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Everything posted by SnappleMan

  1. Heh, well, what I mean is that your lyrics are cheesy, cliche, and have no real place in the song. I know it's a love song, so you added lyrics that sounded like those of a love song. I just think that you could have taken a bit more time with the writing and come up with some really well thought out lyrics. Like I keep saying, I love your instrumental arrangement here, and for me, the lyrics just get in the way.
  2. Don't take this the wrong way, but I would enjoy your next mix alot more if it was an instrumental. Being a guitarrist myself, I gotta give it up to you on the stuff you got in this piece. I just don't like the way you sing, or your choice in lyrics. I'd love to hear an instrumental piece from you.
  3. Kick ass guitar playing. Gay ass lyrics. Plus, the singing isn't the greatest around. But yeah, the kick ass guitar arrangement alone is worth the praise.
  4. This is indeed a very smooth and jazzy piece. I listened to it about three times in a row now, and the erection still hasn't gone down, so here's to a night of looping.
  5. Tis mighty repetitive and boring. I know you were going for an old school feel, but that sawtooth synth/guitar/scratchy thing at the beginning sounds like a fart in a can. I do like the cool industrial-ish drums you got goin, but it gets old fast.
  6. I dig, indeed. And because I'm a lazy bastard, I too will copy and paste : Man, I don't know why, but so far all the mixes I heard done by you kick ass. This one is no exception. I love the instrumentation, very well balanced and mellow. It's a really smooth flowing track, it looped twice over before I realised it was repeating. The varying velocity layers add a very natural sound to it (especially the drums). Overall, this is a great song, remixed into another great song.
  7. This is the easiest decision ever. The hardest boss EVER is Iseria Queen in Star Ocean 2. Nobody can debate that. Even with all your characters on level 255, with all the best equipment in the game, it still takes over an hour to beat her, and that's IF you're a pro at the game.
  8. The only thing I like in this is the guitars. Everything else is just repetitive. I don't think this is a worthy collaboration.
  9. I don't really know if I like this at all. It sounds plain and uninspired (also extremely predictable). This is one of those songs that when you hear it in the game, it just clicks that this can be remixed very easily. I very much prefer the original, the original melody just sounds better than this one. On a positive note, at least it aint a techno or trance mix.
  10. While I don't really dig the mix much, I gotta give the man some respect for basically composing his own song around the lyrics. It works perfectly together, very polished, and is it just me, or is there something.. creamy about it? Still, I don't really like the song much, but it's an absolute masterpiece in terms of composition and style.
  11. This is completely opposite my style and taste..... And for some reason I have it on loop and full blast...... I think it's the way that the bass smooths everything together. It would be nice if some of the tracks were panned more right, to couteract the left panned bass and drums, but aside from that, no complaints. Good stuff indeed...
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