass kicked and get thrown out of anything I do. What gives? Hakan's throw range kinda blows but that doesn't explain how I seem to have such a hard time inputting the motion while getting rushed down (or how to deal with people mixing in jumps with their rushdown.) So damn frustrating. I felt like breaking my controller at least 10 times today.
  16. Well, I disagree that you can really get better at ONLINE matches without playing online. I know that execution is crucial but practicing offline IMO doesn't help much online. For example last night I did Hakan's ultra2 15 times in a row in practice. 0 problems. Today, I whiffed it at last 5 times costing me two matches. When you're in the pressure of a match, things are different and execution is harder... the only way you can get better is to just keep playing people, learning matchups, timings, etc. and getting better. Out of 7-8 matches this morning though I again came out negative :/ Lost more than I won. Sucks ass. I even lost to a complete scrub Guile who did nothing except jump backwards and forwards.
  17. Played a lot of matches today and actually ended up with an overall lower PP than when I started (963) :/ I don't know why but it seems like almost everyone I play online is VERY good. I have had almost no easy wins (compared to say, Vimk/Malaki.. sorry guys!) I guess everyone practiced with SF4. I'm playing mostly Hakan and Guile with a little bit of Fei in there. What's more frustrating is how the point system works. I played a Zangief with my Hakan and lost something like 90 PP. When I played the same guy IMMEDIATELY AFTER, and beat him more cleanly than he beat me, I only gained about 68. wtf? He had both higher PP and BP than I did! Anyway, I'm most concerned with simply getting better so... just gonna keep on playing.
  18. Check out this one; http://www.peppersthegame.com/
  19. Who is wildgamer50, and can we please stop inviting him to our parties? If you're on here wildgamer50, please stop swearing into the mic, yelling etc.
  20. I'll definitely be on tonight, maybe in about 45 mins (10pm EST.)
  21. Haha, you know I really need to stop even mentioning the genre of what I'm doing in my sub letters. People always seem to nitpick about it; the point of mentioning it is really just to describe my influence and inspiration going in, rather than the end result, since a lot of what I do doesn't fall into any genre. Also not really sure what you mean by 'brickwall mastering', this is no louder than anything else I do, and much quieter than anything YOU do Anyway, thanks all for the comments. I'm actually playing Hakan right now in SSF4 and he's every bit as fun as I hoped he would be. In fact, he's even more fun!
  22. OK, so Hakan is both hilarious and very effective. His biggest problems are being rushed down (though he can slide to get out), lack of reliable anti-air (he can jump and normal, but he has no DP or any ground normal resembling an AA) and extremely sensitive inputs. This last item seems to be a problem with SF4/SSF4 in general. It seems like a QCF motion comes out as a 360 (?!) all the time. But anyway, he's a complete beast. Unlike other grapplers, he has no trouble getting in thanks to his slide and Oil Dive. He can also threaten people with his Oil Combination Hold, limiting their air options to... nothing. Furthermore, when he's oiled up, he can normal cancel out of a dash, meaning he can insta-absorb something without moving forward, or absorb a hit WHILE ATTACKING!
  23. Actually there was a lot of very unique sound design in the movie using instruments like Omnisphere, Tonehammer sounds and many other custom things...
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