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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Don't post big images. Post links to big images.
  2. Welcome to OverClocked ReMix's > CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FULL ARCHIVE FOR THIS YEAR'S COMPETITION [285 MB ZIP] < Introduction The year is 2011, and the Robot Masters of the world have once again come together in order to fight for supremacy, but not with elemental abilities! No! They've decided to fight with a more potent weapon: PHAT BEATS, WAILIN' GUITARS, and OTHER SIMILARLY EPICALLY DESCRIBED MUSICAL ELEMENTS. So begins OCR's second annual Grand Robot Master Remix Battle! Current News The mixing and voting stages for the Final Battle have ended. WillRock wins! Congratulations! Join the social group to see voting history. Brackets Voting and Results Voting takes place at the GRMRB social group, here on the forums. Things to keep in mind when voting: You are required to vote in each battle taking place during the round. If you don't, none of your votes will be counted for that round. You are not required to vote in battles that have a competitor advancing by default. You are required to make an actual decision between two competitors for each battle, meaning, you cannot declare a draw or a tie. This will be counted as not voting and your other votes for other battles will not be counted. You are not required to give detailed reasons as to why you voted the way you did. However, artists always appreciate comments about their music, so consider leaving some feedback anyway. When voting, consider three things: how well the mix is made from a technical standpoint, the enjoyability of the mix, and—most importantly—how well the mix arranges both source tunes. Post the name of the remixer you're voting for in boldface text. Post only once in each voting thread. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote. Submission All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. File names must be in the following format: Remixer - Title (Remixer's Robot Master vs. Opponent Robot Master).mp3 Example: DarkeSword - Snow Problem (Blizzard Man vs. Cold Man).mp3 Please note that the robot master names are two words (e.g. Blizzard Man, not Blizzardman). Also note that versus is abbreviated with a period (e.g. Blizzard Man vs. Cold Man, not Blizzard Man vs Cold Man). Your artist name and mix title can be whatever capitalization you want but the robot master names must be capitalized properly (e.g. Blizzard Man, not blizzard man). Properly formatted file names make it much easier for me to tag everything properly, which ensures good, consistent metadata on all the files that will be distributed to voters. If you can, strip all ID3 tags from your file before you send it to me, because I redo all the tags anyway. You must adhere to this file name standard. If you don't, I will seriously consider disqualifying you, and I don't think anyone wants to be disqualified just because they couldn't name their file properly. Last competition I got really cryptic file names like gmrb2wip.mp3 and frost.mp3, and that kind of crap is unacceptable. I like running these competitions, so please don't make the grunt work a pain in the neck for me. Badges These are the official bracket badges for this year's GRMRB. Show your bracket pride! Remix Archives The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2010 - Final Release The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2011 - Final Release FAQ How does it work? You, the remixer, choose any Robot Master from Mega Man 1-6 (NES), Mega Man 7 (SNES), Mega Man 8 (PSX), Mega Man 9-10 (DLC), Mega Man and Bass (SNES/GBA), or Mega Man Powered Up (PSP). Choose wisely, because this will be your Robot Master throughout the entire tournament. Once all competitors choose their Robot Masters, they'll be matched up with an opponent. When the round begins, remixers will have one week to write a "VS. Remix;" that is to say, a remix featuring the themes of their own Robot Master and their opponent's Robot Master. When the round ends, a public voting period of one week will be conducted for each battle. Voters should consider production, enjoyability, and how well the piece incorporates both themes. Like last year's Grand Maverick Remix Battle, this year's tournament will be single-elimination, with two brackets competing on alternating weeks to make things manageable. There will be a Mega Man Bracket and a Proto Man Bracket. So do I just pick a Robot Master? Is it first-come-first-served? I'll be doing a draft again for Robot Master selection. If you're planning