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Everything posted by tgfoo

  1. But would that work if the tempo in the two files are different?
  2. alright, mabye somebody can help me out here. I'm making an orchestral song in reason and the big problem i have is with key signature changes. the song starts out in 4/4, goes into a section where it alternates between somethign with 5 beats per measure and somethign with 6 beats permeasure. SGX recommened I do the part with 5 beats in a seperate rns file and then combine them later. originally I didn't want to do this, but as i progressed in the orchestation, it became necessary. Basically what my question is, what's the easiest way to combine these two parts? i will have one rns file with the 4/4 beginning and the parts with 6 beats on it, and then another rns file with the 5 beat sections. Is there a way to move the content of one file over to the other while keeping the notation in the measures the same? or am i gonna have to export each individually and just combine the wav files?
  3. I was wondering, has anyone ever beat Ruby Weapon (FFVII) without beating Diamond first? Not saying it's the hardest. But it seems like it would be damn hard (if not impossible) if you didn't have some mastered materia in the one character that doesn't get knocked away.....I was just wondering....
  4. YAY FOR MORE SGX ON OCR!! I've had this song since he told me he finished it and put it up and I must say, I like it. I didn't really like the original version of this song. Actually, to be honest, the only reason I like the remix is mainly because of new melody SGX added in the beginning and the end. Kinda wish he would have made an original song based off of that melody, but it's still a SGX song and yes, it is amazing.
  5. As always SGX provides us with more quality trance and techno music. I'm not the most knowledgealbe person about this type of music, but I know what I like. This I love. But everyone should pick up the full 9 minute version. When he first told me it was 9 minutes I was thinking why would I wanna listen to a song for 9 minutes? But again he amazed me, and at the end of the 9 minutes I found my self wanting more and listening the the song again and again. This is the song that I play for all my friends whenever i tell them that my friend makes music. But seriously, it's amazing.
  6. It's about time this mix got here. Since I'm a good friend of SGX I've had this song on my computer now since April. Love it. Can't wait for the rest of his songs (which I also have) to get post here.
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