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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. banner will be send next friday or saturday to the winner.
  2. i'll try to post pic of my car next week-end.
  3. The OJA (Ocremix Judge Association) ...Great final tonight between the two last mixes of the month.
  4. damn right, most of people on the net i care already have a way to contact me via an instant messanger. At worst, we can manage one thread per day for everyone, and the thread is locked/Erased once the day is gone.
  5. waiting for my package. I live in Europe man.
  6. Unlocked my sharpshooter medal in ace 6. Still 3 medals remaining to complete the collection.
  7. Larry still own that particular power to reduce the queue XD
  8. My package is probably over the atlantic theN. I'll post pic of my renault's bumper (or at least the rear windshield) with the sticker.
  9. that one is indeed THE case. the one that end the phoenix trilogy. I still have a bad memory of it. you're lucky i wasn't personnally involved.
  10. my favorite PW character indeed. he deserves a game.
  11. video games never get old. Just a bit dusty *cough*
  12. there was a lack of interest during the last contest. too much stuff at once maybe? Still possible to resurect it if there are people interested.
  13. i'm proud of one thing. old game cartridge lack memory, so at that time, game were short but hard.
  14. indeed. i'm a fair user of amazon france. so that would be cool to support ocr, while i am at it. But that look complex to link ocr to all the amazon version available.
  15. color change and you have thasauce tan
  16. i'm the moderator of the forum >_> i perform a daily check , plus i was away of ocr during one month. i need to keep up with what was happening :9
  17. yeah i concur, seeing what we have now... street of rage and final fantasy 6 still own a place in my museum of old goodies. and my first step was on a thomson mo7 with basic. Time when we could make our own Vg in the basement.
  18. another try then. LT: I'm cool on Ike here, but I need to know what specific installment of Fire Emblem that art is from before I can add it. The others, I'd rather not see the images cut out, then placed on black backgrounds unless it looks seamless. Feel free to keep whatever background the original crop had. Please also let me know what game(s) they're from.
  19. those badge are made for being used. feel free
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