on participating, please post a list of five Robot Masters you're interested in claiming, in the order of preference. Once everyone posts their lists, I'll go through and assign everyone their first-pick, resolving any conflicts with a coin-toss and moving down the lists as necessary. You will only be assigned one Robot Master for the competition. I don't mind if people really want to claim Robot Masters from last year's competition (especially the ones eliminated in earlier rounds), but I'd really prefer it if people picked other songs to remix, for variety's sake. Here's a list of last year's Robot Masters: Time Man, Metal Man, Galaxy Man, Slash Man, Tornado Man, Stone Man, Magnet Man, Cold Man, Wood Man, Plant Man, Heat Man, Ground Man, Flash Man, Cut Man, Bubble Man, Magma Man. When does it start? The draft/recruitment period will last two weeks, so tell your friends and get people to participate! I'm shooting for 16 remixers, but if we get 24 or 32 that'd be phenomenal. Once we have the minimum amount, I'll gauge how much more interest there is and go from there. We should be starting for sure around mid-May. I'm not a remixer but I want to take part somehow. What can I do to help? We need sigs and artwork and stuff, so if you're good with the Photoshops, that'd be a big help. What about Mega Man X/Legends/Battle Network/Zero/ZX? This tournament is limited to the the main Classic series games. Can I be Dr. Wily/Dark Man/Dr. Cossack/Mr. X? Those guys aren't Robot Masters, so no, sorry. No intro stages either. What if we think Blackberries are stupid? This is company-wide, Dwight.
  3. It's getting more blatant, but American music has been about sex since for decades. There comes a point in everyone's life where they listen to songs on the radio and realize, "Oh, they're singing about banging. Huh."
  4. Wacky, this is a music site. Threads about music/songwriters/artists don't go in Off-Topic, they go in Community.
  5. We have a Recruitment forum for this kind of thing. Also I merged your old thread with this one. No need to make another thread.
  6. No, people need to mark their spoilers. The game just came out this week. Guys, if you're posting any story/game spoilers, make sure you white out your text or clearly mark them as spoilers.
  7. I knocked out the entire single player campaign last night. What a wonderful game. The story was really something else. I love all the new elements too, like the light bridges, gravity tunnels, lasers, and paints.
  8. Nintendo didn't make Other M. Team Ninja made it.
  9. Pretty cool, but I think I still prefer the flash version. GM soundbank without any delay effect makes it really dry, and it's not like I can pipe this into FLStudio or anything.
  10. Does OCR still have a KF server?
  11. Kremlings are in Super Mario Strikers.
  12. http://www.earslap.com/projectslab/otomata?q=0o6h4h4u The more I play with this the more I want to hook it into FLStudio and mess with my own samples. :\ VST MIDI controller version cannot come soon enough.
  13. Opinions are fine. Just be prepared for disagreement.
  14. Oh please. The last straw? What are you going to do? Boycott it? It's already been scheduled for a release on Tuesday. If people play the Potato Sack games and get it released earlier than that, how is that a bad thing? You don't have to do a goddamn thing if you don't want. I'm pretty sure the rest of the internet will take care of it and you'll get your precious Portal 2 earlier than expected anyway. And to be perfectly honest, the cross-promotion is great because it's an awesome way to promote really good games that people might not have known about or had been on the fence about before. Seriously, pick up Rush or The Ball. Both of them are fantastic, and if you're really jonesing for some Portal stuff, definitely get The Ball, because it's got an entire hour-long free DLC map pack that features 7 Aperture Science test chambers with original GladOS dialogue. Rush has extra puzzles with GladOS dialogue and companion cubes too. There are more games out there than just Portal. How is Valve encouraging you to check out some awesome indie titles a bad thing? You're just as bad as those awful whiny people who complained about Valve making Left 4 Dead 2. Honestly, the sense of entitlement some people have baffles me.
  15. caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake
  16. (using equations in posts + 4) / (pie)^(1/3) = banana
  17. I use presets all the time.
  18. Looks cool. I will check it out.
  19. It's not lost. I haven't started it yet. It'll happen soon.
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