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Everything posted by NNY

  1. I don't think anyone was clamoring for Nero in the first place.
  2. http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=161ixqw&s=5 No Blackheart/Magneto/Storm spamming in the teaser? Faaaaaaaaaake.
  3. You're right. Exclusive to the site. This article would still feel more legit if it were on IGN or something.
  4. McC2 is so imbalanced that it eventually balances itself out. I'm not going to believe this news until I see it reported on another site. Somehow, I really doubt that Capcom would make this 360 exclusive. A lot of Street Fighter and the VS series's fanbase are PS3 owners. Cautiously optimistic still.
  5. It is a new thing
  6. This has actually been addressed. http://forums.sega.com/showthread.php?t=312594 This is so weird.....Sega's actually listening to us....
  7. If you accept calling Dr. Robotnik as "Eggman" because it was his original Japanese name, then you must also accept that Ozzie, Flea, and Slash in Chrono Trigger are called Vinegar, Soysau, and Mayonnai.
  8. Anyone else going? This is your last chance to see them as they are because Kayo is leaving the band in March.
  9. That comic is terrible.
  10. Yes. Each BlazBlue character took roughly two to three months to draw.
  11. This one better have Dr. Robotnik and not Eggman.
  12. http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=5326
  13. I'm hoping for that too. But I think the reason why it hasn't been done yet is the same reason the GBA Mega Man collection never came out. The code for most GB games were simply not kept around. Although I'm pretty sure GBA downloads are pretty possible.
  14. Well blow me down. Sega is making an effort to not rape my childhood. http://blogs.sega.com/usa/2010/01/15/project-needlemouse-character-countdown-finale-and-concept-art/ That's right, Sonic, and only Sonic. None of this Shadow the Hedgehog, Blaze the Cat, Faggot the Woodchuck, Poochie the Dog bullshit. Remember Badniks? Well, Sega finally did. Look at that. Looks like it had some actual effort put into it. Doesn't look like Sonic Team thought "Oh yeah, he makes robots." and shat out some piece of shit Phantom Menace reject. Sonic cycle status: Phase 1 Normally, we're on phase 2 at this point. So we know the art direction and character list will be great. Sonic Team has just the two most important aspects to get right: Level design and controls. I don't want another "Hold Right The Game."
  15. Wait, don't GBA/DS use flash?
  16. Most of the films listed in this thread aren't obscure. The obvious answer here is The American Astronaut. Trailer: http://www.americanastronaut.com/soundtrack/ Best way to describe it is as a space cowboy musical.
  17. Disney fairytales are still pretty sanitized. Hell, even Grimm's versions of the fairytale stories are distilled from their original form. Also, Walt Disney was originally going to do a movie based off of John Carter of Mars instead of Snow White. Imagine how different history would be if he did that. There is an adaptation of John Carter of Mars in preproduction by Pixar, although I think they're gonna use a different studio name to avoid backlash against any unsuitable content for children.
  18. If it weren't for the picture of Commando Man, I would have thought he looked completely different.
  19. Tank Man was his original name, but they changed it because they
  20. Ha ha. Six pages in and no mention of VAN CANTO.
  21. Fuck these Al Gore cases. I want those old school Sega Genesis boxes back. Those were kick ass.
  22. Got up at 3am, spiritually died at 4am.
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