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Everything posted by NNY

  1. That is really kick ass and I wish I had some extra cash to spare. I would totally have donated the $30 for a physical copy. I just bought Kind of Blue at a used book store a couple weeks ago too.
  2. Because youtube comments is a credible source....
  3. I guess I am getting a bit too defensive about it. I should stop... ....you didn't like Justice League!?!?
  4. I'm saying that they seem like they're for children on the surface, but actually tell amazing stories with great character progression. The Brave and the Bold is very colorful and is a fun show. Remember that? Fun for fun's sake? And its "peace," by the way.
  5. You're unfamiliar with Batman's HAMMERS OF JUSTICE.
  6. It was his eye, and that was in The Dark Knight Returns.
  7. Batman: The Brave and the Bold is as "kiddie" as The Wind Waker.
  8. Well that's pretty ignorant. One of the great things about Batman is his timelessness and different interpretations. I the love dark, grim, gritty side of things and The Dark Knight was amazing, but after all that, its refreshing to see a Batman who smiles while punching Zebra Man in the face while spouting one liners.
  9. You could be in a smaller room with Nobuo Uematsu for an extra $100? Imagine the things he'd do to you for an extra $300. Like make you a Time Mage hat.
  10. For the last time. Chowder and Flapjack are not getting canceled.
  11. The Game Boy Advance Micro wasn't so much of a failed product as it was a last cash grab for the dying system. The unit itself is actually rather nice.
  12. Pretty much everyone should be hooked after this.
  13. Cromartie High School.
  14. Its a show that while it can appeal to children, it's jammed pack full of references that only real DC fans will ever catch. Giant homages and most of all, good clean Dick Sprang style fun. You're probably too young to remember the silver age. Also, it has the best version of AQUAMAN in any comic/show/movie/radio/fruit pies ad of all time. That's right, AQAUAMAN. If anyone hates Aquaman, seeing any episode of Brave and the Bold with him will change their mind. Someone uploaded one of his best episodes on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1PoZUTaDGs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbjgU2auoSs&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhKlzUqiCGg&feature=related Watch it before it gets taken down.
  15. ...what has become of Scooby Doo?
  16. You forget Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
  17. Superjail episodes are only ten minutes long. Give one a try. http://www.adultswim.com/video/?episodeID=8a2505951cdc9ec2011ce2004402001b It just oozes of Tex Avery.
  18. Yes and no. Flash is still relatively new. While it doesn't hold a candle to classic cel animation, I believe the really good stuff is to come in about ten years. Case in point: Superjail is done entirely in flash and its the most fluid cartoon since Tex Avery. Plus, its cheap as hell to make. That studio shits gold.
  19. Megas XLR was stopped by the guys who made the show. They couldn't think think of anywhere else to go. And Tim and Eric is the best damn show on Adult Swim. But that's for another thread. ANYWAY. This is where the leak comes from: http://boards.adultswim.com/adultswim/board/message?board.id=3&thread.id=704645&jump=true This douchebag is getting his information from "a friend of a friend." Why is everyone taking this shit seriously?
  20. Brown Bears post in this thread. Happy birthday, old chum!
  21. Oh that's right. I was looking forward to that too. I think a key to releasing these projects is to not announce it until you are about to release it. That way you don't have to fake your death or legalities when you find out just how mediocre you are.
  22. Didn't the guy who was working on that Goldeneye CS mod/remake fake his death? This reminds me of that.
  23. Is there still room for me? Can you join two or more groups? And a question about the demo itself, can I only deathmatch with friends? I'm not connecting with other players. My gamertag and CU sn is CoolHandTomas
  24. You might as well make an Ultimate Showdown game.
  25. That's probably one of my favorite remixes. It's too bad Nintendo didn't buy Paradigm from THQ. They coulda done something great.
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