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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Sure. We have 24 people now. If anyone else wants to sign up, you have to make sure you get other people to sign up with you, because we'll need 32 people. EDIT: 26 now. need 6 more people
  2. I have a plan for that. Don't worry about it for now. As for Fake Man, please pick another first choice. I'd like to stick with the traditional Robot Masters. Also, Proto Man is not a Robot Master. Come on guys. :\
  3. I think he's just saying that WillRock is just really really good. Don't read too much into it.
  4. I was so disappointed that Devastus was knocked out in the first round of GMRB, his song was awesome.
  5. Dark Horse Comics launched their digital comics store today. https://digital.darkhorse.com/ Dark Horse is known for publishing a lot of scifi/fantasy comics, like Hellboy, Umbrella Academy, Star Wars, Conan, Buffy, Firefly/Serenity, etc. Of particular interest is their series of Mass Effect comics. They've published two Mass Effect mini-series written by writers involved with the games, so if you're a fan of that series, you should check them out. They're pretty good, and actually tie into the games pretty well. They have a lot of free issues available too.
  6. Stay on topic folks. This is not a Castlevania thread.
  7. I'm serious. If you're running the server, make sure your mods are not banning people vindictively. Not trying to be a hard-ass about this. Just need assurances that it'll get fixed.
  8. Knock it off and fix how you run the OCR server, or don't call it the OCR server anymore. Get back on topic. The topic being Minecraft.
  9. To be honest, with everything else I have to do (on top of organizing this competition), I just don't have the time to devote to writing earnestly competitive remixes twice a month.
  10. FYI the title of this mix needs to be all lowercase. Adjust tags as necessary.
  11. Alright, so I've been asked to get involved here, because the server claims to be OCR's Minecraft server. If this is how you guys are going to operate your Minecraft server, you need to disassociate it from OCR. It can't be OCR's minecraft server if you're going to have vindictive retaliation bans on legit, donating members who are only guilty of things by association. That's not something you can put OCR's name on, sorry. It's also insanely rude to advertise the OCR server as "Brushfire free." Knock that shit off right now. Similarly, if you have the channel #ocrminecraft, you can't just ban people for asking questions about mods installed on the server. If you're claiming to be an OCR channel, you can't do things like that. :\ Also, specifically to Brushfire: stop calling Gman a bitch. It's immature and uncalled for, and you can knock that shit off right now.
  12. They're not changing the standard weapons, they're just using the standard weapons as placeholders for items that will have the new stats/effects.
  13. There's a lot more material in Portal 2 than there is in Portal. If you got 12 hours of enjoyment out of that game, you'll get a lot more out of the second one.
  14. It's a coincidence. Halc's mix is great, but it's not a remix from Water. Not that that's a bad thing. Having more FFV remixes—album or not—is always a good thing. Water is coming along. Got some progress on some pieces. I realize everyone's anxious; I'll try to step it up.
  15. http://www.thinkwithportals.com/comic/ Should read that.
  16. Um...there were plenty of opportunities to pick this game up for something like 35-45 bucks before it even came out. I mean obviously the game will drop in price or go on sale again, as all PC games do, but it's kind of silly to lament the price point of a game that just came out last week; never mind the fact that it's well worth 50 dollars as it is now anyway.
  17. Today is the 72nd anniversary of the publication of Detective Comics #27, most notable for featuring the first appearance of Batman. It's Batman's birthday! Holy caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!
  18. Dark Man isn't a Robot Master. Please post another 4th choice.
  19. Last year Valve rolled out an update to Portal which extended the final scene by about 30 seconds, showing Chell being dragged back into Aperature Science's facility by some robots with German accents. "Please assume ze party escort position."
  20. Did all the co-op today. Really fantastic puzzles.
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