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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Pretty much any track with backing vocals included her as part of the choir. Also, she did all the demo work for all the tracks, so we have versions of all those songs, pre-mastering, with her singing lead on them
  2. If you come to #ocrwip, there's a guy named superjoe/superjoe30 who is actually an LMMS developer.
  3. Like I said, virt has the right idea. Systems to promote WIP feedback, competitions, project management, etc. We want to implement improvements in those areas as well. I have my own ideas but I'd rather see what Jake comes up with, and work with Dave and the rest of the staff on said improvements here too. Really the reason I'm posting at all is just to remind some of you that VGMix 2 wasn't the pinnacle of remixer feedback since it really did experience a continual drop in reviews, and, thanks to the rating system, many artists, games and remixes got skipped over.
  4. No, I don't really think that's it. It's simply inevitable with that kind of system - when you have exponentially more submissions without a similar increase in reviewers, everything will get reviewed less. Since there was no barrier of entry to VGmix, people had the incentive to simply post everything they could. I mean, that's certainly what I did. But even IF there were a similar increase in reviewers, it's more tiresome to review constantly (ask any judge here) than it is to make music, so no matter what you'll end up with fewer and fewer reviews of the greatly increasing # of mixes.
  5. The thing is, there are a lot of problems with rating systems. Did you notice how most of the "top tier" stuff on VGmix was either simply from popular ReMixers or popular games? It was the same on Ormgas, which had remix ratings for OCReMixes. There are a ton of amazing remixes here from obscure games, and even on THIS site - which promotes all remixes equally - they get far less attention than the new Mega Man 2, Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy 6 mixes. And I'm telling you this as someone who has remixed all three of those games and been at the top of the VGmix/Ormgas charts, as well as someone who has remixed much more obscure games (Eternal Champions?) Seriously, ratings are NEVER fair when it comes to game remixes, since the nostalgic games always win out. Don't get me wrong. I was an avid user of VGmix 2, and it was a lot of fun. But I think some of you are remembering some things wrong. With regards to the 'instant feedback', I don't know about you, but out of the dozens of remixes I had posted there, if anything hit the 3rd or 4th tier right after being released, it basically was assured to not get any new reviews. You'd get your 1-3, and that was it. Also, it tended to be just Rexy and Kwix reviewing everything. I'd say that between #ocrwip and the WIP forums here, the average WIP remix actually gets more feedback than your average submission at VGmix 2.
  6. But if you AOE creeps and push the lane toward THEIR tower, it's less safe, not more. Why would you be ganked more if you're closer to your own tower? If you are denying properly you will be much safer than if you're pushed all the way to or past the river.
  7. I don't agree with that. You should only start farming entire creep waves via auto attacking + AOEs if you know your team is going to come up and push the lane, or if you need to get to the outpost in early game. Otherwise really what you are doing is feeding the enemy more experience and gold. Every creep you deny takes AWAY potential xp/gold from the enemy.
  8. Sale is up! Go to our store to get all our libraries for $99! Reposted from KVR....
  9. There is a Propellerheads track from decksandrumsandrockandroll, I think called 360 degrees, which uses an effect like this at the beginning. Cool stuff! I actually felt a tingling sensation at the part with the razor.
  10. Hey guys, a general tip about mid to late game. Don't stop denying creeps. This is the biggest mistake I think I've made, and I've only just now learned better. Basically, if you're a support hero, don't just go out to a lane pushed to your FRIENDLY tower, AOE everything, and run. That leaves "skeleton farm" for the carries, where there is basically nothing for them to do. Not only should you not just wipe entire creep waves, you also should focus on denying your own creeps CONSTANTLY, and I don't just mean last-hitting. Actually hit them as soon as you can to "pull" the lane farther toward your towers. Lanes like these are much safer for carries to farm. The alternative is blasting all of your lanes out, forcing your carries to either (a) do nothing, ( try to gank (usually risky and waste of xp/gold if you can't get anyone), or © jungle (also risky.) So stop AOEing those creep waves! Save those skills for quick clearing of the jungle.
