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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Over the next month or so I'll be producing + releasing tutorial videos for the Zebra 2 (www.u-he.com/zebra) synth. It's Mac/PC, not too expensive, extremely powerful, and one of my favorite plugins around. You can check out part 1 here, with part 2 (completing the 'oscillator' section) coming shortly. Many more tutorials to come soon
  2. Plogue Chipsounds is very cool. http://www.plogue.com/?page_id=43
  3. And it's out! http://www.impactsoundworks.com/products/groove-bias-vintage-drum-sounds/ Pick it up from there, or from our Purchase page. For $19 and unlocked waves, this is a no-brainer.
  4. All of MAGfest was our missed connection Next time, we will return STRONGER THAN EVER!!!!@#!
  5. This is all bunk... any other option besides registering the copyright with the government will not give you the proper legal standing. It is actually codified in the law that in order to get certain restitution and have prima facie evidence in a civil dispute, you need to specifically register your work with the U.S. copyright office. Period. End of story.
  6. Just started mine tonight... having so much fun!
  7. Huh, very strange. I haven't been able to get that working. Maybe I'm using the wrong EXE.... what is your exact application name and OS?
  8. You can't copyright your artist name - you would trademark that. Trademarking is expensive however and not really worth it unless your artist name isn't particularly unique and is in danger of being used by others (knowingly or unknowingly.) As for copyright, you need to copyright both your songs AND sound recordings of those songs. These days you pay about $35-50 to copyright an entire BATCH of songs/sound recordings, so it's a pretty good deal. However, I would say that actually registering your copyright(s) in this manner is not really worth it. Yes, it does provide you with better legal recourse, but think about it... if someone is out to rip you off, they're going to do it whether or not you registered your stuff. Furthermore, anyone ripping you off is probably going to be out of the country and safe from prosecution. Even if they weren't, going to court is very time-consuming and expensive for you, even when you know you're going to win. It can still take months and months to resolve anything, as well as potentially thousands of dollars.
  9. Keep in mind you're not actually using jBridge unless you're loading the jBridge'd versions of plugins. Are you sure you're doing that? If you're using this system properly, jBridge should have made copies of all your plugins (or specific plugins that you selected) and added ".32" to the name. So, for example, you might have Kontakt 4.32 appear in your Channel -> Add plugin list in FL. Once you load that within FL, that jBridged plugin runs outside of your host. As for sound stopping in the middle of RAM-intense work, jBridge will not help that. Any time your computer has to play a lot of voices simultaneously (particularly if you have effects and such on them) you're going to have playback issues. Disk streaming is unfortunately even more intensive because not only does it tax the CPU quite a bit, your hard drive(s) have limited I/O bandwidth and may not be able to sustain a massive piece. This is why many pros move their samples around to a lot of different hard drives, so the strings load from one, the brass load from another, etc., eliminating any HD bottlenecks. As for FL and 2+ GB of RAM w/o jBridge, to be honest I need to run a 'lab test' to see if I can get it to work. I am on XP64 (no way in hell I'm changing, all my stuff works here) but it seems like anytime I approach 2GB, I start getting errors. Try it yourself. Load up FL to 2gb then drag in a big audio file. What happens?
  10. Our acclaimed vintage drum library, Groove Bias, features three truly old-school drum kits recorded using all-analog signal paths, classic consoles, beat-up mics, and actual tape machines at the end of the chain. But what you might not realize is that we used that same killer chain to record the entire set of hand percussion for that library! Now, we're releasing that set of percussion as a "lite" library, Groove Bias Percussion. For only $19, you'll get this collection of detailed percussive instruments AND you'll be able to upgrade to the full version of Groove Bias at a discounted price when you're ready. Library Features: * Deep sampling - A minimum of 5x velocities and 5x round robins per patch - where else can you find so much love given to agogo?! * Rimshots, agogo (high and low), bongos (high and low), hand claps, cowbell, shaker, tambourine, triangle (open and muted) and woodblock (high and low) * Clear naming/labeling and organization - easily drag-and-drop WAVs into any editing application or sampler * Handy scripted interface for quick playing and mixing * Clean, 24-bit, 44.1khz recordings in beautiful vintage stereo * Overhead micing - just enough beat-up studio room ambiance for character, but plenty of room for your own verb * Digital download - quick and easy to grab for any project * Upgrade to the full version of GB for $59! The product page is coming soon - GBPercussion will be released later this month. To read more about the full library, listen to demos (which include percussion), browse patches and watch our EPIC demo video, visit: http://www.impactsoundworks.com/products/groove-bias-vintage-drum-sounds/ Happy New Year!
  11. Again, thanks very much for all the kind words! I'm not going anywhere with regards to the site itself, but I do plan to do way more.. stuff in 2010. You can unofficially call it "year of the zircon"; my plan is to have something new out at least every few weeks... sample libraries, remixes, original tracks or CDs, tutorial videos, etc.
  12. e-LAB Smoker's Relight is a really good drum sample CD which has a ton of vinyl/sampled oneshot drums, among other things. Very much worth the money. The really clean, Jam/Backstreet Boys/N'sync "pop" snares are kinda tricky though.
  13. Robotaki: I would have never rejected any of your tracks anyway. Submit Manoria Cathedral, damnit! Dhsu / everybody: A problem for me is that while I often have access to my laptop (and can play games on it, post on the forums, post on IRC, etc.) I rarely have uninterrupted time to just listen to things in my studio. One of many reasons why it's not necessarily an "A or B" choice for me. Thanks for all the kind words ps. I do have a new mix coming up. It's done and in the queue - Team Fortress 2.
  14. After five years on the panel, it's time for me to step down. I became a judge in late 2004, not long after my second remix was posted. I didn't have a lot going for me at the time; Larry was particularly skeptical that I could do the job, since I had few credentials. But the panel as a whole took a chance on me and I'm extremely grateful I've been able to give back to the site for this long.
  15. Read the review I linked... it's consistently positive and spoke highly of the exploration factor.
  16. Sounds like you guys got trolled? There are some varying opinions.... http://www.electronictheatre.co.uk/index.php/articles/3743-electronic-theatre-import-review-final-fantasy-xiii
  17. GPO isn't a very powerful library even in its own sequencer. I'd go so far as to say it's the weakest commercial orchestral library. QLSO, VSL and even Kirk Hunter are all better choices.
  18. Logic is only $500... Cubase is $300, but comes with not nearly as many samples and synths as Logic. Logic Express is only about $150, and you can get a student license for Logic for $150 as well. I would however recommend trying out Garageband first, then moving to Logic once you're comfortable with that. You can definitely find AU versions of any worthwhile plugin, so don't worry about that.
  19. I really like the groove and sound design of this mix, but I don't think it would pass our bar because so much of it is directly sampled from the source tune. Why not use your own synths instead of just sampling the main melodies from the original? We barely passed a Faxandu mix recently that was right on the border like this, but I wouldn't expect it to happen again.
  20. Unfortunately, I don't really know much more than that. I just remember reading something to that effect on NorthernSounds and VI Control at some point. SampleModeling is now its own company so it stands to reason that there may have been an issue with their tech being bundled with products from a competitor. However, I really have no idea for sure.
  21. Haha, you're learning fast then Two "advanced" guides would be: Juking - http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=6514 Wards - http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=4839
  22. As I understand it, the company SampleModeling (www.samplemodeling.com) worked with Garritan to develop their Strad/Gofriller products, and there is a legal reason why it was discontinued.
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