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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Threads about games go in Community, not Off-Topic. Merged this with the existing Crisis Core thread.
  2. GBC doesn't have a slot for DS games.
  3. Hey guys, there's this thing called a shift button, you should try it.
  4. Wrong. Threads like these are not only allowed, they're encouraged. Yes, we want people to try new genres and expand their tastes, which is why we have no in-site navigation function that pigeonholes music into specific genres. We don't decide what genre a piece falls under; that's not our call. Conversely, we don't have artists define the genre either, because we control the database and we're not about to fill it up with the thousand-and-one obscure genres that artists would specify (thereby defeating the purpose of genre-classification entirely). We've always allowed threads like this to exist for all different styles: piano, orchestral, remixes with vocals, really high-energy music, etc. Making threads like this encourages discussion and does broaden people's musical tastes because of how subjective and wonderfully inaccurate genres can be. Case-in-point: I'd never recommend Ancient Hero or Space Drifter to anyone looking for new age remixes; one is orchestral, the other is some kind of weird synth-rock-jazz-whatever fusion; but clearly Flare4War thinks it's a good fit for what's being asked for. There's absolutely nothing wrong with these kinds of threads, and I would really appreciate it if you didn't try to discourage people from posting their recommendations in them.
  5. Yeah I really don't understand that either. :\
  6. Maybe, but then again, #666 is just a possible future. Who knows? Maybe Lane will rise above that.
  7. This was revealed one week ago and hasn't made the rounds. What you posted has been floating around for a couple of weeks and has been posted on the big game news sites. Nice try though.
  8. "The last few weeks" translates to "old" in internet time. Good effort though.
  9. Emulation customization script that allows you to move objects in Super Mario Bros. around with a mouse in-game during play. http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2009/03/drag_and_drop_super_mario.html
  10. Coming up tomorrow is the first issue of one of the side-story mini-series, Azrael: Death's Dark Knight. You might remember in the 90s, DC tried this whole Batman-replacement thing before with a fellow by the name of Jean-Paul Valley, aka Azrael. After Bruce Wayne reclaimed the mantle, JPV worked under Batman as Azrael, and had his own ongoing series, at the end of which he died. However, it seems as though the Order of St. Dumas--or at least, a splinter sect known as the Order of Purity--feels as though there should be a new Azrael, so they steal the Suit of Sorrows from the Batcave (given to Bruce by Talia al Ghul in a recent issue of Detective Comics) and go about finding someone to wear it. Here are some relevant links! Solicit @ Comixology Preview @ IGN Comics Interview with writer Fabian Nicieza Enjoy!
  11. You're telling me to try different characters, but then you recommend Shotos? Sorry, but I try to avoid the traditional Shotos when I play Street Fighter. I can play Ryu, Ken, and Akuma just fine. I have no problem playing shotos. Everyone can play shotos. I always try to get away from that. That's why I play Gouken; he's very different. And really, try playing charge characters with a thumbstick or d-pad. It's not easy. I'm sure it's much better with a joystick, but I can't get one.
  12. I main Gouken and El Fuerte, but I've been trying to learn Gen lately. It's very frustrating when I switch styles and can't pull off his Oga, which is basically the entire reason you switch to that style. It's the same key combo as a Spinning Bird Kick, but the input windows in SF4 are so unforgiving that it's impossible to pull it off in the heat of battle.
  13. I've just gotten kind of frustrated with the wonky input windows for special/super/ultra moves and the inconsistent difficulty levels across the board; going up against wrestler characters is really draining when they constantly grab you and hit you with massive amounts of damage.
  14. Aside from quick pick-up-and-plays, I think I'm pretty much done with this game.
  15. "Batch process" basically means running the process on multiple files in one go, rather than running it separately for each and every one.
  16. It's important to embed on OCR itself because the web-player acts as a preview; people will be able to click play to listen to the song, then they can decide if they want to download it. From a user-interface point of view, it doesn't make sense to send someone to another site entirely just to get a preview of the song. We want to keep users here, not send them away.
  17. To be fair, 6/8 is often used in heavily syncopated pieces where the beat division changes. In a lot of latin folk music, you'll get that alternating "1-and-a 2-and-a 1-and 2-and 3-and" feel. "America" from West Side Story is probably the most famous example of this. So when he says that 6/8 and 3/4 are similar, he's correct. They are similar, in that they each have 6 eighth notes to a measure. Beat division in Sagat's Theme is tricky, but it goes (in sets of eighth notes) 2-2-2-2-2-3-2-2-3-2. You can break it down in to one set of 2-2-2-2, which is just a measure of 4/4, and then two sets of 2-3-2, which is two measures of 7/8 (or one measure of 7/4). That means you could PROBABLY say that Sagat's theme is in 11/4.
  18. Original is one of my favorite songs. Used to play Isolated Island for hours just to listen to this. Cool remix. Submit it please.
  19. I'm not so sure about Tim becoming Batman. I think that Dick Grayson, especially with the lightness he's been showing in his final issues of Nightwing, really illustrates what kind of Batman he'll be. Anyway I guess I should post my thoughts on Battle #1: Overall I thought it was great. Daniel really hit the ground running with the writing and art. I'm glad he made Tim the POV character. I feel like he's always been the most perceptive of the Batboys, able to read people and empathize more. Tim in the yellow-oval suit was a nice callback to the suit Bruce wore when Tim became Robin. As for Dick, I can see how the pressure of being the head of the family is really getting to him. Poor guy; Bruce is dead and already some yutz is running around as a gun-toting Batman (Bad Jason!). His interactions with Damien was interesting in that he just doesn't put up with Damien's crap. I think the "first sons" are going to make a great team in the future. Speaking of Damien: using the Bat-mobile to pick up chicks?! How old are you again?! Art was fantastic. Lots of action, great angles and composition. Looking forward to the second act. -- I'm going to save my thoughts on Gotham Gazette until #2 comes out at the end of Cowl; I liked it, but I don't feel like there was enough material to warrant any kind of written reaction. -- In any case, I've set up a chatroom for comics talk! Anyone is welcome to drop by so long as you've got an open mind and don't hate on stuff for stupid reasons. We can talk about DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, pretty much any print comics. Join usssss: irc://irc.slacknet.org/comicshop
  20. Or alternatively you can use it to sort of mess with a waltz feeling people are expecting; a measure of 3/4, a measure of 2/4. There's a lovely jazz piece called Decoupage by the Stan Kenton Orchestra that plays with that a little. Even Take Five's classic piano line's first three beats makes you think of a jazz waltz. I love all those time signatures like 5/4, 7/8, 7/4, etc. A lot of fun to play with.
  21. Dunno why you're mentioning Pandora; that's a music-suggestion service. They don't have any kind of "upload your music and share it" functionality.
  22. I doubt you'll see any kind of MvC remake. Capcom hasn't had the Marvel license for a while. The fanboy in me yearns for 3rd Strike HD Remix. SHOBU DAAAAAAAAaaaaa
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