  11. Deadwood certainly seems powerful, though his first ability is very skill-dependent. Man, it is really demoralizing to lose so much though. Despite what I said earlier, it just doesn't feel good to lose 8-9 matches in a row, especially when you're playing well overall. What sucks is that I always seem to end up in games where nobody talks or coordinates, forcing me to be the leader. While I'm not a bad player, I wouldn't say that I deserve to lead every game I'm in either :/
  12. But you can already simply post remixes at either of those sites. What would you expect a new site to do differently..? Both give you instant gratification already. You post your song and it's there. Both have rating systems and browsing. I guess what I'm asking is, what specific functionality are you looking for that these other sites don't have? As Dave mentioned we are certainly looking to add more functionality to our own WIP forum and potentially integrate that into our database, replicating that kind of "instant post" feature (albeit they wouldn't be actual OCReMixes), but it sounds like you're looking for something else.
  13. What makes you think you would get instant gratification at a new remix site that is, well, just like remixSite or VGmix X? What's the difference? Just the people that visit it. The way the sites work is exactly the same... that's my point, and that's why I think it's way better to focus on new ideas than just hosting whatever remix people want to upload.
  14. For people complaining about how the awards are primarily centered around the big Xbox games... who do you think the largest demographic for games is? Not us. We're niche gamers. Also, supposedly some of my music was used for this, but I dunno where. Post if you hear it!
  15. Feels like just yesterday Darkesword and GrayLightning were just appointed as mods and judges. Happy birthday, OCR, and thanks for everything you've done Dave!
  16. Well, the STR debuff is just temporary.
  17. Yes, but SF2 has had countless iterations. Each new one had new balance tweaks, characters, and mechanics. Plus, you had to pay for every new game - full price, not as if they were expansion packs or DLC. Also, Blizzard is Blizzard as far as I'm concerned. D2 revolutionized the action RPG genre (it pretty much singlehandedly revived it and spawned countless imitators) just like WC/SC revolutionized RTS and WoW revolutionized MMOs.
  18. I know what you're saying, but we have no way of knowing the real numbers. They might have solid 400 copies at $15, but 100 copies at $189. Just sayin'. If the "equilibrium price" (price that would generate the most sales at the highest price) was really only about $15 then it would seem like most plugin-makers are way off with their initial pricing
  19. http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=53887 Fix Zephyr's Leap!
  20. BIG difference between new PAID content and new FREE content. Again, name one other company who has released new FREE content consistently for a game that has been out for ten years. D2 has added new bosses, tons of new items, new levels, new features and probably added hundreds of new hours of gameplay. The point is, even if this patch is a minor update, it's still FAR more than any other game company would dream of doing. Saying H2 is the same is like saying WoW or any game with expansion packs is "still supported"... pure fallacy. I've been playing D2 and D2X since they were released. The amount of balance issues and problems that have been solved by Blizzard is tremendous. I remember a time when there was practically no point in playing any other character than the Sorc or Barb. I remember when there were 1/5 the items there are now, and probably 1/2 the endgame content. Yes, it's not a perfect game, but need I remind you again that it is TEN. YEARS. OLD. What ten-year old WIDELY-PLAYED multiplayer game does NOT have problems? And isn't StarCraft, coincedentally another Blizzard game?
  21. From an economics standpoint, I doubt AM makes *more* money from these $15 sales, but with any "no-brainer" or doorbuster deal you are drawing tons of new traffic to the site. Hopefully, those people will buy more, normally-priced stuff and increase overall sales significantly.
  22. Oh? Which game? Because there's a difference between user-mods and regularly-released content by the creator. No Valve game has been out for 10 years with continual FREE new content by the developer.
  23. Neko, what other game company would even bother to work on more content for a game that (a) has no monthly fee and ( has been out for TEN YEARS?
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