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Everything posted by zircon

  1. AKSHDAHSDAKJSHD Larry and I literally spent a full hour looking at PAX East for SSFIV, and we even saw Seth, but couldn't find the damn game at ALL. Where the hell was it?!
  2. I don't think there is any stigma attached to casual games at all, if by casual games you mean things like Peggle, Tetris or Bejeweled. The stigma (IMO) is now with "social" games like FarmVille or Mafia Wars. That's because 'games' like these rely on cheap psychological tricks to hook users and extort money from them. The CEO of Zynga (who produces many such games) literally admitted this almost word-for-word.
  3. Well, that's not really accurate. Crappy soundcards have crappy, non-ASIO drivers that are incredibly inefficient. I remember back when I had an EMU0404 on a Pentium 3ghz, I was able to run at lower buffer settings with fewer pops and crackles simply by upgrading to a Presonus Firebox. Now, the EMU0404 isn't even a bad card, and an SB Live! is. While ultimately the best way to run more plugins at lower buffers is a faster computer, upgrading to a better interface will definitely help.
  4. Little do you know that for at least 5 years, 99% of my remixes were done using the mouse input only, not with a MIDI keyboard. Knowing how to play the piano did very little for me, as evidenced by the poor quality of my first ~12 remixes. I attribute my fast growth to borderline obsession at getting better.
  5. This is not quite accurate. I had been playing the piano for ~8 years prior to my attempts at remixing. However, I had only a basic understanding of music (major, minor, scales, quarter notes, eighth notes) since playing complex pieces does not require that you understand their compositions. It wasn't until I took music theory and ear training courses at college (2005-2006) that I would say I really started to understand what I was doing.
  6. I'll be submitting to this shortly, however I do want to say that I don't think mono is the best idea. Mono sounds "cheap". Look and listen to any of the following popular/successful Flash games: http://armorgames.com/play/505/sonny - While some SFX are mono, the main music (battle theme, map theme) is all stereo. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/530748 - Stereo http://games.adultswim.com/robot-unicorn-attack-twitchy-online-game.html - Stereo I just picked three out of a hat, but I could really find quite a few like this. I personally think lower-quality encoding is preferable over mono. It's quite audible on speakers, but it really makes a huge difference if you're on headphones. I think if you're really trying to make a premium game you have to have stereo music. Just my two cents, though. I'll submit in mono for now.
  7. Simply awesome. It was great meeting everyone that I had never met before, especially Jesse since I've known him online for... 7 years now? It's true that we missed most if not all of the actual con, but I'd say between hallway Street Fighter, impromptu games of Magic, HIT THE CLAM, Free Willy net, Dr. Wily stage 1 and everything else, we made up for it.
  8. I highly doubt the developer was just screwing around, regarding the delays. Nintendo has an arcane, impenetrable approval process that is much worse than that of Sony or Microsoft. I've heard almost nothing but horror stories about it.
  9. The thing is, while there are a fair number of gamers who love advanced, complex games like Castlevania or Touhou shooters or whatever, there are exponentially more gamers who prefer simple games like PvZ, or that stupid paper toss thing, or Farmville. I mean really, Farmville has over 60 million players. That DWARFS World of Warcraft. Thus, the iPhone, and its slew of casual games and timewasters, is definitely a very viable gaming platform simply because it appeals to such a ridiculous number of people.
  10. You didn't look hard at all, then. http://www.mobygames.com/game/nintendo-ds/where-the-wild-things-are/credits Took me 5 seconds to find out who the composer is. For future reference, Mobygames has excellent details on the personnel involved with just about every game ever.
  11. Look at how big the Wii is. That's about the same power as a Gamecube and it came out years later. The technology to miniaturize a powerful graphics processor like that is simply not here yet, and it's not GOING to be here in the immediate future. Basic 3D graphics (PS1/N64) are exponentially easier than the advanced physics and graphics engines found in the consoles during the PS2/Xbox/GC era.
  12. Where or when did Nintendo claim that the 3DS has the power of a Gamecube? I didn't see that anywhere, and it seems very hard to believe.
  13. The most popular use of the PSP for emulation is easily the PS1. The capability of it to play PS1 games is built right in; you don't even need to download a special emulator. Cracking a PSP does require more than a faulty battery, though. It's a long, annoying process. When I had it done to mine, it took at least an hour. Also, the PSP doesn't have a hard drive either. It uses special SD cards that are proprietary to Sony, so it's really no better than the DS at all.
  14. Huh? PSP sales are way lower than DS sales, and I think if anything people buy the PSP so they can play PS1 games, not GBA or SNES games. The DS can already play GBA games and AFAIK it has emulators for NES and SNES, not to mention all the countless remakes and ported games for DS, so... what? I agree that a more powerful DS would be nice but it could be that the technology just isn't there yet to do it properly. The DS is already as powerful as the N64/PS1, but the leap to GameCube-level power is pretty huge for a portable device.
