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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. POW, i was playing that on arcade gaming machine when i was young .
  2. New Competition threads will only be allowed after they've been cleared. This is to ensure there are no clone or generally redundant competitions. Thanks.
  3. vote cast. and thanks gario for adding a song to avoid a win by default less than 23hours left.
  4. you can keep your xfire stat too. that's nice. http://raptr.com/doulifee
  5. atmuh is so bad, it count as a negative game. i also award myself with this: trying to unlock AGAIN the Sob story achievement , with dumb IA (despise that one of the game was fucked by myself, shooting a horde and trying to get cover near a wall, where a witch was sobing of course)
  6. i'm older than that, so you're still young in my eyes happy birthday.
  7. started yesterday (you need to blame tensei and/or anso)
  8. nice job indeed. Jokey who drive me in the witch, smoker who pull me in the spitter acid...
  9. "That sounds like my ex-wife." is my favorite so far (It's Nick). also i have french voice so it's different
  10. we sucked hard in scavenger mode. need more training and team play.
  11. it's Gordon's gnome, he is back from space, show some respect.
  12. try to keep one or more seriously damaged ennemy around, so you can quikly kill them and revive.
  13. ^i concur Martin's post. same here on both my computer (FF and opera) and i have french and japanese font on it
  14. same but with electricity here. Useful to remove shield and shoot stuff with flame grenade or shotgun.
  15. do you accept french item cards? EDIT: http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/BDL/
  16. that's fun. i love throwing corrosive rocket everywhere and finish the work with my shotgun.
  17. made a correction of the deadline. it's the 22 not the 15
  18. Ain't no rest for the wicked (cage the elephant) aka borderlands intro song.
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