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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. http://www.utorrent.com/ there is more than this one, test them and grab your favorite.
  2. - The Original Remixing Competition - Welcome to ORC111. Source Material Last month winner was just64helpin. just64helpin - Peaches and plums: - MIDI __________________________________________________________________ Good luck everyone. Deadline 17th August Midnight US East Coast The contest is a monthly contest so the deadline is programmed to be the 3rd sunday of the month. Voting stage will follow till the 4th sunday of the month. Next context will start again the first of the next month. The Quick Rules Rundown Step 1 -Submission:- 1. Anyone can enter regardless of your remixing ability. 2. Filesize is limited to 8 meg. 3. You may only enter one piece. but can collab on a second one. 4. When you've finished your entry, post it in the thread, AND send it also to submission@doulifee.com It's mandatory to avoid me to run after you for your mix in case of a dead link. 5. You may submit your piece as a MIDI, MP3 or OGG file. Step 2 -Vote:- Voting will be done via PM. Voting stage will last 1 week from the 17th to the 24nd Midnight . Songs: Apples Pears and Bananas by Bundeslang. Another day, another contract by seitokaibarocket. RESULT: First Place : Setokaibarocket win the first place with ease. Despise the few remix, thanks to everyone, mixer and voter. Seto send me your midi before the 1st September. [Five votes were in my PM Box and Seto Win 4-1] See ya Next month. About the comment: You are now allowed to comment anytime EXCEPT during the voting stage.. that mean that once a mix is posted, you can feedback it, until the submission process is over. Remixer are able to fix/enhance it until the deadline. The date in the PM/Email will be used to upload the most recent one. About a draw in the result: It happen sometime. Both remixer are still officially Winner, but i'll ask the remixer with the less "Win" to send me his song.
  3. that's why i asked her to show us the game project. So remixers can judge of the autenticity by themself. As a mod i want to avoid people making contest just to have a mix they want badly.
  4. Number of vote: 6 Points: [1st]Hard Drive By just64helpin 20 [2nd]Overdrive by seitokaibarocket 13 [3rd]Driven on the Other Dimension By Bundeslang. 12 [4th]Overdriven On by Chavous 9 [5th]Driven Insane by ProjectSpam 7 Trivia: Bundeslang got 3 votes with only 1rst place..but that wasn't enough. Chavous got 3 votes too.... only for second place. Project spam was granted with a majority of 3rd place. Comments: Congrat for our winner. And don't forget to send me your song for the next orc before the beginning of August.
  5. i made it orange to fix the problem. And yeah your right >_> i noticed that too. i'm just a lazy bum.
  6. You miss the small orange link called "Douli's Archive" EDIT: My bad it's orange only with the dark skin
  7. yup, you can't vote for yourself, but bonus point (a 1rst place) will be added.
  8. btw imagery, you should try to make zip archive of the competition, so i could host them (an old project i didn't even start). try to send me a zip of the previous contest (or this one) i'll try to work on something.
  9. First of, thanks for all those entries. Glad to see people are still interested in orc. Now... time to vote: Step 2 -Vote:- Voting will be done via PM. Voting stage will last 1 week from the 21th to the 27nd Midnight .
  10. Glad to hear you're back to home. Enjoy it, your home, family, girlfriend and all. Take your time, and recover fully.
  11. That's indeed the better way. Downloading everything via torrent is a long process, but once it's done, you have a full OCR library, i stopped couting the hour of random play i did a few year ago. I discovered a lot of jewels.
  12. i laugh to see a french expression like this translated word by word. Anyway welcome on board Zarmakuizz, and pianoplayer too .
  13. I'd like to see some proof of your so-called RPG. pictures, a website maybe? or a forum? How are you working on it? are you alone is it a communauty? How far is it from completion? You need badly music ok, isn't it better to open a recrutement thread, rather than a contest? Why one music, did the ost was nearly complete and you miss only one? You're not know of the communauty, so provide all infos you can to remixer, that will help you a lot. I'll leave this open for discussion with the hope that you'll fill all the blank about your project.
  14. waiting for colored version, and i'll work on wallpaper. I'll also try to rearrange the archive, with a page dedicated to each tan; right now the page is too big for easy looking.
  15. Mine was doing that until i completely clean it up of dust. Can be the source of the problem.
  16. good refereces you got there. All 4 saved and will be archived asap in the Tan Archive.
  17. i forget some white pixels apparently.
  18. mmm, yes. *wait for the 14th*
  19. Genesis version was so awesome, the snes conversion didn't even bother to pick it with no change. good job nintendo. even snes music was better.
  20. Ramaniscence, applying rules #34 since February 2002.
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