  15. This. I was watching someone play FF13 and I couldn't tell what was going on at all. The games evolve quite a bit with each iteration. Anyway, this is nothing new. Square has hinted that they'd consider an FF7 remake but aren't actively planning one. Scytheful from #ocremix put it best - when they're hurting financially, they'll make an FF7 remake because they know it will pull in tons of cash.
  16. Whether or not the music is well-known has no bearing on whether it's legitimate for remixing. If it was licensed (ie. not written for the game) then it's not legit. If the music was written for the game, then it's legit. If the music was written for the game, but has since appeared on various albums, it's still legit. The attribution really doesn't matter, the purpose of the music does. Edit: Damn, Larry beat me to it.
  17. I can't speak for Danny, but they came to me on this one. That's how I get most of my gigs...
  18. Haha, this thread and everything in it put a smile on my face. Awesome, Meteo. Happy Birthday
  19. I just wish Capcom cared about balance in SSF4 more. Yeah, they're doing some tweaks to character like Sagat (and inexplicably buffing Chun-Li when she was never bad to begin with), but they basically say "yeah, there are tiers, and that's fine." Fei Long is one of the worst in the game but they gave him pretty much nothing new and instead encouraged people to just try harder with him. Come on, guys!
  20. I'm excited to announce that Protagonist Records label owner, killer electronic artist and fellow OC ReMixer sgx is being featured in the upcoming dance/rhyhtm arcade game Pump It Up Pro 2! Several of my tracks will be in the game as well. PIUPro 2 is in the final stages of testing so there aren't many public vids, but here are a couple of our tracks in action: - sgx - Tell Me a Story (Compendium Mix) - zircon - Necromancy Other songs of ours that you can expect to hear and play are my own Breathing You In (feat. pixie) and Photosynthesis, and possibly more from sgx as well! You can follow news of the game here: http://piu-pro.com/. I used to play DDR and ITG a lot when I was in high school, and while I'd no doubt be awful at it today, I look forward to playing this when it comes out. The music supervisors there deserve props for looking to indie artists for music, as opposed to just Eastern artists.
  21. Hurrr OCR can't write/produce consistent old-school music, right guys?
  22. I have one from a few years ago at the 2007 Philly meetup. Wes, Jill and I were walking around in the city and some GIGANTIC hornet landed on me. Now, I hate bees... a lot. I don't have a phobia or anything but this thing was easily several inches long and had a visible stinger. I was only wearing a tshirt and shorts so it had lots of potential places to sting me. It wouldn't fly off me either, so, in a panic, I said I would hit it with a newspaper and then run the hell away. Now, keep in mind I'm wearing sandals here... So, we were preparing to cross the street when this happened, and the light was about to turn red for us (unable to cross). I should point out this was at MARKET street, one of the busiest in the city. Anyway, like an idiot, I was so panicked that rather than running BACKWARD away from the road, I ran straight INTO the road as soon as I hit the hornet. I sprinted so fast that I tripped on my own sandals and fell right in the middle of the road... when we didn't have the walk sign. My wallet also fell out of my pocket. So, short version, I basically ran into oncoming traffic and TRIPPED IN THE CROSSWALK (scraping the hell out of myself) and dropped my wallet all the while trying not to get stung by this giant-ass hornet. The worst thing is it didn't even sting me in the end so I just felt like a moron. I think I remember Wes saying I would have won a Darwin Award if a car actually hit me
  23. I haven't been criticizing Sega here at all, or Sonic for that matter. I'm just critical of the music which IMO is not good. Where's the groove, funk and swing of the original Sonic games? Why does it sound crappy, but not crappy enough to be Genesis?
  24. Really? Almost all reverb plugins have low/hicut controls, why would they be there if they resulted in a less natural or worse sound? Not all samples are recorded very well, or even if they are, they may not be pre-EQed. The #1 problem I hear with almost any amateur track is excess lows because people don't EQ their lows properly. Reverb without lowcut only adds to that problem!
  25. Download it? How? I just see a player in the upper right with a pause button. Clicking anywhere on it does nothing. Oh well, Meteo sent it to me anyway... This track was not too impressive to me. The writing isn't bad, but the production is confusing. It's too lo-fi to sound modern (very plain synths + sounds) but not lo-fi enough to really be Genesis or SNES-style. So to me, it's in a sort of valley usually inhabited by rejected OCR subs. Now, if you want to hear retro-style music in a retro-style game being released today done RIGHT, check out the Etrian Odyssey soundtrack, eg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V6OmYw667s
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