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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. The punchline is that what he's playing is in 4/4 time.
  2. oh my god that was hilarious haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xD
  3. Nope. That right belongs to the Glorious Pretzel.
  4. "So uh...what's this thing with you and the blanket?"
  5. I'm not arguing GIMP vs. Photoshop anything. I'm just pointing out that you shouldn't exclude making icons from "high-end graphics projects." What do you think graphic designers do? A lot of graphic designers make logos, UI elements, website graphics, application icons, etc. This stuff isn't Art™. It's not a metaphor for the human condition. It's a picture of a pencil being used for an edit button. That's what pays. It's just like music; you'll make far more money scoring commercials and writing jingles than you will selling your Concerto in D Minor. But anyway, odds are if you're serious about graphic design, you should be buying a copy of Photoshop anyway, because yes, it is industry standard, and yes, you're going to be using it for work. Most people who pirate Photoshop are not graphic designers, and most of those people don't need to be using the "industry standard." They can get by with GIMP. Hell they can get by with Paint.NET. To be perfectly honest, they can probably get by with some of those online image editing apps.
  6. Please keep in mind that we won't just use a generic flash player and run the streaming off our own servers. The idea is to upload OCR's catalog to an outside service so that we don't eat through all of our bandwidth when people decide they only want to stream remixes.
  7. ROFL http://stockicons.com/collections People make icons in Photoshop (with special .ico plugins) and they sell them for a lot of money. Creating icons is just another part of graphic design, and is especially useful in user-interface development. .ico files in particular can contain multiple versions of the same images, specially tweaked for different icon sizes. That's why a lot of icons don't look poorly resampled when you scale them down from 32x32 to 16x16; there are actually multiple images in the file. And no, you don't make icons in Paint. Paint doesn't natively support the .ico format. Renaming a .bmp to .ico doesn't actually make it an icon file. It's just a bitmap that Windows will display a resampled thumbnail for.
  8. I don't know why anyone would ban Meeting_Gman. She's a very pleasant player. EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT SHE IS CONSTANTLY KILLING ME
  9. You missed the point of my post. I'm trying to show you guys that if Watchmen has got you interested in comics, that's a good guide to what to read next.
  10. I think you guys should stop aiming for a higher rank and start fighting over an arbitrary middle rank. Something like "who can stay #12 for the longest?"
  11. After Watchmen, What's Next?
  12. The great part about all of this is that DC isn't pushing the idea of this replacement being permanent. It's a very interesting way of telling the story of a hero's death. As far as the characters like Dick, Alfred, and Tim know, Bruce is dead. But we the readers know he's alive--and not in that "comic-book-deaths-are-never-permanent" nudge nudge wink wink kind of way; DC has actually committed the fact that Bruce is alive to the page (specifically the LAST page of Final Crisis). They even said definitively before Batman RIP started that "Batman isn't going to die." Knowing that Bruce will eventually return may ruin it for some people; "what's the point?" they ask. But I think of it as a blessing. We can enjoy the story of this "succession war" without letting the whole "BRUCE WAYNE IS THE ONLY BATMAN HNNNNGH" idea ruin it. And linkspast, if you want to read it, hit up your Local Comic Shop and pick it up. If you don't have an LCS, check a local bookstore like Borders or Barnes & Noble; they often have a comicbook rack near the magazine section.
  13. "I'm not hurting anyone by downloading something I wouldn't have bought anyway." Then why are you downloading it?
  14. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Battle for the Cowl begins tomorrow. Check out the first five pages over at IGN Comics. Who is leaving the notes that say "I AM BATMAN?" Where is Nightwing's backup!? Does Robin really not have a crush on Squire?! FIND OUT THE ANSWERS (and more!) TOMORROW!
  15. Peter Parker didn't originally have organic web-shooters, and he doesn't have them now.
  16. Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread. Really.
  17. Thanks to all the engineers last night who built their sentries right around corners, making them susceptible to a circle-strafing flame thrower, thereby indulging my rampaging pyroness.
  18. Wacky if you're looking for GOOD Spider-man stuff to read, check out Ultimate Spider-man. It takes Peter back to his roots and sort of streamlines years and years of Spider-man continuity. It also helps that only one writer has been on the title for something like 11-12 years; it's incredibly consistent. Once it relaunches with the upcoming Volume 2 (after all this ridiculously stupid ULTIMATUM crap), it will probably be the first and only Marvel book I actually pick up every month, and this is coming from a die-hard DC fan.
  19. Thanks to all the medics last night who indulged my rampaging pyroness.
  20. svchost is a generic process used for a lot of different stuff. It's not uncommon to have a ton of them running in Vista. Prophet is right. You need external heat to keep your computer running? Sounds like your hardware is on the fritz.
  21. No, we're not going to sticky this. Also, a thread already existed, so I merged this with your old thread and put the contents of your post in your first post.
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