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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. i prefer listening to mint jam nowadays.
  2. and Joyeux Noël (after an excellent lunch)
  3. i spilled my coffee. OCR-kun ahah. you can cosplay as nice work guy Darkesword.
  4. holy shit. O: once your happy with your "smexy" picture don't forget to update the archive and like everyone else...nice drawing.
  5. the so-called "blind" is impersonating dj siamey and rama too?. ahah. edit: he probably forgot his old password for the real blind account
  6. happy honey-moon Mr Ashamee (formerly known as Nekofrog) and Miss Nekofrog (fomerly known as ashamee)
  7. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01761/ and The Goldeneye Source OST
  8. also i enjoy the drawing. at least catlady's drawing. i'll call Binjovi for backup but we need him for more tan goodness.
  9. same here, also sometime the Director can be a little bitch with special infected, my last play i was managing them 3 at once.
  10. keyboard + trackball. of course some game (yes Fallout 3 i'm looking at you) are designed for controller and designer doesn't spent time to make a proper keyboard layout (and sometime doesn't even allow player( to fully customise the key setting) that's the only case where i play (or not ) with a gamepad. i use a controller when i play emulated game of course, or on my console.
  11. a decade.. wow nice work ocr. and give me back my youth
  12. ITT Lizz is the mother of some of our favorite boss.
  13. Thank you, now i understand the Earthbound plot, being in Lizz's body made it clearer.
  14. hell yes. with the lego case with the american flag on it.
  15. wtf are they doing? driving the boomer through the level?
  16. good idea. i was bored today. i'll do thaT.

    EDIT: Done. it will be up in a few hour.

  17. well you can post anywhere and be know of the community
  18. change of mood, december is usually a busy month for all of us, so december will be a month without ORC. Spend some time with your familly and friends and see ya next year.
  19. it's a playable character for doom 4
  20. I was playing a bit with the dragon age toolkit. Need to get use to it, it is not as friendly as the GECK or the TESCS. Also you need to play with some files on the go with the steam version.
  21. no one for a Duke Nukem Forever Rest In Peace Album project then?
  22. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10835
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