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Everything posted by tgfoo

  1. I wasn't too impressed with Apple TV. I thought the iPhone looked kinda cool though. If it had a larger storage capacity, allowing me to ditch my iPod, I might be game. I personally was hoping for more Leopard news and perhaps maybe a mention of Logic 8 or a dual quad core Mac Pro. Whatever you think about Jobs' Keynote and the products talked about, it did wonders for Apple's stock, it's up $7.10 (8.3%), and in the end isn't that his job?
  2. Man, reading this thread (and listening to sgx), I guess I'm missing out on a lot by not having my 360 hooked for Live. Guess I'll have to get on that.
  3. Actually the Garritan group buy has be extended until the 31st. Also soundsonline.com is having a massive sale inlcuding 50% off all of their big libraries. I'm debating whether or not I want to pick up RA or Gold XP before the end of the year.
  4. NHL 2007 and Gears of War definitely take up way more of my time then I'd like them to. BTW, is Dead or Alive 4 the only fighting game out for the system currently?
  5. One thing about condenser mics, if you're going to get one make sure you have a decent place to record it. A decent condenser will pick up pretty much ever noise in your room (even the ones you didn't know existed...). For your purposes I would agree that a SM57 would probably be the best choice since you're more so looking for an all purpose mic. However, I would agree with Zircon that have a several different mics to choose from would be ideal if you could manage it, since all mics have different strengths.
  6. No, I refuse. This will be crap...
  7. Actually, Logic uses a dongle. Also so does Digital Performer and Pro Tools, and none of these three have been cracked as far as I know. Personally, I have a dongle and I have no problems with it. It almost always stays connected to my desktop and I usually don't even remember that it exists.
  8. So let me get this straight... You want to create sounds in FL and then mangle them to get some sfx? This could work for strange and unusual sounds, but it probably isn't the best way to get some of the more common sounds. Though with some effort and a lot of creativity it probably could be done.
  9. Quick question, where do you guys go to get loot to sell? I'm still fairly early in the game, I just finished getting the Dawn Shard and I've spent a couple hours cleaning out the Lhusu Mines of skeletons. The bone fragments sell for 193 a pop (99 x 193 = 19,107) plus if you get a good chain going on the skeletons they drop Iron helmets too which go for 700 I think. Plus you get over a hundred license points in about 15-20 minutes. Plus it let me lever up my characters a bunch. My main party of Vaan, Basch and Fran were all above level 20 and the other three were around level 12. This let them catch up very fast, and now they're all around level 25 and I've made Penelo into a pretty decent mage and worked out a pretty decent set of gambits. I think I've spent too much time playing this game in the last few days...
  10. Heavy Armor sets: ups defense and attack power Light armor sets: ups defense and evade Magick armor sets (robes and hats): ups defense and magick power It allows character customization since everyone's license grid is the same. Um, speaking of which, the way they keep those stats in the back end without making it very apparent is a bit flawed as well. Maybe a small tutorial could've helped. They really could use a status screen for when characters level up and even with enemies that are scouted by Libra, you need to manually target them with attack to even see their stats. Lots of small design issues. Not really unexpected when they're trying something new. I also have quite a few minor issues with the game. I haven't really come across anything major though, an in game tutorial about using Mist Knacks would have been nice though. Overall, I'm really enjoying this game though.
  11. Are you looking for sound libraries so that you can mix and mangle the sounds? If that's what your looking for there are tons of commercial libraries and free sounds you can find on the net. If you're looking for your own truly original sounds though, you'll have to go out and record the sounds yourself. If you do this, record as many different things as you can and multiple takes, as it won't sound exactly the same each time.
  12. They usually have sales like these about 4 times a year, around christmas/new years, halloween, 4th of july, and usually one sometime in april. I wouldn't count on larger discounts unless there is another group buy in the works, though, right now some of their products are 50% off till the end of the year.
  13. Shipping? Shipping doesn't count...
  14. I have a second monitor. I personally could not function very well without a second monitor because I've gotten so used to it. For music I'll often have my arrange window on my main monitor and my instruments and effects open up on my second monitor so it doesn't clutter up the screen. It also has non-musical benefits. I can have my internet browser open in one window, itunes and my IM stuff in another window so I don't have to keep minimizing screens to see what's going on. So, it's not necessary at all (it certainly won't help you make better music, but it would probably help with your work flow). So if you have the space, money and means to add a second monitor, it certainly wouldn't hurt to have some extra screen real estate.
