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Everything posted by tgfoo

  1. Finale, Sibelius, Overture. I'm sure some other people know of some other (and cheaper probably) options.
  2. Since they it doesn't seem like that did any extensive bug fixing (or at least the didn't state that they did) I don't see any reason to get it. None of the new added features of 7.2 really appeal to me, except for the stereo rewire part. But since I all but stopped using rewire cause it was annoying having to create two mono channels all the time, that also really isn't a big deal to me. It is nice to see that they got it out so quickly though (they were saying end of March before NAMM).
  3. Probably the best little tid bit of information thus far. It would definitely help to spend some time learning some theory, developing your composition skills and learning about proper orchestration.
  4. Still, I wouldn't rely on this as a method of protecting your FL project files. Back up regularly....
  5. Wait, what's the deal with Rayza?
  6. It may sound clean for you, but other people may be more sensitive to compression artifacts. Then don't listen to them...
  7. ProTools LE isn't that expensive. Only $500 for an MBox. Now a ProTools HD system on the other hand....
  8. No, Soundtrack Pro is included with Final Cut Studio. Pretty much everything you can do in Soundtrack you can do in Logic. As analoq said, it's not really for music composition (unless you solely use loops), it's more for editing audio for video and sound design. It does come with a lot of the audio plug ins that are included with logic. Ultimately though, it's meant to be used with video.
  9. Don't own it, but from what I've heard, it sounds very good for the price. http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38571 23 pages worth of discussion about it on the northern sounds forum. Enjoy.
  10. I know all about routing, inserts, sends, busses, FX groups, I know all about the mixer, I know how to create macros, i've read the preferences help file completely through. I created my perfect starting template copmplete with locked workspace and markers, I know how the pool works and the wav editing tools and then of course I know all the little detailed things like drum mapping and drum tracks, custom quantization, rewire, etc. Basically, I know the basics. That is all in the getting started manual. I'm good. I'm sorry, but for whatever reason, this just made me bust out laughing...
  11. Ok, after listening to the episode, I'm just curious... what movie did you get confuse with Die Hard (which Rayza, I agree, is an awesome fucking movie...) that had The Rock in it pixie? Otherwise, good episode.
  12. I had thought the name White Skies had sounded familiar, then when the melody came in I realized that it was a version of one of the songs he had on the PPM Trance Album (which happened to be my favorite song on that album...). Great stuff, I'm loving in,.. but then I love just abut everything bLiNd doesn.
  13. oh wait, I forgot to mention that my mom did buy me an upright bass. It hasn't come in yet though... but hopefully in the next couple days...
  14. Unfortunately, Santa didn't bring me anything related to making music... but hopefully with the job I have between the semesters, I can buy something... though I'm not really sure what would get...
  15. Awesome...
  16. Nice Zircon. The 4th part should be really useful, and I love the fact that there is a thread (stickified too) that has all of the parts together.
  17. I remember listening to a WIP of this a long while ago when it was just sephfire (I'm pretty sure i don't remember hearing any vocals) working on it. That was the last I heard of it until today. The end result, wow! Awesome tune and great vocals to go over top of it.
  18. I just listened to "To Far Away Times". I think that the vocals are fine, expect for the fact that I can't hear them very well above the piano most of the time. I personally think that the piano should be taken down a few notches. But all around, very nice to see that this project is nearing completion. I haven't checked up on it in a while and was quite pleased with what I found today.
  19. I second this . Another great mix from Gray (as we've all come to expect and love). Great arrangement, love the instrumentation and dynamics. Just all around good stuff.
  20. A most excellent remix indeed. Loved the percussion, and the random bit of electronica that sorta snuck up on me. Confused my entire sense of music for a minute or two, but that's what I expect and enjoy about Gray's music. Gotta love it.
  21. I have the reason 3.0 beta. I didn't mind installing it as I dont' use reason hardly anymore. Technically I'm not really supposed to talk about it, but it isn't too different from 2.5.
  22. This is a very different take on Frogs theme as many of you have pointed out. I really like it, but then I wasn't that fond of the original myself. It definitely has that GrayLightning feel to it. I really like the part that starts at 2'04" with the flute, strings, piano and bells. Great arranging throught the song, good dynamics and all of those other little things that make a great song great.
  23. You're leaving Claado? Man, this thread just won't be the same without you. Good luck in the Navy. And yes, uniforms are chick magnets, especially the white Navy officer uniforms (I live close to Annapolis, where the U.S. Naval Academy is, girls go nuts over those guys and their uniforms) And great music that I'm hearing so far. I especially like Reu's piano piece, but they're all coming along great.
  24. Ahh, this song has finally made it to this site. I've been loving this song ever since I heard a short clip from it when it was still a WIP at the Northern Sounds boards. Normally when I listen an orchestral song, I can find something about it that I don't like (sample quality, sample usage, arrangement, dynamics, ect.) but when I heard this song, it was pretty much as close to perfect as a song could get for me (aside from the fact that it ends). Great Job.
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