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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I really loved this movie - probably one of the best I've seen in the last 3 years or so, and definitely my top movie of 2009. Gorgeous environments, excellent acting, mindblowing CG, a good plot and, most importantly, a completely engrossing world. The "spell" on me was never broken throughout the movie. While the plot might be similar to Dances With Wolves or even Fern Gully (lol) the execution was still really interesting.
  2. This game is hella fun. Just bought it last night, and it really is like Diablo 2.5. Seems balanced with enough changes and additions to the D2 model to keep fresh. I'm playing as a summoner Alchemist - between my pet, 3 imps, summon skeleton and summon flame sword II spell, I'm tearing it up. What is REALLY amazing though is how well the game runs. My laptop (which is what I'm playing Torchlight on) can BARELY play Heroes of Newerth at the lowest possible settings, and a lower resolution. Keep in mind HoN doesn't look that much better. Torchlight, on the other hand, not only runs perfectly, but at the HIGHEST settings!
  3. http://www.alienwarearena.com/event/hon-na-cup/ Care to join?
  4. Yeah, but then what was the first electro house song? Seriously, I don't remember ever hearing any electro house at all anywhere until Satisfaction came along.
  5. Actually, I thought Benny Benassi was the originator of electro house as well. Didn't "Satisfaction" precede the rise of deadmau5 and similar artists? It was the first big song to have that style of extremely tight, minimal drums and buzzy saw synths.
  6. That's a good build on him, but if you are fighting a melee opponent in mid, get a point or two in w (corrupted conduit) so you can drain his damage and harass better. You might want one point in it by 8 or 9 anyway, just because it's nice to have.
  7. Are you on a Mac or a PC? Macs have big issues with Atmosphere (and Trilogy) due to the underlying engine, which is part of why Spectra decided to make their own.
  8. Amy, you should check out Jill's OCR-tan cosplay from Otakon.. '07 I believe it was. She had a pretty convincing costume (not the dress of course) right down to the headphones, which I think she mocked up with a pair of busted.. Logitech cans and cardboard and silver spraypaint.
  9. First... remember that right now is a really tumultous time for the music industry. It is harder than ever to get on a label that can really work hard for you. It's easy to get on SOME kind of label, but the days of shopping for some kind of dream deal are just about over. You can certainly try, but it's pretty much like buying lottery tickets. You can influence your chances, but only by working extremely hard; touring TIRELESSLY, promoting yourself nonstop, keeping on top of all kinds of social networking, releasing new content constantly, etc. Second, you need to acknowledge and accept your current skill level. It seems like you're talking yourself and your abilities quite a bit here. I've never heard anything you've done, so I'm not making any judgment, but you need to be very realistic. One of my professors at Drexel once said that almost everyone coming into the Music Industry program there claims they're capable of doing pro-level work, but none of them actually are. The overwhelming majority of musicians, producers and composers are nowhere near the level you need to be at to make even a semblance of a living. Statistically speaking, RIGHT NOW you are probably at THAT level. When I first came to OCR and started sharing my music, guys like Daniel Baranowsky came down very hard on me for thinking too highly of my own music. Later, the same thing happened on VGmix. I learned my lesson the hard way. It took awhile to finally come to grips with my skill level, and to realize there were countless people better than me, and the only way I could come close was to work my ass off. Are you willing to come to that same realization? Are you really ready to work hard? To put it in perspective, one of my favorite artists, BT, said that for every decent idea he has, he also writes 10 crappy, cheesy, lame, and derivative tracks. That's what it means to be a musician. Believe it or not, what I'm saying now really is probably the best answer I can give. It doesn't matter what my goals are. The most important thing is to have that motivation to keep improving and to work really hard. I see so many composers and artists who get rejected - whether here or on countless other sites - and say "How dare they, I deserve better." No, they deserve what they got, or worse. Separating your own sense of self-worth from the music you write is crucial!
  10. Laning against Keeper is an exercise in futility. He has I think the highest base HP in the game (660) which in and of itself makes him almost impossible to kill, but in addition to that he has enormous STR gain as well as an ability that keeps his armor and regen boosted through the roof at all times. There's just no point in even trying to harass or gank him.
  11. This has probably been our most successful sale ever, so... if any of you are still on the fence, I could be convinced to leave it up a day or two longer ALSO, we are offering discounted prices (yes, on TOP of the already ridiculous discount) if you already own one of our other libraries. Just email support@impactsoundworks.com with your name/company name and we will take care of you.
  12. So, why would that mean they'd be played on the radio Christmas day? And why is it so important that they be #1 on Christmas day? I guess this stuff is really important to you guys. Here, American Idol singers always tend to hit the top of the charts, but nobody particularly cares. Nobody ever talks about the importance of being #1 for a particular date. There's just some kind of strange disconnect when I read about this whole situation.
  13. What do you mean "won"? Aren't your charts just decided by music sales? And isn't it not Christmas yet? Europe is weird :/
  14. Yeah, it's priceless. There's definitely at least one "Author's Response" to a comment on one of his pages where he says he's bLiNd, from OC ReMix.
  15. http://chronodestiny.newgrounds.com/audio/ This guy has already been reported on NG, but mods haven't taken action yet, apparently. He has posted songs by bLiNd, SgtRama (lol), Siamey and Nav, as if he made them. Moreover, he actually claimed HE HIMSELF was bLiNd. OCR flame crew, go!
  16. Haha, you know you can just email me, right? Did you download the right version? There should have been options for both Gig (that's for Gigastudio) and Kontakt. The I:S key should have multiple downloads on it so you should just be able to check for the right patches at the same download site.
  17. Bump - the sale has started. Enjoy while you can! http://www.impactsoundworks.com/purchase
  18. Congratulations Neko & Ash! You make a great couple.
  19. WOW. Throughout the video, I was thinking "Oh, this is pretty cool," but when they got to "Bulls on Parade", that blew me away. Friggin' amazing. Also, the lead synth was pretty damn close all things considered (though not perfect.) Simply incredible!!!
  20. Haha, well I like to one-up myself every year, but now I have no point of reference! So, I dunno, how about; * Release at least two new sample libraries. * Release at least two new CDs. * Upgrade Impact Soundworks website. * Get involved with an AAA studio in some way or another. * Release a video game through my other company, Space Whale Studios, and get significant progress done on a second. * Get in better shape. (Already been working on this)
  21. Hey, can anyone find LAST year's resolution thread? I can't..
  22. After playing a few more Sand Wraith games, I still think he's one of the most boring carries ever. However, he also seems to be by far the strongest, and pretty much unstoppable. No matter how many damage or -armor items you get, all you're doing is killing your entire team faster. The one hard counter I can think of (besides *trying* to gank him, which is hard) is Deadwood, who could reduce his max HP significantly and essentially cut his Dissipate damage in half.
  23. Actually, that sounds a lot like Breath of Fire - "Alan & Cerl Forever" But yeah, Chrono Trigger too, I guess.
  24. Yes that is a flock of winged couriers all using a Codex simultaneously to oneshot Kongor.
  25. But that's just human nature. People will prefer to review mixes from games they know, and are less likely to check out unfamiliar stuff. ANY new system should try to have some encouragement for people to review mixes from unfamiliar games and unfamiliar remixes. If you don't have that, there will inevitably be a review bias. It even happens on OCR where we spotlight everything equally (again compare my Eternal Champions mix with my CT/FF6 mixes from the same time period.) It's a shame when that happens because people miss out on good music. Also the OCRwip board certainly isn't perfect, not saying it is, but we've made efforts to improve it and would like to continue doing so. It would be nice to not simply give up and say the only way to do it better is a completely new website. We can have both!
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