  15. oh. i guess i didn't realize it was that simple/complicated. Depending on what it is, I wouldn't necessarily expect to get it, or for it to be free...
  16. I never said it was the best. There is no such thing as the "best DAW". But either way you slice it, if you go to a commercial studio to record something they will probably be using ProTools. The thing that makes Pro Tools such a powerful package isn't the sequencer part, it's the combination of hardware and software that makes PTHD so powerful. No other company has a combination of hardware and software out on the markey that rivals that of PT. Plus since it's fully integrated with Avid (probably the most popular video editing software on the market, which is also owned by Digidesign) it makes it the logical choice for doing video post production too.
  17. Technically it is still the "top dawg" in pro recording studios and in audio post pro (HD not LE). Besides, Pro Tools LE the sequencer part is really only about $250. Compared to Sonar Producer or Cubase SX, no, it's not as good, but I think it holds up just fine against all of the other sequencers in it's price range. I do though think that Digidesign could win over more people if they either beefed up LE or offered another version of Pro Tools with a bit more functionality than LE. As for midi, it still isn't as functional as the other major sequencers, but there has been a vast improvement in the midi abilities of Pro Tools in the last several versions that several composers (for film, games, and other media) have exclussively used PT for their sequencing. That's something that definitely would not have happened a couple years ago.
  18. Is there any particular reason why or is it just because they're Pro Tools and Nuendo. I know I wouldn't use Nuendo, but that's because it's basically just Cubase with more features, and I don't like Cubase. Just seems a little stupid to vow to never used something you've never tried out.
  19. It depends on the freeze function that you use. A lot of freeze functions I've seen just bounce things to audio and then disable the the track so that it doesn't eat up cpu. Some freeze functions (like sonar's) do that plus they unload the samples used by any vsti's and vst efffects thus freeing up memory and then automatically reload thinks when you unfreeze. If you don't have a freeze function like that (I'm pretty sure FL's isn't like that) then zircon's method would probably work best. Just make sure that if you're going to mixdown the whole piece into one track and continue working that you have everything the way you want it and that you aren't going to want to make any changes to things.
  20. There are also USB Mics that I've heard some decent things about. I'm know a few people here have experience with them (I don't...). I still prefer an audio interface, preamp and a normal mic myself.
  21. First off, what's your recording chain? What pre amp/audio interface are you using? How's the room you're recording in? The equipment you use between your mic and computer and the room you record in will have a very BIG effect on the quality of your recordings.
  22. Actually, you can do it in either the Kompakt player or in Kontakt, though it's much easier to do in Kontakt.
  23. If I were in your situation, I'd go with Gold Pro. I like the sound VSL Strings and Woodwinds more than that of QLSO, and for brass for me it's a toss up depending on what type of sound you're goign for. Gold Pro brass would be better if you're more often going for the big brass sound. Gold Pro though overall would give you more to work with articulation wise, so unless there is something about the sound of Opus that you really prefer over Gold, I'd go for more articulations. And about Gold Pro's extra cost, if you can wait about a month or so, I'm sure soundsonline will have a Halloween sale (they always do) and you'll be able to get the bundle for 30% off. (I own Gold, but not Gold Pro or Opus, but I have used the VSL included with both K2 and GS3) I personally wasn't very found of Miroslav's sound. I think it would make a decent secondary library but would never use it as my main library. The only other library that comes to mind in that price area is Kirk Hunter Emrald (i think it's about $350). It sounds pretty good for it's cost, but the only thing that I actually like about it is that it has good sounding strings, the rest of it is kinda meh to my hears from what I've heard (Going from the demo's on their websites and a couple user demo's I've heard). You can delete the release triggers. Aside from allowing more control of the reverb, it also saves RAM and CPU (lower polyphony). I went through and created a set of all of the Gold patches without releases, only took about an hour or so.
  24. I figured this was coming. I hadn't seen him around the forums here or on AIM in, well, forever. Sad to see him go, but he's now off doing bigger and better things. Good luck!
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